Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? Sensations, fetal development at week 28

Pregnancy is gradually reaching the finish line. There are anxieties and fears of future births. Back pain, an enlarged stomach and weight make you feel unpleasant sensations. But everything outweighs the joyful expectation of the baby. Future mothers come up with a name, prepare a dowry for a newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months, how much is left before delivery? The third trimester is the most intense in experience. The movement of the fetus, the appearance of colostrum, the absent-mindedness and clumsiness of a woman are not a cause for concern. Positive emotions and confidence in a happy outcome of childbirth will help to overcome unpleasant sensations.

Fetus at 28 weeks

The third trimester of pregnancy has arrived. It's time to visit the antenatal clinic more often. The child occupies almost the entire space in the mother’s stomach. It is becoming increasingly difficult for a woman to undergo pregnancy. 28 weeks - baby weight already about 1 kg; its growth is approximately 35 cm. These are average figures. Individual features of fetal development may vary. Both weight and height may be a little more or less.

If the pregnancy is 28 weeks old, what happens with child? The brain begins to develop rapidly. Until that moment, it was smooth. After 28 weeks, convolutions begin to form in it. The heart beats at a frequency of 150 beats per minute.

28 weeks pregnancy is how many months

The baby's lungs are still weak, underdeveloped. However, at this time, the child is quite capable of surviving with medical help. Of course, babies are nursed at an earlier date. But it is from the 3rd trimester that a child is legally considered a newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? Considering that the obstetric month is 28 days, the 7th month begins on this date. The facial features of the child become more distinct, the cheeks are rounded. He starts to yawn much more often. Hair accumulates pigment and begins to darken.

Fetal location

The kid already knows how to hear, he begins to distinguish between the voices of his parents. He opens his eyes and reacts emotionally to what he likes or dislikes. If the pregnancy is 28 weeks old - what happens with the fruit? When will he roll over to the correct position?

There are only 3 types of presentation of the fetus:

  1. Headache. The child is head down, adjacent to the cervix.
  2. Transverse. The fetus is located across the abdomen of the mother.
  3. Pelvic. The child is head up, the legs of the fetus, buttocks are adjacent to the cervix.

Up to 3 trimesters, this does not matter much. The child’s activity increases, he moves regularly and can appear in any of the three presentations. If pregnancy reaches 28–29 weeks, then the fetus is in the most convenient position for childbirth. Most often it is a head presentation. It is optimal for childbirth.

28 weeks pregnancy what is happening

With pelvic presentation during childbirth, the buttocks and legs of the baby first appear. There may be difficulties with the removal of the head, because this is the largest part of the body. Therefore, the prospect of a cesarean section is possible.

With transverse presentation, the child will not be able to be born independently, without medical assistance. It is during this period, when the pregnancy is 28–29 weeks old, that an official diagnosis is made about the presentation of the fetus. Nevertheless, you should not worry ahead of time. It also happens that before the very birth the child is in the head presentation.

Baby moving

Third trimester, 28 weeks pregnancy - how many months stays before childbirth? If the baby does not ask ahead of time, then the future mother will have 3 more obstetric months in stock. This is an opportunity to set yourself up for a positive outcome, collect a bag at the hospital, and prepare the necessary documents. If you suddenly need to suddenly leave for the maternity ward, all things will already be collected.

At 7 months of pregnancy, fetal movements are as active as possible. They must occur at least 10 times in one hour. Here you should be careful when counting. Because the baby can sleep during the day. And at night, waking up, begin his motor activity, moving.

Do not forget that the stomach at 28 weeks of gestation is large enough. Sometimes it becomes stony - this means that the uterus is in good shape and is preparing for future contractions. The child also grows and he has little space in his mother’s tummy. Therefore, movements can be not so frequent.

27 28 weeks of gestation

During the day or night, the uterus relaxes, the baby's activity intensifies. Therefore, when counting, you can find at least 4 movements per 1 hour of mom’s rest.

Attention should be paid to fetal movements. If the movements are less than prescribed, the doctor should be told about this.

Tests at week 28

Time for maternity leave begins at 27–28 weeks of gestation. From this moment it is necessary to visit the gynecologist more often. Ultrasound is often not done at this time. The doctor, while taking, listens to the fetal heartbeat, notes the pressure and weight of the woman on the map, measures the circumference of the abdomen and pelvis. Still, you should take standard tests during pregnancy - urine, blood. But there are some other indicators, the values ​​of which need to be clarified in the 3rd trimester.

Blood tests to be taken:

  • for sugar;
  • on antibodies.

During pregnancy, diabetes can occur. Therefore, blood sugar indicators are so necessary. So that anemia does not develop, the level of iron in the body is monitored.

Analysis for antibodies will reveal the Rh factor. As well as the presence or absence of a Rhesus conflict with a child, which may affect the outcome of childbirth. If necessary, a special medicine is introduced that will prevent the formation of antibodies to the blood of the child in the mother's body.

Changes in the mother

Pregnancy 28 weeks is how many months already passed from the beginning of conception? For 7 months, the baby has been developing in the mother’s stomach. Forms of a woman are rounded. The abdomen becomes much larger. It was at this time that gynecologists advised to wear a bandage.

The skin on the stomach stretches more and more, begins to itch. Whitish stripes - stretch marks - can cover part of the abdomen. To prevent this, it is necessary to apply 1-2 times a day to the skin with special gels, creams. Even a simple oil or baby cream will help prevent stretch marks. In the morning and evening, you should rub the selected cosmetic product clockwise into the abdomen.

pregnancy 28 29 weeks

Pain in the back and lower back begins at about 27–28 weeks of pregnancy. An increase in height, weight of the child, a shift in the center of gravity - these are the causes of these pains. It is necessary to distinguish between them. Cramping pains can lead to premature birth. With them, the tone of the uterus also increases. Sciatica pain is associated with an increase in the abdomen, softening of the supporting ligaments and joints.


