India is the birthplace of the hydrophilic pinnatifida (or peristonadresis). The uniqueness of the plant lies in the original carved leaves.
It was brought to us recently. It was only in 2010 that it appeared on the open market, and until then it was very difficult to purchase, although the hygrophilous peristadis is absolutely unpretentious plant that does not require special and complex care when growing.
Hygrophilus is an aquarium plant. Its uniqueness and the main difference from aquatic flora is that it has an original structure. It is carved curly leaves that are able to change their color depending on the conditions of existence, distinguish the hygrophil from the abundance of other vegetation.
Leaves can be in green with shades of dark orange and brown, and their back side - from pink to rich burgundy.
Where is used
The plant hygrophil peristadnorezannaya is actively used in the design of aquariums and decorative pools. In artificial water areas, it grows very slowly and has a maximum height of 20 cm, in the natural environment of existence it can grow up to 40 cm.
Slowed plant growth is a very good factor for the design of aquariums, because the original design idea will be durable.
The hyphrophilus of pinnathiphyde is most often located in the middle of a large aquarium or in the corners and under the wall. In addition, the plant can grow both in soil and on snags and stones.
Small aquariums also adorn them. If the hygrophilous peristadis cut grows above water level, then the leaves are cut to it.
This plant is also unique in that the quantity and quality of lighting in no way affects its growth, unlike most other vegetation. Therefore, you should not maintain dim light in the aquarium so that the plant does not grow.
How to care
The aquarium hygrophilic plant is peristadadrezannaya does not require special care, because in the natural habitat in its homeland is considered weed grass and grows in various conditions. However, India is a country where the waters of its waters are warm, so the temperature should be maintained in the aquarium from 22 to 27 degrees.
Also, the Hygrophila Pinnatifida plant can grow and develop normally in hard water, but the favorable conditions for its existence are just a soft liquid, for which the acid balance should be increased. Usually a little peat is added to the filter, which helps to reduce alkalinity.
In vivo, the hygrophil grows in bright or moderate light. However, as shown by the many years of experience of aquarists, the plant is able to grow normally in a dark environment. But with abundant lighting, it does not rise upwards, but expels more side shoots.
When planting a plant, special attention should be paid to the quality and quantity of soil, because hygrophils have a weak root system. Therefore, it is recommended to make substrates, the best option would be a sand base with an admixture of gravel.
The plant reacts poorly to water hardness and the addition of various trace elements, fertilizers and carbon dioxide. But a lack of potassium can cause weakening of the hygrophil, which is revealed in the falling off of leaves. The first alarming bell will be the appearance of holes on the foliage, after which the plant drops it.
In a greenhouse with a high percentage of humidity, a hygrophil can also grow normally, only it does not stretch up, but becomes more powerful, with characteristic wide leaves. Moreover, the daughter shoots of plants grown on land can grow and multiply normally in the aquatic environment.
How to breed
Hygrophilous pinnatiphida propagates by processes that appear on the side, then give roots and are able to grow independently after planting.
However, it is necessary to monitor the number of daughter plants, because in excess they can harm the mother.
Most often, in an aquarium, a hygrophil is planted in groups and, if necessary, leaves protruding from the water are cut. But a single plant will multiply faster if there is enough potassium in the water.
Basically, a hygrophile is a unique and unpretentious exotic plant that will not only be a permanent decoration of any aquarium, but will also be able to remind of the waters of the ocean even to those who have never been there.
However, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and other conditions of detention, otherwise the overseas guest will simply die.