Is it possible to do x-rays during pregnancy, the procedure, the effect on the body and fetus

Expectant mothers are worried about their health and the health of their baby. Proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, a regimen - all this is very good. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that health fails and it is necessary to undergo an examination and even make a radiation diagnosis. Is it possible to do x-rays during pregnancy? Do not be scared and make hasty decisions. You need to calmly figure it out.

When an x-ray is needed

Using this affordable and simple diagnostic method, you can achieve results that allow you to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Be sure to assign an x-ray in case of suspicion of:

  • bone fracture;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia
  • osteomyelitis;
  • dental complications.

This is not a complete list, but is it possible to do x-rays during pregnancy and what else needs to be done by a woman in position?

x-ray danger

Radiation exposure and pregnancy

During the procedure, the examined area is X-rayed, due to which the degree of bone damage or soft tissue structure is determined. The results obtained remain on film. This is an x-ray. It reflects what the doctor cannot discern with all his will.

But not so simple. Rays pass through cells, including those in the process of division, which leads to disruption of DNA chains - the main carriers of genetic information. Dividing cells can mutate, leading to various serious abnormalities, or die. For the appointment of an x-ray, pregnant women must have good reasons.

X-ray in early pregnancy

For a developing child in the womb, an increase in the dose of x-ray exposure will cause irreversible consequences, given that the cells of the embryo are in constant division. Are early x-rays taken during pregnancy?

five weeks

The most dangerous time for fluoroscopy is the period up to the 12th week inclusive. At the first time after the conception of the baby, the laying of internal organs goes and begin to form:

  • nervous system;
  • spine;
  • organs of vision.

The risk of developing congenital pathologies, various defects and fetal freezing increases.

It is regrettable to realize, but if you did an x-ray in early pregnancy (4-5 weeks), then the risk of having a baby with serious genetic abnormalities is very high. On the fifth and sixth week, the laying of the adrenal glands begins, the influence of harmful rays can cause their underdevelopment. From the fourth to eighth week, the baby's heart develops. During this period, the rays can disrupt the structure and shape of the valve apparatus, which will lead to defects in the muscle tissue of the organ. At the sixth and seventh week exposure to rays leads to pathology of the thymus gland and poor immunity. At the 11th and 12th week, the procedure performed can cause a suppression of the development of bone marrow functions.

anxiety in a woman

The doctor may recommend a woman to terminate the pregnancy. But do not despair, some go all-in. All or nothing! The brave leave the child, and he develops safely or dies over time.

X-ray in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

During this period of development of the baby, radiation exposure already brings much less harm, but do not think that the procedure becomes safe. The above risks still remain. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all chronic diseases be treated even at the planning stage.

After examining the provisions of the regulatory documentation used by doctors regarding the question of whether it is possible to take x-rays during pregnancy, the conclusion suggests that a study done after the 16th week of the term is unlikely to be too dangerous for the baby. Difficulties with bearing may arise if repeated exposure to the problem area is required. But consulting a doctor about the risk of using fluoroscopy is simply necessary.

If you can’t do without research

The period of bearing a child is large enough, and during this time the expectant mother may become ill or injured. In some cases, it will not be possible to prescribe treatment until the doctor has in his hands informative images of the examined damage zone.

The first rule for mothers is not to panic and not to hysteria (this will also badly affect the health of the child). All your excitement and doubts about whether it is possible to do an x-ray during pregnancy should be sent to an informative conversation with a doctor who will tell you all the features of the procedure, namely:

  • whether the radiation dose can lead to impaired development or death of the fetus;
  • methods of protecting the baby;
  • at what distance from the child are the damaged organs of the mother;
  • familiarity with options that minimize radiation exposure due to modern equipment;
  • the most dangerous dates for x-rays.

The most undesirable for mom and baby x-ray examinations in the pelvis, abdominal cavity and spine. With these forms of research, harmful x-rays directly pass through the baby developing in the womb, which can lead to the death of the baby.

A doctor prescribes a radiation examination to expectant mothers only in an emergency case, when the consequences pose a serious threat to the life of the mother and child. If you did an x-ray during pregnancy, then there were good reasons.

