The birth of a child causes a storm of positive emotions in the family. Inexperienced young parents have a difficult time, because caring for a baby requires a lot of special knowledge and skills. And most often they are concerned about the question - what to wear a newborn. We will talk about this later in the article.
General requirements for children's clothing
The baby has a delicate skin and lies almost all the time. Therefore, all children's clothing should be very comfortable so as not to cause him discomfort. To properly dress a newborn, you must follow certain recommendations. The baby's things must meet the following requirements:
- natural and hypoallergenic tissues;
- loose and comfortable fit;
- thin seams;
- lack of metal fasteners and other fittings.
Mom should make sure that the baby's undershirts and blouses are not jammed by the baby on the back. Thus, you can protect it from discomfort.
How to dress a baby for discharge from the hospital
An extract from the maternity ward is a crucial moment not only for a young mother, but also for the whole family. At this time, the child should be properly dressed in accordance with weather conditions. The outfit should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
In the maternity hospital, it is recommended to take for a child: 2 thin caps, 2 pairs of socks, a slip or sliders with a vest. Two thin and two bike diapers are also needed.
In many ways, the list of necessities depends on the time of year. How to dress a newborn for discharge in the winter? Here is a list of clothes:
- warm envelope;
- tight hat;
- wool or fleece suit;
- cotton slip;
- socks;
- thin hat.
For discharge from the maternity ward in the summer, the newborn will need:
- smart diaper corner;
- knitted "little man";
- hat and socks.
In spring and autumn, a warm envelope, cotton overalls, and a thin and warm hat are required for the child.
How to wear a newborn baby? Mom needs to focus on the weather and common sense. Dressing the baby in the hospital helps the nanny or nurse. Will it be cold to the baby or warm? You can check with her.
How to dress a baby at home
Mom must understand all the needs of the baby in order to know what to wear the newborn in the room. At 1 month of life, the most comfortable temperature for a baby will be 25 degrees with a humidity of 50–70%. In this situation, he needs to wear a blouse-vest and cotton sliders. When swaddling, it is enough to use a light diaper. It is not necessary to cover the child in addition. The thermoregulation of the baby in the first month after birth is imperfect, so pediatricians recommend wearing a baby hat even in a warm room.
And how to dress a newborn at a temperature of 21-23 degrees? In this case, socks are additionally put on the baby and swaddled in a warm flannel diaper. At a temperature of 19–20 degrees, a child needs two-layer clothing. On top of the vest and sliders, mom can wear a knitted suit.
If the apartment is cold, and the air temperature is 17–19 degrees, they put the newborn in fleece or flannel overalls, a tight hat and additionally wrap it in a warm diaper. Parents should monitor the well-being of the baby. If his hands were sweating, then he overheated, and you need to change the warm diaper to a thin one. When the neck and nose are cold, the baby freezes, and mom should add clothes.
Up to 3 months, parents need to use free swaddling. In this case, the baby will not be afraid of the involuntary movements of his arms and legs.
The main requirements for clothing are convenience and safety. She should not constrain movements.
Why walk with a baby
All young mothers know that babies need to walk. Here are the key benefits:
- staying in the fresh air tempers the child;
- increased immunity and body resistance;
- development of the baby’s nervous system improves;
- the body is saturated with oxygen;
- metabolic processes are intensified;
- the skin receives the necessary portion of ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which vitamin D is produced
Walking trains the vision of the baby, as his gaze often moves from close to distant objects.
How to dress a newborn outdoors according to the weather? This process has its own characteristics, which will be discussed later.
Basic rules for choosing clothes and shoes for walking
To successfully assemble a baby for a walk, you must adhere to the following rules of what to wear a newborn:
- Before going out for a walk, a child is dressed exactly like an adult, plus one more layer of clothing.
- The baby does not move, so it can freeze faster than the parents.
- You can use the blanket.
- In the cold season, the child is dressed in multilayer clothing, and if necessary, parents get rid of excess.
When thinking about what to wear a newborn, one should not forget about the hat. It should fit snugly against the head. Best of all, is that she be in a tie.
The choice of shoes must be approached with full responsibility, although it will not be needed soon:
- while the baby does not stand on its feet, they put it on booties or knitted socks;
- the first sandals and boots are bought for him when he starts to stand or walk, holding on to his mother’s hand;
- usually the baby’s first shoes are put on when he is 8–9 months old.
The choice of sandals or shoes is a responsible and serious matter. In the crumb, the formation of the foot occurs, and the health of the child depends on this. Children's shoes should have a hard back, a small heel of 0.5-1.5 cm and a soft insole with arch support. There should be no narrower socks in the shoes so that the baby can move his fingers freely. Preference should be given to the skin, because such material does not soar the legs and protects against damage.
How to dress a newborn in the weather
The process begins by first selecting everything you need. Mom must prepare all his things in advance. Parents should be dressed in advance for a walk, with the exception of jackets and shoes. The baby must be prepared for leaving the house as quickly as possible, because he quickly overheats and sweats.