The appearance of edema is a sign that it is time to think about weight control, time to adjust the diet, reduce fluid intake. It should be 1.5 liters per day. Liquids include not only drinking, but also soups, fruits, and milk.

Smoked, salted, fried, spicy foods cause thirst. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon such products. You should pay attention to the amount of urine released per day. It should be more than the fluid consumed.

At 28 weeks of gestation, fetal development can be disturbed by intense swelling, the appearance of dropsy. Late gestosis is a serious complication, so you need to be careful about your health and nutrition.


Light, milky shades of discharge are considered the norm. They should be homogeneous, have a slightly sour smell. If the discharge changes dramatically, becomes yellow, gray, with clots of pus or mucus, then you should immediately consult a doctor. If itching and a pungent odor appear, a series of tests are necessary to identify the infection.

Watery discharge means leakage of amniotic fluid. They may be negligible or plentiful. In any case, watery discharge indicates a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. Urgently see a doctor.

If the pregnancy is 28 weeks old - what happens with spotting? This means presentation, detachment of the placenta. Be sure to call the ambulance in this case. Spotting may be minor, spotting. Or profuse, with sharp pains. In any case, they disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and can lead to premature contractions, childbirth.

Health care

When it came 28 week of pregnancy, fetal movement so active that they can cause pain to mom. In this case, it is recommended to calm the baby, pat the stomach or change the position of the body.

28 week gestation gestation

Walking, bending becomes more and more difficult. Nevertheless, weight gain in the last trimester is accelerating. Therefore, doctors advise not to engage in vigorous activity (especially if there are cramping pains), but to devote more time to leisurely walks. It is important to monitor the smoothness of movements, not to allow sharp jumps, inclinations.

You should establish contact with the child - communicate more by stroking the stomach. Sing songs, read fairy tales. The child still does not understand the words, but he is well versed in the intonations of the parents. Therefore, it is better not to swear, not to raise your voice. Talk calmly, softly.


Meal should be distributed 5-6 times during the day. Preference should be given to small portions. A change in taste, the appearance of unpleasant sensations often accompany pregnancy. 28 weeks - what happens in the last trimester?

The appearance of heartburn is due to the fact that with an increase in the uterus, the diaphragm also rises. She presses on the stomach. Therefore, heartburn, nausea is quite acceptable.

A pregnant woman just needs to take foods containing calcium: cheese, cottage cheese, milk. The child’s inert system continues to form, and calcium is necessary for both mother and baby. But the intake of potatoes, flour products, white rice is better to limit - these products will contribute to fat accumulation in the body of a woman. It is better to prefer cereals, brown rice. For baking use coarse flour.

Woman's feelings

Is going 28 week of pregnancy. Stirring the child is so noticeable that they cause inconvenience to the expectant mother. Need more rest. Legs at this point should often be kept on a raised platform to prevent varicose veins.

It is important to monitor your posture. Back pain due to a displaced cent severity will continue until the end of pregnancy. In order to prevent the spine from bending, you need to keep your back straight.

Veins appear brighter on the chest; colostrum appears. But a pregnant woman needs to remember that squeezing out fluid from the glands is undesirable. It is better to wash your chest with cool water, wear special pads, so as not to spoil the laundry.

pregnancy 28 weeks baby weight

In the last trimester, insomnia is possible. This is due to frequent urination, heartburn, thoughts about future births. It is better not to get hung up on anxious thoughts, not to take sedatives without a doctor’s recommendation. Walking before going to bed, a relaxed mood, an evening shower will help to overcome night vigils.

Causes of Preterm Birth

The prenatal birth is promoted by an incorrect way of life - smoking, alcohol, drug use. But for women who have been monitoring their health during their entire pregnancy, some complications are possible (they, in turn, can lead to premature birth):

  • Rubella disease during pregnancy.
  • Genital infections.
  • Immune incompatibility of parents and child.
  • Cervical insufficiency.
  • Polyhydramnios, abnormalities of the fetus.
  • Exfoliation, placenta previa.

Childbirth at 28 weeks of gestation

Timely measures taken can suspend complications that have begun. To do this, you need to see a doctor or call a team soon for help. A child at 28 weeks will survive only in special conditions that the obstetric institution can provide.

In some cases, a threat to the life of the mother leads to the initiation of premature birth. The rupture of the fruit membranes and possible infection is also an occasion for the onset of artificial labor.

It does not matter whether it will be a cesarean section or a natural birth, it is important to preserve the life and health of the mother and child. If the doctors made a decision about the operation or about the artificial stimulation of activity, then the current situation should be accepted without disagreement.

The postpartum period proceeds in most cases in the same way as in women who gave birth on time. Small complications can delay the mother and child in the hospital for some time.


By the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain should be 9 kg. A slightly larger or slightly smaller weight gain is allowed. However, it is necessary to monitor the increase, adjust nutrition. It is bad if the weight is much more - this will affect the general well-being and the process of childbirth.

28 week gestation gestation

A rising diaphragm props up the stomach and causes mild nausea. Therefore, sleeping at this time is better on a high pillow. It will be most convenient to lie on the left side - this position is optimal for the mother and child.

To avoid anxiety and fears of childbirth, you should add positive emotions to life.

  • Spend more time with friends, relatives.
  • Light scented candles.
  • Read positive books, watch good or funny movies.
  • Go to interesting exhibitions, concerts.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, clothes.
  • Include relaxation music.
  • Choose a name for the child, talk with the baby.

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