Tooth x-ray

Turning to the dentist, a pregnant woman is in indecision. Is it possible to do a tooth x-ray during pregnancy? In the first trimester, such a procedure is best avoided. The doctor, if possible, will try to examine and treat the tooth without a picture, but it happens that it will be difficult to do without an X-ray. This happens when the following problems occur:

  • suspicion of a tooth cyst or gum;
  • tooth root fracture;
  • root tubule treatment;
  • suspicion of complicated removal of eights.
examination by a dentist

X-ray machines of modern production are distinguished by gentle radiation. If you compare, a woman receives a radiation dose of 0.02 mSv during an X-ray of a tooth, and when flying on an airplane at a distance of 2,500 km - 0.01 mSv. This means that if the expectant mother flies to rest, she will receive the same dose of radiation as with a tooth x-ray. It should be noted that during the procedure:

  • Mom’s belly is protected by a lead apron that does not transmit X-rays;
  • a limited area is irradiated;
  • the risk of exposure to the child is minimal.

If there is a need to take an X-ray of a tooth during pregnancy, is it possible to find a safer method? There are clinics equipped with a visiograph; its radiation exposure is 10 times lower than that of a conventional fluoroscope.

To avoid any risks, if possible, a picture of the tooth is best done after the 12th week of pregnancy.

Lung examination

The closer the research area is to the fetus, the more radiation can penetrate the baby. This carries risks for the developing child. But if you are worried about symptoms similar to pneumonia, or if your mother’s life is threatened, then the woman will have to do an X-ray of the lungs during pregnancy. Is it possible to refuse this procedure?

No one will be forced to undergo examination if there are no good reasons. A woman has the right to make a written refusal, but one must take into account all the responsibility that the expectant mother bears for her life and the health of the baby. An unsuccessful procedure in the presence of a serious pathology will lead to dangerous consequences.

The main indicators for lung x-rays during pregnancy are abnormalities in the respiratory system. It can be:

  • coughing attacks of unknown etiology for a long period;
  • suspected pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • oncological formations;
  • tuberculosis.

Especially often during the off-season, people suffer from coughing and pneumonia. At such a time, expectant mothers should take care of themselves and limit contacts.

coughing during pregnancy

But if suddenly the health condition wobbled, then the doctor pays attention to the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • on examination, hoarseness in the chest;
  • pain in the chest.

A doctor’s referral for an X-ray of the lungs during pregnancy is a necessary measure if serious pathology is suspected.

Head x-ray

The cause of the procedure may be various injuries of the cranium, and not a brain examination. Especially if after those headaches bother.

Is it possible to do an x-ray of the head during pregnancy? The doctor resorts to exposure to radiation only in extreme cases, when a woman has the following symptoms:

  • severe bleeding from the nose;
  • asymmetry of the face shape is observed;
  • severe pain in the jaw during its movement;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • for dental purposes, when manipulations with the lower jaw are performed.

When x-rays of the head, radiation practically does not affect the mother’s stomach, since it is reliably covered by a lead apron, which protects against the harmful effects of rays.

head x-ray

According to sanitary standards, the dose received by the fetus should not exceed 1 mSv. For comparison, to achieve this level, you should take 5 pictures of the chest. And during the X-ray of the sinuses, the dose is only 0.6 mSv. So all the worries about whether it is possible to do an x-ray of the nose, ear, temporal bones during pregnancy do not have soil underneath. Everything will be fine.

Limb examination

Usually in winter, when slippery or the stomach has become large, the expectant mother does not see well what is under her feet, and walking is already not easy. Therefore, falls and fractures of the limbs occur. In such cases, an X-ray is indispensable. Often a large area of ​​research is exposed to radiation exposure.

x-ray of the foot

Despite the fact that the child does not receive radiation, the mother's body undergoes a certain dose on radiography, it is - 0.01 mSv. Is it possible to do x-rays of the legs during pregnancy? A positive answer has the following reasons:

  • if it is really necessary;
  • if the radiation dose is carefully calculated.

In this case, the presence of protection in the form of a special apron is mandatory.

The danger remains if the procedure must be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy. This can greatly harm the baby.

