Fighting dog breeds: list, characteristics and interesting facts

The term “fighting dogs” refers to breeds specifically bred for fights with their relatives or for bullying wild animals. The vast majority of the descendants of these dogs can be attributed to large molosses or terriers of the so-called bull type. Bright representatives of the first group are mastiffs, Canary and Argentinean dogs. The second includes amstaffs, boules and pitas. The modern list of fighting dog breeds includes several dozen varieties of dogs. Description of the most popular of them you will find in today's article.


These cute animals can often be found on the streets of modern cities. Often teenagers or elderly people walk with them. At the same time, few people imagine how dangerous wrinkled handsome men can be. Meanwhile, shar pei is one of the oldest fighting dog breeds, in the history of which there are many gaps. Scientists who studied the DNA of these animals, were able to establish that they appeared more than three millennia ago. It is possible that they have common roots with mastiffs and Chow Chows. It is interesting that in the 30s of the last century they were on the verge of extinction and were preserved only thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts. To restore the lost livestock, not only purebred individuals, but also representatives of other closely related breeds were allowed for breeding.

fighting dog breeds

Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog with a strong, dense physique. The height of an adult animal is 45-50 cm, and the weight ranges from 17 to 26 kg. On a large, disproportionate head with a wide square muzzle and powerful jaws, there are closely set almond-shaped eyes and small triangular ears. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this fighting dog breed are purple or dark blue gums, palate and tongue.

Despite their pretty appearance, these animals are endowed with a serious, freedom-loving and very aggressive disposition. They need early socialization and timely training. Properly educated sharpei get along well with children and behave appropriately with outsiders. They adapt well to life in urban apartments and do not tolerate prolonged loneliness.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The history of these formidable dogs dates back three centuries. The birthplace of one of the best fighting dog breeds is Great Britain. Pit bulls were bred by crossing American bulldogs and fox terriers and were used not only to participate in dog battles, but also for hunting large animals. It is interesting that in most world countries this breed is not only not bred in nurseries, but also not allowed to exhibit.

white dog of fighting breed

The American pit bull is a strong dog with well-developed muscles. This is not a very large breed of fighting dogs. The height of an adult animal ranges from 44-50 cm, and the weight is 13-27 kg. On the middle rectangular head with a wide muzzle and powerful jaws there are almond-shaped eyes and neat cropped ears. Under the harmoniously developed body with a powerful chest and an even, short back, straight strong limbs are located. The entire body of the animal is covered with short shiny hair. As for the color, the standard allows various variations, from pure white to black or dark brown.

Despite the bad fame, the pit bulls are endowed with a fairly calm and peaceful disposition. With proper upbringing, they make good companions that get along well with children. They are very loyal to their owners and are always ready to stand up for them. These animals are very trainable and do not claim to be a leader. They have enough temperament and need regular exercise.

American bulldog

These beautiful and very strong animals were obtained as a result of centuries of purposeful selection work. They were bred on the basis of Old English bulldogs, which for several centuries have been used to bully bulls. Interestingly, according to some reports, they have preserved the exterior, as close as possible to the phenotype of their ancestors.

Ambul is one of the most powerful fighting dog breeds. Physical power is due, to put it mildly, to rather large dimensions. The height of the adult varies from 58-68 cm, and the weight can reach 35-60 kg. To date, experts distinguish two types of intrabreed. The classic variety is outwardly close to the English bulldog. Such dogs have a short muzzle, well-developed skeleton and muscle mass. A standard species has been bred for the continued pursuit of prey. The ambulo of this type is an athletic, lightweight dog with an elongated muzzle.

The fighting breed is endowed not only with an impressive appearance, but also with an appropriate disposition. The American Bulldog is a rather wayward and stubborn dog, able to obey a person with a strong character. He distrusts strangers and may be aggressive towards other animals. He needs early socialization and is inclined to the struggle for leadership. With the right upbringing, a wonderful companion and a reliable, dedicated advocate will quickly grow out of a small puppy.

Tosa Inu

This Japanese breed of strong fighting dogs was bred on the territory of one of the principalities located on the island of Shikoku. In its origin there are many white spots. According to some reports, the ancestors of these animals were bulldogs, mastiffs and bull terriers. It is interesting that the Japanese still revere representatives of this breed and forbid to export them outside the country. All the Tosa Inu living in Europe got there from Korea or China.

best fighting dog breeds

Representatives of this rare fighting dog breed, the name of which many of you hear for the first time, are quite large. The height of an adult dog is 55-60 cm, and the weight can reach 90 kg. On a large wide head with a square muzzle, a wrinkled forehead, a well-defined nape and clearly defined cheekbones, there are dark brown eyes and high-set hanging ears. Under the powerful body with embossed muscles, deep chest, flat back and sloping croup, there are strong straight limbs with arched paws. The whole body of the animal is covered with dense, short and coarse hair of red, beige, brick red, tiger or fawn color. There is always a black mask on the face.

