Your pets need constant protection against various diseases. A special group consists of fungal diseases, which are very unpleasant. To effectively combat them, the vaccine Wackderm has been developed. Instructions for use for cats emphasize the need for such preventive measures so that you do not have to face a long and difficult treatment of the diseases themselves.
In fact, many amateurs or professional breeders are well aware of this drug. For the prophylaxis and treatment of fungal diseases for many years, it is precisely Wackderm that has been used. Instructions for use for cats tells us that this is an effective remedy for microscopy and trichophytosis. A drug made from weakened spores of dermatophytes is completely safe. If used correctly, you can be completely sure that there are no side effects.
Short description
We have already told you a little about what the vaccine "Wackderm" is. Instructions for use for cats tells us that it comes in two forms. The dry form is a porous, dry mass, usually tan. The liquid form is a ready-made solution, a pinkish tint. Pack it in ampoules or glass bottles. Keep in mind that only a doctor should determine the feasibility of using the drug and administer it. The vaccine is suitable for use throughout the year, subject to storage from 2 to 10 degrees.
Biological properties of the vaccine
What is the difference between Wakderm? Instructions for use for cats emphasize its absolute harmlessness. The concentration of mushroom elements is very high, over 50 million / cm2. After administration, immunity is formed within three weeks. It persists for about 1 year. Despite the safety of the drug, before the introduction of it is necessary to assess the condition of the animal. If immunity is weakened, fever is observed, vaccination should be postponed until the state of health is fully restored.
The drug in the practice of doctors
The use of various forms of the drug is allowed. If the finished solution can be administered directly to the animal, then the dry preparation must first be diluted. Let's take a closer look at how Wackderm is used for cats. Instructions for use recommend the use of a special solvent. It provides perfect dissolution as well as safety for the body into which it will be introduced. But veterinarians can use saline. It is especially important to regularly prevent skin diseases in cats and other fur animals. In this case, the procedure must be repeated throughout life, since immunity is developed only for 12 months. For cats aged 3 to 6 months, 0.5 ml is administered twice with an interval of 14 days. Over 6 months, 1 ml of the drug is administered. How is the Wackderm vaccine administered? The instruction and method of use for cats offers a very convenient, even if it is not possible to call a veterinarian, the owner can perform the injection himself. They put it intramuscularly, the first in the thigh of one paw, the second in the thigh of another paw.
Prevention and treatment
When is the Wakderm vaccine used? Instructions for use for cats (the composition, as we have already indicated, is weakened spores of dermatophytes) recommends using it primarily as a prophylactic against various skin diseases. However, it is also used with great success for treatment. This leads many hosts into some bewilderment. How can a vaccine that contains spores of pathogens treat the same disease? In fact, the special form in which the spores of fungi are in solution helps to very quickly activate immunity to fight this disease. That is, after a few days, hair loss will stop, the surface of bald spots will peel off, and after 20 days you will see a short undercoat. This suggests that the drug helped the body completely overcome the disease.
Vaccination time
Is the Wackderm F vaccine for cats timed to a specific time of the year? Instructions for use suggest that vaccination with this drug is not tied to a specific season, so you can develop your own scheme together with your doctor. The drug is administered intramuscularly, only to a healthy animal. If there are symptoms of weakness, lethargy, and malaise, then vaccination should be delayed until complete recovery. Approximately 25 days after the administration of the drug, a stable immunity is formed.
Side effects
How do animals tolerate the Wackderm vaccine? Instructions for use for cats (reviews fully confirm its good tolerance) suggests that in most cases there are no side effects, the animal feels great, remains active and has a good appetite. Sometimes after immunization, a local reaction may occur. Most often it is a bump or seal. This phenomenon does not require any medical attention. Sometimes a cat may become drowsy within 2-3 days after vaccination. If you notice a depressed state in your pet, then ensure that he is completely at rest, and if after 3 days the symptoms do not go away, then seek help immediately.
There are no direct contraindications to the use of this vaccine, since it is not toxic and is easily tolerated by the body. However, before use, it is necessary to take measurements of body temperature. At elevated rates, vaccination is prohibited in order to avoid deterioration. In the second half of pregnancy, cats are prohibited from vaccinating, including the drug "Wackderm." The course of any infectious diseases, even non-contagious, is also a direct contraindication. Be sure to inform the veterinarian about all your observations so that he makes the right choice.