West Highland White Terrier dog: breed description, features and reviews

West Highland White Terriers are very smart dogs that love the human company. In ancient times, the breed was bred for hunting purposes. However, today it has received wider application. Now its representatives are excellent companions for breeders. In our article, we want to talk about the features and character of West Highland White Terriers. The breed is of interest for many reasons.

A bit of history

The breed of dog West Highland White Terrier hails from Scotland. Its relatives are scotch-terriers and core-terriers. Once, James I (king of England) was so admired by the breed that he acquired several puppies. And a dozen dogs he sent as a gift to the French monarch.

The modern name of the breed was given by Edward Malcolm, who made a significant contribution to its development. After the first show of the West Highland White Terrier at an exhibition in London, the dog became very popular, which is not surprising, because the dogs have a cheerful and cheerful disposition.

West Highland White Terrier dog breed

Initially, the West Highland White Terrier breed of dogs was bred for hunting small game. Small dogs were agile and brisk. This allowed them to climb into deep minks and get prey. Dogs were used for hunting badgers and foxes, as well as other small animals. Dogs have become popular for good reason, because they have high performance. The exact time of the appearance of the breed is unknown to specialists. The first show took place in 1907. After that, the popularity of the breed began to grow incredibly. Currently, such dogs can be found in any corner of Europe.

West Highland White Terrier breed description

According to reviews, the characteristic feature of the breed is its assertive character, dedication and determination, which has no boundaries. The compact size of the dogs allows them to easily accommodate in the most ordinary apartment. Since the West Highland White Terrier dog breed is hunting, animals need regular exercise and walking.

Burrowing dogs have a wonderful sense of smell and flair, and are also very gambling. In their homeland, they have established themselves as excellent catchers for rats, badgers, foxes, otters and small rodents. In our country, West Highland White Terrier dogs are purchased for home keeping. They are very convenient for living in apartments, because it has compact dimensions. The dog weighs 8-10 kg, and reaches a height of 25-30 cm.

Dog west highland white terrier price

The main feature of the breed is a pure white coat without any splashes. Animals have a strong and muscular build, dark eyes and small triangular ears. Thick and hard coat has a soft undercoat. Representatives of the breed live up to 12-15 years.


The character of the dogs is one of the main characteristics of the West Highland White Terrier breed. Puppies are usually acquired at the age of two to four months. It is necessary to educate a dog from the first days, since in the future, pets can be stubborn. Dogs require strict owners. Then their pets become friendly and obedient. Most often, representatives of the breed get along well with their relatives. Sometimes a hunting instinct makes dogs chase cats or rodents. If the owners teach not to touch their own, the dogs behave calmly enough. Representatives of the breed are very playful, assets, curious even in adulthood. Dogs are distinguished by their loyalty to the owners, they can be used as guards who raise a loud bark. But still use them as a guard is not worth it, because they are kind.

It is worth noting that the amazingly cheerful and sociable disposition of dogs is the main feature and characteristic of the breed. West Highland White Terriers are very fond of being in the company of people, they are happy to accompany the owners on their hikes. But at the same time, the dogs are completely unobtrusive. They perfectly find something to their liking, if the owners are busy.

Conditions of detention

Before you get a pet, you need to learn all about the dog. West Highland White Terrier can be recommended for keeping in apartments and private houses. The dog does not need a lot of space. The sleeping place needs to be equipped far from drafts. The dog will need not only a bed, but also toys that will help pass the time at a time when the owners are busy. Near a berth there should always be a vessel with water. Sometimes they put a tray for dogs.

West Highland White Terrier adult dog weight

A prerequisite for maintenance is long walks. If the dog lives in a private house, she will be happy to run around the yard. Dogs really like to run, jump and just frolic in the fresh air. But even such independent walks in the yard can not replace full physical exertion with the owner. Dogs especially like trips out of town. It is very important that the pet is brought to light. West Highland White Terrier must see people, other animals, cars and more. Socialization is an integral part of education.

Dog care

The weight of an adult West Highland White Terrier reaches 8-10 kg. The size of the dogs is quite modest. But at the same time, they still need care. This is especially true for pet hair. Snow-white fur coats of dogs get dirty no more often than in other breeds. Their wool tends to repel dirt, so there are no problems with cleanliness. However, it is necessary to comb out the pile daily with a metal brush. This will remove not only dead hairs, but also dirt. In addition, a simple procedure improves blood circulation in the skin.

Dogs need not only home care, but also salon procedures. Twice a year, dogs need to trim. If the dog is not exhibit, you can trim it at home. In addition, the pet regularly needs to clean its ears, nose, eyes, teeth. Wool requires special attention. If it is not constantly combed out, tangles may form in which the parasites start. In addition, the appearance of fungal diseases and allergic reactions.

Dog west highland white terrier reviews

Despite the fact that dogs can boast of white hair, they can not often bathe. After walking, just wash the feet of your pet. Bath procedures are arranged as needed, but no more than four times a year. West Highland White Terrier is odorless. Dogs are cleanliness.


