The correct sizes for the avatar of the VKontakte group

Quite a lot of people work on the Internet, where at every step a new idea, fresh thoughts, as well as the desire for creativity are required. When the business starts to gain momentum, the logical continuation will be the creation of a group in one of the social networks where each user can contact you, find out about your product from another person, etc.

Further in the article we will tell you what sizes for the avatar of the VKontakte group are needed and what should be emphasized when creating an avatar.

sizes for VKontakte avatar

What is an avatar

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Maximum VKontakte avatar size

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ideal size avatar group VKontakte

It should be noted that the decision to create your own VKontakte community is right for start-up organizations or businessmen who do not have money for the site. If you follow the rules described above, and also know the appropriate sizes for the avatar of the VKontakte group, then there will be no problems with creating a group or community.

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