Today, young girls are starting earlier adulthood. According to statistics, more than 50% of adolescents already enter into an intimate relationship. Lack of life experience and neglect of contraception often leads to a disastrous result. An unwanted pregnancy, a fear of confessing to parents and a series of attempts to get rid of the fetus on their own ... Often they end up in hospital with severe bleeding, which can only be stopped surgically. Of course, doctors will also have a medical abortion.
Most popular remedy
Surprisingly, in the century when any information is open, the number of women practicing such methods does not decrease. And this is not always the case with young girls. And adult women also sometimes resort to "proven" methods, such as milk with iodine to terminate a pregnancy. Reviews of doctors urge you to go to the clinic at the place of residence, where the doctor will pick up a special drug or write a referral to the hospital. But all the same, folk remedies remain attractive with their apparent accessibility and simplicity.
How is iodine recommended for abortion? The reviews often cite the example of some women whose menstruation went the next day. Doctors say that after such a procedure, most are in the emergency surgery department. In order to perform this procedure, it is recommended to pour a glass of milk and drop a little iodine into it. After this, you need to drink this liquid and wait for the onset of menstruation.
What happens if iodine enters the body to terminate a pregnancy? Reviews of doctors say that it is impossible to predict the result in advance. The fetus may die, but remain in the uterine cavity, or partially exit, along with bleeding.
In addition, there may be severe vomiting with blood, since iodine strongly affects the stomach. Diarrhea with blood, peptic ulcer, allergy, intoxication, internal bleeding - this is not a complete list of all the consequences. If medical care is not provided on time, then a woman will die. Are you ready to pay such a price and take milk with iodine to terminate the pregnancy? Reviews say that most women do not even think about it, believing the assurances of friends.
Was there a pregnancy
Doctors face shocking cases of sabotage to their bodies. It is even surprising that women can so neglect their safety. For example, a young girl had a delay in her period. The first thought is pregnancy. And so, wise friends vyingly advise abortion in the early stages of folk remedies. As a result, the girl is brought to the hospital with bleeding, which has nothing to do with pregnancy, because she simply did not exist. Delayed menstruation can be affected by nervous tension or physical overwork. Therefore, first take a pregnancy test and visit a doctor, and only then, and preferably with it, decide what to do next.
Responsible for the consequences
We talked about how the uterus can respond to milk with iodine to terminate a pregnancy. The proportions are simple, 10 drops per glass of milk. But women are not limited to this. Not having achieved the result, they take a double or triple dose. As a result, a burn of internal organs and tissue necrosis, a violation of the endocrine system, poisoning, impaired functioning of the heart. Iodine is a potent substance that is likely to lead to serious consequences. The fetus in some cases will really freeze after such a procedure, but this will not save medical abortion.
Why bleeding is not equal to abortion
Many naively believe that abortion in the early stages of folk remedies is a gentle way to get rid of the problem. In fact, an experienced surgeon knows what he is doing, unlike you. Taking milk and iodine, you can cause irreparable damage to your health, and the fetus will continue to develop.
If the pregnancy was, and it was possible to cause bleeding, then you must immediately call the ambulance. Many confuse it with regular menstruation. But the difference is quite substantial. Bleeding on its own will not stop and in the absence of proper treatment will lead to death.
There may be another scenario. An attempt to provoke a miscarriage did not produce a result, but it did much harm to the state of health of the mother and child. Perhaps, having thought better of it, the woman decided to keep the pregnancy. A healthy baby in this case will not be born.
Hot bath
This method is often offered to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages. It has been used for a long time and was considered the most effective and efficient. Doctors today confirm that hot water, especially with a large amount of mustard, leads to accelerated blood circulation in the body of a woman. Pressure increases in the uterus, and blood comes out with the fetal egg. And all would be well, but only the bleeding only intensifies with every minute. If there is nobody to help, then the state will quickly become critical.
Decoctions of herbs
These are also quite popular methods of abortion in the early stages. Usually tansy or cloves are used for this purpose. Folk healers suggest that taking decoctions of these plants leads to the fact that the uterus begins to contract and expel the fetus. Whether their admission will result in a miscarriage is unknown. But it certainly will not benefit. For example, tansy really helps get rid of the baby, because it is toxic. That is, the fetus simply dies in the uterine cavity, where it will gradually decompose. As a result, unbearable pain, fever, fever, medical abortion, or woman's death from sepsis.
Physical exercise
This includes weight lifting, general cleaning, running up stairs, driving along bumpy roads, deliberate blows to the stomach. This mockery of the body could be justified in the XVIII century, when women had no choice. Today there are hospitals where competent doctors will help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy without pain. The cause of death after such manipulations is the rapid bleeding of blood.
Medical abortion
Today, pharmacies have a large number of drugs that guarantee a quick result. This is not grandma’s herbs, but the result of numerous studies by doctors and scientists. Do not forget which pills to abort, the attending physician must decide. It can be Progesterone, Mifegin, Mifepristone, Mifeprex. Medical abortion using these drugs should be performed in a hospital setting. Pregnancy should not exceed 40 days. If the period is longer, then it is likely that the fetus is simply deformed.
Judging by the reviews, the sensations after taking the drug are not at all joyful. After taking the first pill, bleeding is observed, after which the woman should take a second pill. It provokes strong contractions of the uterus. Feels like at the end of the first phase of labor. Miscarriage occurs after 6-8 hours.
It is necessary to take the drug only under the supervision of a doctor. After a few hours, the woman will be allowed to go home, but at the first sign of malaise she will have to call an ambulance. Sometimes taking medications does not help. In other cases, the fetus comes out only partially. In this case, you need to perform a vacuum abortion or manual curettage of the uterus.
Instead of a conclusion
Today there is enough money to plan a pregnancy. Therefore, this problem is better to prevent than to treat. But if an unwanted pregnancy still happened, you do not need to panic. First go to the gynecologist. He will inspect and tell you which interruption method is best for you. Competent medical accompaniment will help maintain fertility and avoid consequences. In the future, a woman will be able to become the mother of a healthy child.