Pregnancy Planning and X-Ray

It is good when a woman takes family planning and conception seriously. It is advisable that she undergo a full examination. Indeed, during pregnancy, the mother’s immunity is reduced, chronic chronic diseases appear, or new ones appear. Therefore, it is better to do an x-ray before planning a pregnancy. Is it possible to do without this procedure? It is possible - but not necessary, especially as for the dentist. Radiation exposure during the examination of the organism during planning will not have a harmful effect on the development of the unborn child, because the dose is non-hazardous and there is no risk of any anomalies.

pregnancy planning

X-ray and consequences

Be that as it may, radiation carried out during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester of gestation. Neonatologists sound the alarm and list the following negative effects of exposure:

  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • malformations of the heart, thyroid gland and liver appear when irradiated at 4-5 months;
  • microcephaly;
  • chromosomal abnormalities;
  • improper development of the limbs;
  • damage to the bronchial tree;
  • maxillofacial defects (cleft lip, cleft palate) and additional articular abnormalities;
  • improper division of stem cells, which are the main component in the production of tissues of all types;
  • abnormal neural tube formation;
  • anemia and abnormalities of the digestive tract in a newborn due to damage to the adrenal glands;
  • untreated regular stool disorder;
  • diseases of the organs of vision, smell and hearing.

Recent studies by experts show that a 5% increased risk of giving birth to an underweight baby if an X-ray is taken during pregnancy. Can such serious consequences be avoided? Doctors urge women in the perinatal period to take care of their health and well-being of the baby.

What does x-ray replace?

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to deeply examine the problem. But in this case, the patient’s pregnancy is also a problem. What is the best way to conduct the necessary research, so as not to harm the child?

Specialists try not to prescribe unnecessarily when pregnancy, an x-ray. Is it dangerous to do research on other devices?

There are some options for diagnostic and safe procedures that can, in some cases, free a woman in an X-ray position. Do not worry much if the specialist has appointed:

  • MRI Over the entire period of using MRI in the diagnosis, it did not happen that the procedure had a detrimental effect on the development of the embryo in the womb of a woman. The magnetic field of the apparatus does not destroy the structure, does not interfere with the processes in the cells of the DNA of the embryo and does not provoke their mutation. But doctors are wary of testing in the first trimester of pregnancy.
safe methods

  • Ultrasound The advantages of ultrasound are its complete safety for the baby and, most importantly, the possibility of investigating the problem at any period of gestation. A procedure is being performed to examine the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, muscles, ligaments, pelvis, thyroid gland, and lymph nodes. But there is one drawback - it is impossible to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of bones.
  • Visiograph. A modern X-ray machine that is equipped with a high-sensitivity sensor used instead of a film. With this innovation, radiation is significantly reduced. The device itself has small dimensions, but it is of great benefit. A targeted beam of rays will safely perform an x-ray of the tooth.

Of course, it is better when all the procedures are completely safe, and even better - take care of yourself and do without them at all.

Some useful tips

To reduce the risks for mom and baby, a woman needs to adhere to some basic rules:

  • Do not be in the room of an X-ray examination without a direct need. If an older child or a feeble elderly parent takes an X-ray, someone should be found for him who could help and escort him to the office for the procedure.
  • If possible, it is advisable to abandon the behavior of x-rays before the 12th week of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester, the danger to the life and development of the child is markedly reduced.
  • Do not rush to an x-ray without first talking to a doctor. The specialist will surely do everything possible to find an alternative way to conduct the study and reduce the danger to the developing child and mother.

You should warn the doctor about the fact of pregnancy and clarify what equipment will be used to obtain the necessary picture. The best option would be modern and safe units.

conversation with a doctor

The following methods of X-ray examination are considered the most dangerous for a woman in position:

  • fluorography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • isotope scanning;
  • computed tomogram.

These procedures have more powerful radiation, and they are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. If one of these studies was carried out in the early stages, even before the woman found out about her situation, then the doctor will most likely advise to terminate the pregnancy.

It happens that an x-ray performed in the early stages of pregnancy does not lead to the occurrence of dangerous ailments in the child, but such methods cannot be called completely safe. Therefore, people in white coats, without urgent need, do not prescribe studies of this kind.

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