All dogs get sick sooner or later. No one is safe from this. Chihuahua dogs are also affected. What diseases do we know? These can be various diseases of the eyes, ears, musculoskeletal system, indigestion. The emergence of an incomprehensible origin of itching, coughing and much more ... It is not always possible to predict one or another ailment. But, of course, you can try to prevent the development of the disease in more complex forms and help the pet cope with the disease.
First signs
To correctly understand what kind of disease has manifested, it is necessary to carefully monitor its main symptoms. The first sign is high fever. If it is increased, this is the first signal that not everything is in order. By the way, the normal temperature of the dog is 38-39 degrees.
The second alarm is vomiting, diarrhea. Next, pay attention to the discharge from the eyes, nose, ears. Things are bad if the dog refuses to eat and there is weight loss. Itching, parasites, and seizures of a different nature, ranging from seizures to lameness, may still appear.
How are Chihuahua dogs sick?
For chuhuahua, eye diseases are very characteristic, since this breed has a shortened skull. With his injuries, eyes can fall out, since they last only centuries. Also, this breed is characterized by dental diseases. Often there is dandruff on the skin.
Consider some of the ailments in more detail.
Eye features
The eyes are watery, cloudy, their animal rubs, redness appeared, and maybe dryness. These are the first signs indicating that the dog is sick. In this case, you can’t hesitate, you must immediately go to the veterinarian's appointment. You can’t cope without a doctor, but you can only do more harm and start the disease to such an extent that it will be very difficult to get out.
And even worse, complications and side effects can begin. A rapid turn of events can even lead to loss of vision. And you certainly can’t self-medicate. Wipe with saline or use ointment only as directed by a doctor. Naturally, the dog needs to be reassured, possibly given sedatives.
Another Chihuahua Eye Disease
Progressive retinal atrophy is a hereditary disease that appears after four years of age. This disease can lead to blindness. Symptoms of such a disease often manifest themselves as follows: the dog begins to stumble on objects, behaves insecurely. Other signs are the fear of a sharp drop in light, the lack of movement near the eyes. It could be a cataract. It is better to consult an ophthalmologist who will help establish the correct diagnosis.
Stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder
One of the most common diseases in Chihuahuas is urolithiasis.
The name of the disease speaks for itself. Stones form in the urinary and excretory organs. The kidneys and bladder can become the place where formations of different origin appear. In relation to this Chihuahua disease, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a dog examination, pass urine, blood tests, and also undergo ultrasound examinations. And already on the basis of the results of analyzes and studies, it is necessary to apply this or that treatment. You will need a special diet food. The causes of the appearance of stones and sand in the dog’s organs are, first of all, nutrition, which does not always correspond to the physiological needs of a Chihuahua.
Epileptic seizures
Such a disease in a Chihuahua appears, first of all, at the genetic level, that is, it is considered hereditary. Usually such a diagnosis is a consequence of improper breeding of dogs.
The disease does not appear immediately, but with the maturation of the dog, when puberty begins.
Also, epileptic seizures can be of a different nature, as a result of other complex diseases, neglected or not started treatment at the right time, as complications of other ailments. Such an aggravation of the disease can cause heart disease, poisoning, inflammation, parasites, etc.
Therefore, systematic regular examinations of dogs, preventive tests are so important. If suddenly you see convulsions, seizures, urgently go to the veterinarian, this is the first alarm call. Only then can you take care of your friend’s health.
Poor food
The dog ate something wrong. Diarrhea, vomiting, allergies, redness on the skin, sneezing or any other suspicious reactions began. It could be poisoning. Perhaps she ate a stale product or is allergic to a substance. In this case, specialist assistance is needed.
Viruses and more
Symptomatic viral diseases are very similar to poisoning. The dog has diarrhea, vomiting, there may be a lack of appetite and she does not eat anything.
Mouth ulcers, fever, diarrhea with an admixture of blood. Viruses affect the digestive system. Such symptoms are often accompanied by fever. Timeliness of the established diagnosis is the first step to salvation and recovery. Be careful and responsible for your pet.
Low sugar levels - hypoglycemia
In dogs of miniature breeds, there is a decrease in blood sugar. Such a disease is called hypoglycemia. Small dogs with low weight should have constant access to food and water. They have a very developed metabolism. And so that there is a supply of glycogen in the liver, the pet should not be deficient in food and water. If you nevertheless saw that the dog is sluggish, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, refusal to eat, fainting, cramps, paralysis, apathy appeared, then before the doctor arrives, the sick animal should be given first aid - drink sweet water. Hypoglycemia is very dangerous, even, one might say, a deadly disease. First of all, with such a disease, the brain in dogs begins to suffer. Even your favorite pet treat will not cause him joy.
