When working with text in Microsoft Word, it is often necessary to replace one word with another. And it is not difficult if there are 2 or 3 such words. But if there are more than a few dozen of them and they are distributed throughout the text, this becomes a problem. Her solution is to use the built-in replacement tool in Word. There are 5 ways to use it.
Replacement window
It consists of 3 tabs for related tools, 2 fields for entering text and 5 buttons: “More / Less”, “Replace”, “Replace All”, “Find Next” and “Cancel”.
The first text box is for entering the word or character that you want to change. The second is its replacement.
The More button is used to control the search parameters of the replaced word in the text and change the parameters of the replacement word (font, paragraph, highlighting, etc.).
The Replace button changes one nearest word following the cursor. Replace All scans the entire document and changes all words that match the search criteria. The "Find Next" button allows you to "go over" the found words. The Cancel button closes the Replace window.
Method number 1: replacement in the "Word" 2003 using the menu
In order to replace one word with another in this version of the editor, you need to run the following algorithm:
- In the standard menu bar, select Edit> Replace.
- In the window that opens, fill in the lines.
- Click "Replace" or "Replace All."
- Close the window and check the result.
Method number 2: Using the Word 2007 and 2010 toolbar ribbon
To use this replacement technique in Word, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:
- go to the "Home" tab.
- on the right side of the tape in the "Editing" block, click on the "Replace" button.
- repeat steps 2,3,4 of the first method.
Method number 3: Using the status bar in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010
To replace the word in Word throughout the text, you can use another sequence of actions:
- on the status bar (located at the bottom of the editor window) find the inscription "Page" and click on it;
- in the window that opens, go to the "Replace" tab;
- perform 2,3,4 points of the first replacement method.
In the 2003 version, to use this technique, you must double-click the letters "Page" with the left mouse button.
Method number 4: using the keyboard in Word 2003 and 2007
Sometimes when switching the keyboard layout using the Shift + Alt keychain or by accidentally pressing it, Russian letters appear next to all the buttons of the editor. This is the second way to control the program from the keyboard. The advantage of this method over the standard “hot keys” is that the keys must not be pressed simultaneously, but sequentially. Also, using this method, you can use editor functions for which hotkeys are not assigned.
To use this method, you need:
- press the keys in the following sequence: Alt> I> N;
- complete the last 3 points from the first method.
This method is also relevant for other versions of Word, but the sequence may differ from the specified one. For example, in the 2003 version, the “Replace” window opens after the combination Alt> R> Z.
Theoretically, this way of managing the editor in conjunction with the study of the purpose of special keys (Insert, Home, etc.) allows you to almost completely abandon the use of the mouse.
Method number 5: universal using "hot keys"
This technique appeared back in 1995, along with Windows 95 and WinWord text editor for her. The Ctrl + H key combination is responsible for invoking the replacement window. The same window is also called by a couple of "hotkeys": Ctrl + F and F5. But these buttons call the functions "Find" and "Go" adjacent to the "Replace" in the Word.
Also, any of the above methods can remove extra spaces and pages from the text. To do this, in the line for the replaced word you need to press "Space" twice, and for the replacement word - once.
There are many ways to replace the word in Word throughout the text. Therefore, each user of this editor will be able to choose the most convenient method for him.