Pets, like humans, can experience weight problems. Cats living in urban apartments often lead an inactive lifestyle, and get excess food. As a result, the pet has an excess of fat cells that adversely affect overall health. Animals experience problems with cardiac activity, are prone to the development of arthritis and other pathologies of the internal organs. Therefore, the weight of the cat must be maintained within a certain framework, and for this you should know the accepted norms, depending on age and breed.
Visual inspection
To determine the condition of the animal, it is necessary to examine carefully his physique. The condition of the limbs and abdomen is determined by looking at the profile, the lumbar region and waist are evaluated when viewed from above. The weight of the cat can be "calculated" with manual palpation. To do this, the area of the ribs is felt with the fingers. Moreover, if the bones protrude at the slightest pressure, the animal is malnourished, if it is necessary to exert force to feel them, then, most likely, the pet is obese.
After the ribs, the area of the waist and abdomen is evaluated. In a cat, it is very sensitive, so be careful when feeling. If you hold with two palms from the waist to the pelvic bones, you should get an hourglass shape. If such a sensation does not occur, then the weight of the cat is most likely overweight.
Next, the stomach is examined. Softness should be felt under the fingers. But if it hangs heavily or is bloated, then nutritional adjustment is necessary. A sunken belly indicates a lack of nutrition or disease.
Lack of weight and its causes
If the cat's hips and ribs are visible, and the spine has a minimal layer of fat, then the animal is underweight. In this case, the neck is thin, the stomach is sunken and the limbs have an unhealthy appearance. In this case, the pet should be shown to a specialist to prescribe a therapeutic diet and clarify the problem. Often the cause of weight loss are worms.
You can determine the lack of weight by the following signs:
- protruding ribs, easily felt when stroking;
- a layer of fat is minimal or completely absent;
- muscle mass is poorly felt;
- visible vertebrae;
- the abdominal fold is poorly palpated, the abdomen is hollow.
Obesity and Problem Solving
The weight of the cat is considered excessive if the waist is not palpable, the ribs are covered with a layer of fat, the stomach sticks out and has a spherical shape. Fat can also be seen on the limbs, in the lower back and face. To help the animal, you should contact your veterinarian for the appointment of corrective nutrition and recommendations for physical activity.
If the breeder decided to act independently, it is important to observe the principle of gradualness. A sharp weight loss can lead to health problems, which the cat is already weakened. The diet should be less high in calories. It is best to choose a special therapeutic feed for obese animals.
It is important to prevent overeating and control the pet’s diet. Therefore, treating the animal with a treat is, of course, possible, but it is important to observe rationality. Obesity brings to life a cat not only discomfort when moving, but also fraught with the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney failure and joint problems.
Normal weight of the animal
The weight of an adult cat may vary depending on the breed. To determine the normal parameters, specialists use specially developed data. But the above parameters should be taken as information for consideration, because they may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the animal, its sex and state of health. For example, the weight of a British cat has several standards. If the shorthair can weigh from 4 to 8 kg, then for the long-haired norm is from 3 to 7 kg. The following are weighted averages of popular cat breeds.
- Bengal - 3.5-6.8 kg.
- Bombay - 3.0-6.0 kg.
- Cornish Rex - 3.0–5.0 kg.
- Siamese - 3.0-5.0 kg.
- Maine Coon - 4.0-10.0 kg.
- Scottish - 2.7-6.0 kg.
As you can see, the weight of the Scottish cat and Maine Coon has a wide range. Therefore, in addition to standards, you need to be guided by both age and visual inspection. And the given norms show only the lower and upper boundaries.
Normal weight cat
An animal with a normal weight has a harmoniously folded body and a clearly defined waist. If you look at the cat from above, its body resembles an hourglass. The ribs are palpated, but do not bulge and are deprived of a large layer of fat. A side view shows a well-tucked stomach.
However, visual inspection should take into account the characteristics of the breed. If some cats look sophisticated, then others are always heavy and stocky. It happens that the breed standard does not exclude the presence of a small abdominal fold.
Ideal weight
Before you put the animal on a diet or, conversely, fatten, you should familiarize yourself with the standards and characteristics of the breed to which the cat belongs. Dimensions and weight also depend on gender.
So, males of make-kun, ragamuffin and British shorthair can weigh up to 10-12 kg, and at the same time they will not have signs of obesity. Females always weigh less. But the Japanese bobtail, Peterbald or Cornish Rex can not be heavier than 5 kg. Females weigh even less - 2-3 kg.
Active cat growth and weight gain occurs up to a year. An ordinary domestic cat, excluding breed, weighs an average of 3–6 kg. Females are always 2-3 kg lighter. If the pet is diagnosed with underweight or overweight, it is recommended to show it to the veterinarian to find out the cause and eliminate it. The specialist will also recommend the right diet that promotes normal digestion and satisfies the pet with all the necessary nutrients.
Being overweight or underweight always signals a health problem. Exceeding the norm causes malfunctions in cardiac activity, can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus, gives complications to the joints and reduces life expectancy.
Lack of weight is manifested not only due to poor nutrition. It may signal some problems. The causes can be worms, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even cancer.