Cats are the most tender and affectionate pets. Their grace, grace, smooth gait delight, and funny habits - touches. There are hundreds of cat breeds in the world. Some of them are well known and loved to us, we can only judge others by photos in special publications, and we even didnโt even hear about some.
Cats of elite breeds are a certain clan in a family of fluffy or smooth-haired (and sometimes even naked) beauties. They are distinguished by unusual appearance, size, behavior, and, of course, price. Not for all people, even with an average income, cats of elite breeds are available. Their nutrition and maintenance can breach a not-too-large family budget. In this article we will introduce the named breeds to you, and the photos posted in the article will help you appreciate the beauty of these animals.
This cat was born as a result of a cross between a Bengal cat and an African serval in the 80s of the last century. These are large animals, their height at the withers - 60 cm, body length - 130 cm. The weight of females is 7 kg, males - up to 15 kg.
Not all cats of elite breeds are suitable for living in an apartment. The contents of the savannah, for example, can be overshadowed by a specific smell: the cat marks the territory, and no one has been able to wean it from this habit. She gets used to the tray quickly, but it is better to accustom the kitten to walks on the street.
The character of the savannah is inquisitive, easy. These cats quickly get used to people who are often in the house, very attached to the owners, and this can create certain difficulties - such a cat can not be left even to friends, for example, during the holidays.
How to feed the savannah?
The diet of this animal should be saturated with proteins and vitamins so that your pet replenishes energy. First of all, it is low-fat raw meat, liver, fruits and vegetables. You can feed with ready-made feeds, but certainly super-premium.
The cost of savannah kittens ranges from 4 to 50 thousand dollars.
Bengal cat
Have you ever wondered why people are attracted to exotic cat breeds? Elite animals are acquired by owners who want to raise a tame, affectionate pet, while having the appearance of a forest predator. An example of this is a hybrid of a pet with a wild Bengal beauty.
Bengals are noticeably larger than ordinary domestic cats: the weight of an adult cat can reach 8 kg, cats are slightly smaller and much more graceful. Their weight does not exceed 5 kg. Animals have a strong, muscular physique, a wide chest. Paws powerful, round, hind legs slightly longer than the front. The tail is thick, medium length, with black rings.
Despite their somewhat wild appearance, these cats have a calm character, they are very affectionate and gentle, get along well with other pets.
Cats of elite breeds sometimes have features in feeding. So, Bengal can be fed with natural products:
- chicken fillet;
- lean meat;
- low-fat and boneless fish;
- dairy products;
- cereals;
- all vegetables (except potatoes).
You can use ready-made feed premium.
Today this breed remains rare not only in our country, but also in the world. Perhaps this is due to the rather high price of these animals, which reaches 25 thousand dollars.
Maine Coon
We have already said that cats of elite breeds can differ in their impressive size. Below you can see a photo of the largest cat in the world. In size, it exceeds some breeds of dogs. Its height at the withers is up to 50 cm, and its weight exceeds 16 kg.
Maine Coons are very dexterous, curious and lively animals. They have a thick fluffy coat, so these animals feel great in cold climates. It is not recommended to keep representatives of this breed in the apartment.
Like all cats, Maine Coons are fed with dry food and natural food. Dry food is used only in super-premium class, since it includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements.
Natural foods prepared for cats should not contain spices, sugar or salt. In the case of natural feeding, the animal needs vitamins.
It is strictly forbidden to feed:
- chicken and beef bones;
- heavy meat (duck, goose, fatty pork);
- smoked and spicy meat products;
- chocolate and sugar;
- legumes and potatoes.
The average cost of a Maine Coon kitten ranges from 1,700 to 2,500 dollars.
Manx (Manx cat)
Sometimes cats of elite breeds have a very unusual appearance. Shorthair cats are bred on the Isle of Man, which is located in the Irish Sea. A distinctive feature of the breed is the absence (partial or complete) of the tail. This feature attracts many cat lovers. There are two varieties of the breed: with a tail in 2-3 vertebrae and completely tailless cats.
Nature endowed Menks with good health, and did not deprive them of activity. To keep this cat in good shape, it is necessary to provide good nutrition. The usual diet consisting of meat, vegetables and cereals must be supplemented with vitamin complexes. Feeding and canned feed is allowed.
But it is best to refrain from raw fish, eggs, dry food and beans.
The price for both varieties of the breed is approximately the same - from 500 to 4 thousand US dollars.
This is a miniature domestic tiger. The peculiarity of the breed is tiger color. The cats of this breed are quite large: their weight can reach 8 kilograms, cats are slightly smaller - up to 6 kilograms. Regardless of gender, all individuals have a massive skeleton, dense silky hair, expressive clear eyes, clear tiger stripes and no tiger character at all. Thanks to these characteristics, the toyger is quickly gaining popularity: many people want to have such a miracle in the house.
You can only feed a toyger with super-premium feed. Breeders recommend the following dry foods:
- Eukanuba;
- Eagle Pack;
- Iams;
- Nutro Choice.
They are better to buy in specialized stores.
Currently, breeding work to improve this breed is very active, since the breed was officially registered only in 2007. The best animals are selected for sale, so the average price for such a domestic tiger cub is 2.5 thousand dollars.
As you can see, the elite cat breeds, photos of which you could see in our article, are really unusual animals both externally and in character. But at the same time they remain cats - gentle, affectionate and very in need of human love and care.