They didn’t feed on time, the dog froze - these are the factors and circumstances that can lead to such a serious and dangerous disease. A nervous state also affects the situation: a change of owner, a change of housing, constant stress, fear, hunger and even excessive joy. Hypoglycemia prevention is recommended. Here are some suggestions and tips:
- Active pet lifestyle.
- Feeding with a special food with the appropriate composition of carbohydrates, protein, fats, fiber and low sugar.
Your condition and experience are sometimes transferred to your pet, therefore, an urgent request to keep yourself in the hands and not to worry.
It is necessary to plan advance trips to exhibitions, visits to the veterinarian. It is advisable to lessen the load on the pet, but if this can not be avoided, take your favorite dog treat in order to feed her.
Heart diseases
Chihuahuas also suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Due to the fact that this breed has a structural feature of the head, namely a shortened skull, dogs often have respiratory system diseases. And it is against the backdrop of breathing problems and diseases that the dogs of the Chihuahua begin to develop diseases of the cardiovascular system. When a chihuahua begins to stop breathing, retraction of the tongue, then, as a consequence of these causes, there is cardiac arrhythmia, dystonia. Most often, medication is used, and if the case requires it, then surgical interventions are performed.
Teeth hurt
Watching your teeth should always become a habit of the dog owner from the very first day of your communication. Since such a care will provide your pet with dental health until old age for many years of life. If you do not follow your teeth, do not remove tartar in time, then this will be reflected in the future. It is in this breed of dogs that teeth are the most vulnerable spot.
Since the oral cavity is very small, they are planted quite rarely, and all these factors affect the development of diseases such as stomatitis, periodontal disease. Tartar appears, caries. And as a result - serious problems, diseases of the teeth, mouth, the whole body, rapid tooth loss. All these circumstances greatly complicate the life of the dog and its owner.
Musculoskeletal system
We continue to review Chihuahua diseases, symptoms and treatment. Dislocations, injuries when jumping, improper development, age - all this affects the violation of the musculoskeletal system of the Chihuahua. Dislocations of the elbow joint, knee are known. Treatment depends on the severity. Of course, there are violations in the tissues of cartilage, bone. The age of the dog also matters. Anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, restorative complexes, diets and sparing physical activity will help in the recovery and treatment of the pet.
Skin condition
If a dog eats poor food, poor quality water, it may show allergic reactions, especially to dry food. A shampoo that did not fit for some reason can be a source of dandruff on the skin. Also, dandruff can appear not only from inappropriate shampoo, but in most cases from stressful situations. Another cause may be a hair tick. Dandruff, redness, allergic manifestations - this is the first sign that the dog's body lacks vitamins, or rather vitamin A. But in especially severe cases, you will not be able to cope on your own, and vitamin A will not help. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian who will urgently prescribe the correct treatment. Do not deviate from the instructions and recommendations that were prescribed by your doctor.
Reproductive system
Chihuahuas (both males and females) have deviations in sexual development.
In males, the most common phenomenon is cryptorchidism. This is one or two testicles that did not immediately fall. The veterinarian looks and determines how serious the pathology is. If you can do with massages, the use of hormone therapy, then the dog is not operated on. If the pathology is complex, then a special operation is prescribed. Intervention is recommended for up to four years.
Consider pathology in bitches. Due to the fact that the dogs are very small, they have underdevelopment of the genitals, and they can not get pregnant. As a result, they cannot bring offspring. Also, these dogs cannot give birth on their own, so you have to help them with surgical intervention, namely, use a cesarean section. And the Chihuahua has such a psychological feature as impressionability. Due to the stress state, dogs often lose their fetus, that is, they have miscarriages.
We are responsible for those who tamed
This breed is quite ancient. Despite all of the above diseases of the Chihuahua breed, these dogs in most cases have fairly good health. Especially when compared with other thoroughbred individuals.
Chihuahuas are wonderful decorative pets. Such a dog is not only a decoration of your home, but also a good reliable friend. If your pet is sick, you can not postpone the care of his health for a second.
The most basic and first signs of a Chihuahua disease (vomiting, diarrhea, refusal to eat, seizures, dry hot nose, tearing, unnatural behavior, unusual breathing, bad breath) are all signals that the owner is wary, measures the temperature of the pet, and conducts an examination in a veterinary clinic and thus took care of the animal. If the disease is not eliminated at the right time, it can intensify and progress. And then it will be extremely difficult to save the dog. After consulting a veterinarian, it is important to fully adhere to his appointments.
So, we examined what diseases a dog of the Chihuahua breed has. As you can see, there can be many diseases. But in most cases they are associated with small body sizes and with the shape of the skull.