To provide the most convenient way to present information on how to dress a newborn according to the weather, the table will list the things he needs for different times of the year.
Season, air temperature | Necessary clothes |
summer, +27 ... + 34 ° | Body, sundress or sandbox with a short-sleeved T-shirt, panama hat or hat. You can choose one from this list. If parents do not wear a diaper, then you can use an absorbent diaper. |
summer +20 ... + 25 ° C | "Man" in cotton or bodysuit with long sleeves, thin pants and socks. When the child falls asleep, he can be covered with a light blanket. |
fall-spring +18 ... + 22 ° | Slip, thin cap, flannel or fleece blanket. |
fall-spring +13 ... + 16 ° | Light slip, demi-season jumpsuit. Hat and plaid. |
fall-spring +8 ... + 12 ° | Warm slip, demi-season jumpsuit. Hat, cotton envelope or bag. |
winter 0 ... + 5 ° | Warm slip, winter overalls. Two hats: thin and dense. Warm envelope or bag. |
winter -2 ...- 10 ° | Cotton slip, knitted or fleece suit. Two hats and winter overalls. A blanket. |
We hope you find it easier to figure out how to dress a newborn. The table presented in this section will help to properly assemble the baby on the street so that it does not freeze or overheat.
Walk in the summer
The easiest way to wear a baby in the warm season. During this period, the main task of parents is to avoid overheating. Here are the main nuances:
- Things should be sewn from natural fabrics: cotton, chintz, light knitwear.
- Wearing the baby should be as easy as possible, but the skin should not be open. After all, it is able to easily sunbathe in direct sunlight.
- What to wear a newborn in the summer? You can choose a T-shirt and shorts for him, and dress the girl in a dress. The main thing is to cover the head with a panama to protect it from the scorching sun.
Mom should not walk with the baby from 12 to 16 hours of the day. In summer, it is best to be outside in the early morning and evening. It is important for mothers to have two diapers with them (thin and flannel). If the child’s cool breeze blows, you can cover one of them.
How to walk in winter
In winter, you can walk with the baby for 1.5–2 hours. It is allowed to stay outside for longer, the main thing is that the crumbs should not be cold in the stroller. To do this, you must follow some rules.
How to dress a newborn outdoors in winter? If he was born at this time of the year, then he is taught to walk the baby gradually. First go to the balcony for 10 minutes, wrapping the baby in an envelope. After 2 weeks, you can walk with him for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent on the street.
The baby must be dressed in a warm jumpsuit with fur. During the entire period of the walk, you need to inspect the baby so that it does not freeze. If he has a warm nose, then parents should not have any concerns. If the baby is well dressed, then you can walk for 2-3 hours. The main thing is that the child breathes with his nose, not his mouth. To do this, you can offer him a pacifier.
In winter, you can walk with a newborn at temperatures up to -25 ° C, in the absence of strong winds. If the thermometer column drops below, it is better to wait this period at home.
Off-season walks
The most difficult task for parents is to dress the baby in the offseason. The weather is changeable, which presents certain difficulties in choosing things. After a walk, the baby's body should be warm.
You can use a bike blanket or fleece blanket. Cold - carefully wrap the baby. Hot - freed from excess clothing.
How to dress a baby for the night
The main thing that parents need to strive for is the comfort and peace of the child. After bathing, the baby is changed, thereby preparing him for bed. For this, a cotton slip is suitable. Put a hat on the head.
While the child is only 1–2 months old, it’s best to dress him immediately after bathing and massage. Very comfortable items include a sleeping bag. In it, the baby will not open and will not be scared, even if it waves its handles. Some mothers practice swaddling. If the apartment is cool, then the baby can be covered with a blanket or blanket.
How to use diapers correctly
Currently, disposable diapers are an integral part of baby's personal hygiene. Gauze analogues are practically not used, because they are inferior in quality and convenience. How to wear a diaper for a newborn? Here are the main steps in this process:
- For changing clothes, you need to choose a convenient place - a changing table or an ordinary bed. Mom should prepare everything necessary in advance (diaper, cream, powder, wet wipes).
- The newborn is laid on the back and the old diaper is removed. It is necessary to wipe the skin with a damp cloth and let it dry naturally. Then treat with cream or talcum powder.
- How to wear diapers for a newborn? While the skin dries, the parents prepare the diaper. You need to straighten the gum and unfasten the Velcro. Raising the legs of the baby, put the diaper under it with the side on which the fasteners are located.
- The front of the product must be straightened on the tummy. If the umbilical wound has not healed, you must use a diaper with a notch in front. Now you can fasten Velcro on the upper side of the front of the panties.
Parents should pay attention to tightness of fastening. The finger of an adult should easily fit between the baby’s tummy and the product. It is also necessary to straighten the folds between the legs of the child, so as not to cause rubbing of the skin.
How to dress a newborn outdoors according to the weather? The main thing is to adhere to common sense and not to confuse the baby. After all, most often a cold catches up with children wet from sweat.