It happens that small rodents get lost and hide somewhere. What to do? How to catch a hamster in an apartment? In no case do not panic, keep calm. The article will give useful recommendations that will help you. The main thing in this business is to be patient.
So, how to catch a runaway hamster? Do not worry! If your rodent is in the apartment, then it is very likely that you will find it. It is possible that you will need for this not a day or two. Try not to make sudden movements, so as not to scare the hamster.
Be sure to close the doors so that the rodent does not run away. Close all the cracks, if any. Do not open windows so that the hamster does not fall out by accident.
As soon as you understand that the rodent is not in the cage, immediately remove other animals (dogs, cats, etc.) from the room. This is necessary so as not to create unnecessary stress for the hamster.
If the hamster escaped from the cage, how to catch? First, examine all the rooms to determine where the rodent is hiding. Usually animals like hamsters hide in warm, dark places. Therefore, look in the area of pipes, batteries. You can also find a rodent behind the washing machine, behind the drawer and more. Therefore, take a flashlight and check all inaccessible places. Also in the search process, pay attention to traces in the form of lost seeds and excrement.
So how to catch a hamster in the house? If you do not know which room the rodent is in, then in each one pour a handful of grain, leave it overnight. Place the food on the skirting boards. There most likely the rodent will find it.
Once you understand where the hamster is, sprinkle handfuls of food throughout this room. So you can understand in which part of the room the hamster lives. Thanks to which you will be able to significantly reduce the search area.
When you have determined which room the hamster is in, it is advisable that no stranger enters it until you catch the rodent. Otherwise, there is a risk that someone will cripple accidentally or step on the animal.
Catching a hamster. Cell use
Next, we turn to the most important in our article. How to catch a runaway hamster in an apartment? Take his cage and place it on the floor. Put water and food inside the rodent's shelter. Then leave the door to the cage open. And define it yourself near the alleged shelter of the pet. In the end, the hamster should want to go into the cage. Then he will feel safe, because he will smell familiar smells. Note that if you use an aquarium to keep a rodent, then you should put it sideways so that the pet easily gets into it.
The running wheel will help in catching
How to catch a runaway hamster in an apartment? Set the running wheel. That is what will be needed for the following method of catching a hamster. As soon as you hear the creak of a spinning wheel, you can safely go (slowly and quietly) into the room. Since the hamster is in the wheel. You need to try very carefully to sneak up to the rodent and grab it.
Food and foil
You can also use foil to catch a rodent. Lay out your favorite rodent treats on the foil sheets. Then lay these sheets in the corners. Then dim the light and listen, as soon as you hear the rustling of the foil, know that the rodent has gone to feed.
If you still do not know where your runaway pet lives, then use the following recommendation. Take the flour and treats for the rodent. Around the past make flour circles. Then leave the treats overnight. In the morning you will see white traces of the hamster, when he will drag treats into his shelter.
You can take a bottle with a wide neck. Pour yummies into it, and then put the vessel on its side. The rodent will climb inside, but will not be able to crawl out - slippery. Then you will catch him.
You can try another method of catching a hamster. To do this, turn off all electrical appliances and lights in the room. Stay in the room with the rodent in the dark and do not move. Listen to the sounds that the animal makes. It may be necessary to wait a while. But in the end you will hear the rodent moving. You can, in order to attract a hamster, prepare carrot slices in advance. They should be tied to a rope with a bell. When the animal begins to eat the vegetable, you will hear the ringing of a bell.
How to catch a runaway dzhungarik hamster in an apartment? When you saw a rodent, you need to carefully throw a light towel on it. Thus, you stop the hamster and keep it in place, but do not harm it. After carefully pick up, put in his home.
Also, in order to catch a rodent, you can use the pipe. It should carefully lure the hamster. After the rodent enters, close the exit. Next, lift the pipe and put the rodent in a cage.
Bucket Traps
How to catch a hamster? Take advantage of one trap that you can do yourself. Take a clean deep bucket. It should not be quite deep. At the bottom of the bucket, to soften the fall, lay a towel (sawdust). Next, you need to put a little feed into the bucket. This is necessary to lure the hamster to the bucket. You can use aromatic "goodies" for this, such as apple and peanut butter. In the bucket, you can also place a cardboard tube from toilet paper or a block for grinding teeth. In addition, you can additionally put lettuce leaves in a bucket and put a container of water so that the rodent can quench your thirst.
Then you need to make steps for the hamster. How to make them? You can put disks or a stack of books in the form of steps. Also for these purposes, you can use the details of the Lego constructor. Also, in addition to the steps, make a ramp. Note that the steps themselves should go to the upper edge of the bucket outside.
You can use a napkin instead of foil. Having stood on it, the rodent will simply fall into a bucket. I also wanted to say that you shouldn’t pour too much food on the steps that lead to the bucket. Well, you want not to feed the hamster, but to attract. Otherwise, he simply eats up and hides. Then you need to wait for the moment when the animal is hungry. Such traps should be installed in each room if you do not know where exactly the rodent is hiding.
You can use the bin in the same way. It also needs to be covered with paper or foil for baking. Attach a ruler on top so that the rodent climbs into the bucket. Also lay out the feed on the line, in the center of the covered bucket too. Note that the bin should not be too deep. Since a small rodent should not fall from a height that exceeds 25 cm.
Glass jar
There is an option for another trap. But it can only be used when you are constantly watching her. You will need 5 cents and a glass liter jar. Put the latter on a coin slope so that the place was the rodent to climb into the bank. For the bait in the middle of the jar, put what a delicious treat for the pet. As soon as he comes to the “yummy”, the jar will cover him and he will need to get it right away so that he does not suffocate. Therefore, be sure to follow the can if you use a similar trap.
Shoot prevention. What needs to be done by the owner in order to avoid problems?
In order not to wonder how to catch a hamster, it is worth preventing its shoots. And how to do it? Make the cage more reliable. To do this, check all the chatting, poorly functioning and falling off parts of the cage. If there are malfunctions, then correct them immediately.
If the rodent often escapes, then lock the cage well. To do this, use a metal lock. It must be fixed outside. Do not use a plastic lock for these purposes. It is more harmful, and it can also be useless, since its hamster can simply nibble.
It is also worth removing the sources of stress and fear. Then he will have ideal conditions for life. In a room where it is constantly noisy and loud, the rodent will not be comfortable living. If you notice signs of displeasure in the hamster (for example, it runs away from the cage, behaves apathetically and more), then think about the possibility that your pet needs more attention from you.
In the end, I would like to give some recommendations:
- Avoid using cardboard boxes for the rodent. Since he can gnaw them easily.
- Look for the hamster in secluded places.
- Behave very quietly.
In order not to look for a hamster that can run away when he will voluntarily move around the apartment, you need to provide him with a walking ball.
If the animal suddenly fell from a height of more than 25 centimeters or it is injured, then do not grab it severely, so you can aggravate the situation. Carefully transfer it to the cage and promptly show it to the veterinarian.