It is very important to provide the dog with proper nutrition. The health of your pet depends on its quality. Dog health problems most often occur precisely due to improper feeding.

Feed the animal immediately after a walk. In this case, the food is digested better and faster. Serving size must be derived empirically. If the dog does not leave the bowl, he spins nearby all the time, which means that she has not eaten enough. Accordingly, the portion should be increased, otherwise it may affect the health of the dog.

Westheland White Terrier puppies feed on their mother's milk during the first weeks. At this time, babies can eat up to 12 times a day. The main sign of puppy satiety is their healthy sleep. If the babies remain hungry, they will begin to show anxiety. Initially, puppies begin to be fed cottage cheese. If you do not want the dog to develop rickets, you must choose fatty cottage cheese with a high level of calcium. Kids should be offered a warm fermented milk product. You can pour a little cottage cheese on a saucer and poke a puppy's nose into it. Soon he will learn to eat it on his own.

From the third week, puppies can be given meat after breast milk. And from the fourth week, food should be combined: milk, cottage cheese, porridge and meat.

West highland white terrier breed description reviews

After the West Highland White Terrier is transferred to independent feeding, it is necessary to regularly monitor the development of the pet so as not to miss the development of the disease.

Which food option to choose?

Some breeders prefer to use ready-made feed. The cost of good quality mixtures is quite high. At the same time, the finished feed is balanced, their use significantly saves the time of the owners. The choice of type of feeding largely depends on what the owner fed the puppy from whom you purchase it. Using natural food takes time to prepare. In addition, it is necessary to properly draw up a diet so that the dog receives all the necessary substances. With natural feeding, you must regularly give meat, vegetables and cereals.


Dogs of this breed should be raised in an atmosphere of rigor and love. You can not allow the puppy any pranks, otherwise he will grow up naughty. From the first days of the appearance of the pet in the house, it is necessary to educate him. First of all, it is necessary to establish contact with the animal. The dog must love the owner and trust him. But at the same time, he must understand who the leader in the family is.

The owner's task is to educate the dog so that he does not run on the street for other animals, does not pick up foreign objects, listens to his commands. A trained dog is not a hassle. For good behavior, the animal can be encouraged with goodies and praise. For disobedience can be punished with a word or not pay attention to his flirting. In no case should you beat an animal. This will place distrust in the heart of the pet.

West Highland White Terrier breed characterization

You can train dogs on your own or hire an instructor. In the process of education, the dog must understand how he needs to behave at home and on the street.

Raising an animal should include regular walks and physical activity. The pet should be regularly walked and active games played with it.


According to reviews, dogs West Highland White Terrier are excellent health. With good care and the absence of diseases, dogs can live more than 15 years. However, there are a number of ailments characteristic of this breed. West Highland White Terriers suffer from eye diseases, allergies, fungal diseases, heart ailments and the endocrine system. Dogs may have skin tumors, and problems with the musculoskeletal system are common.

Puppies cost

If you decide to buy a West Highland White Terrier, the price of the dog is the main issue that will surely interest you. On average, the cost of puppies starts from 20 thousand rubles. If you want to get a pet of a show class, then you will have to pay from 60 to 100 thousand rubles for it. A dog of a breeds class costs 30-60 thousand rubles. As you can see, a good puppy can have a high price. The description of the West Highland White Terrier in the article allows you to understand which pet you want to receive. If you are just interested in a companion and family friend, then do not chase show class puppies.

Pros and cons of the breed

According to breeders, the breed has its advantages and disadvantages. Her representatives are good because they have a funny toy appearance. White fluffy just can not help but like. Such a pet will always cheer you up. In addition, an amazing combination of cute appearance and stamina also attracts you. A huge advantage of the breed is the fact that dogs can be kept even in small apartments, which is very important for urban residents. Miniature animals do not need a lot of space. Dogs are patient with strangers, without need they will not rush to strangers.

Dogs puppies Westhill White Terrier

Animals do not have serious flaws. Of the minuses can be identified only excessive stubbornness. In addition, sometimes West Highland White Terriers are very demanding of the attention of the owners, they can literally extort it. Pet hair is white, but it is not very susceptible to pollution. As a care, it is necessary to brush the wool regularly to maintain its cleanliness. The rest of the representatives of the breed do not cause trouble.


West Highland White Terriers, according to the breeders, are great pets for home maintenance. They are distinguished by a cheerful disposition and cheerfulness. They make wonderful companions. Unlike pet dogs, West Highland White Terriers are in good health. If necessary, they are ready to stand up for their master. Well, about the beauty of pets and can not speak. At the same time, pedagogical representatives of the breed are not too demanding in care. Sometimes they show their temper, but such moments can be dealt with.

Instead of an afterword

When deciding to get a West Highland White Terrier, make a sound assessment of the situation. The dog needs regular classes and walks. Do not forget that the breed was created as a hunting one. If you do not have time for classes with a pet, prefer a different breed. Lack of physical activity can affect health not in the best way.

West Highland White Terriers are loyal friends who are always near the owners. Such a pet is able to become a favorite of the whole family.

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