Tosa Inu is a wayward and proud dog, which can only be managed by a person with a strong character. He is quite loyal to children, but will not tolerate familiarity. This animal is not suitable for keeping in a city apartment and needs regular long walks. Given the fighting past, it must be socialized from childhood and taught the correct behavior in crowded places.

Neapolitan Mastiff

This giant fighting dog breed is the oldest of all that have been bred in Italy. Its ancestors were the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian dogs. The first mention of similar animals was found in documents relating to the era of the Roman Empire. In those days, these giants were used to participate in spectacular battles. They were dressed in metal armor and released into the arena.

black breed of fighting dogs

Interestingly, this is one of the largest fighting dog breeds that were listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The largest Neapolitan mastiff nicknamed Hercules weighed 128 kg, and the circumference of his neck was 97 cm. The average height of the representatives of this breed varies between 60-75 cm, and the weight can reach 50-70 kg. On a huge head with powerful jaws, drooping eyelids and fleshy lips, there are slightly deepened eyes and triangular cropped ears. The whole body of the animal is covered with thick, freely hanging skin, on which grows a short smooth coat of isabella, walnut, deer, black, fawn, brown, blue or lead gray.

Neapolitan Mastiff - a balanced, phlegmatic dog that can instantly respond to any threat. Despite the impressive dimensions and the fighting past, he is endowed with a peaceful, complaisant disposition. He quickly becomes attached to his master and remains faithful to him until the last breath. This giant is quite jealous, because it can not be taken in families with children and other pets.

Cane Corso

The ancestors of this black fighting dog breed are the ancient Tibetan dogs. The first mention of dogs that look like modern Cane Corso can be found in chronicles dating from 1400-1500. In those days, the tireless fearless giants were used for arena battles, military campaigns and guarding the territory. Interestingly, they were even trusted in gold. Cane Corso regularly accompanied city officials and tax collectors.

Representatives of this ancient fighting dog breed are distinguished by a powerful physique. They have developed muscles, a rectangular body and a strong skeleton. The height of an adult dog varies between 58-70 cm, and body weight can reach 40-50 kg. On a large broad-browed head with a pronounced dividing groove, square shortened muzzle and thick lips there are dark, oval, slightly convex eyes and triangular drooping ears. Under the stable, stocky body with a falling back line are muscular strong limbs with clenched fingers. The whole body of the animal is covered with a short stiff outer hair, under which the developed undercoat hides to the best of its ability. As for color, black dogs are most often found. But the Cane Corso standard allows the existence of blue, tiger, red, light and dark gray individuals.

Representatives of this breed are endowed with a balanced disposition and a strong nervous system. They have a well-defined territorial instinct and need early socialization. With proper education, these huge dogs become full members of society and do not pose a real threat.

Great Dane of Argentina

These white fighting breed dogs are distantly related to boxers, English Bulldogs and bull terriers. And their creator is considered a university professor named Antonio Nores Martinez. Interestingly, the Dogo of Argentina is still considered the only national breed of its state.

large fighting dog breeds

Representatives of this breed can not boast of gigantic sizes. The height of an adult animal ranges from 60-68 cm, and the weight reaches 40-45 kg. On a massive convex skull with a pronounced frontal groove, elongated with a wide muzzle and powerful jaws, there are walnut or dark brown almond-shaped eyes and high-set ears. Under a rectangular, moderately stretched body with a voluminous deep chest and a straight top line there are strong even limbs with fingers gathered in a lump. The whole body of the dog is covered with short, tight-fitting white coat. The standard allows the presence of small dark spots, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 10% of the size of the head.

Dogo Argentino is an active, hardy and very strong dog. He is always ready to fight with the enemy and is not suitable for the role of the first dog for the beginning dog handler. He is not adapted to the harsh Russian winters, but he tolerates heat very well. This is a fairly rare fighting dog breed. The price of such a puppy starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. The cost of a baby from a famous nursery with an excellent pedigree can be twice or three times higher than the specified figure.

Great Canary

The history of this rare breed begins in the Middle Ages. The Canary Dogs were not specifically bred. They appeared as a result of a chaotic crossing of local shepherd dogs and imported mastiffs. Subsequently, these animals were endangered. To mitigate the unpredictable character and preserve the dogo canario population (this is the second name of the fighting dog breed), a Rottweiler and a Neapolitan mastiff were added to the list of infused blood.

price of fighting dog breeds

These are quite large and massive dogs. The height of an adult is 60-65 cm, and weight can reach 50 kg. On a short rectangular head with a flat forehead, drooping cheeks and strong jaws, there are oval wide-set eyes and triangular pointed ears. Under a slightly stretched body with a straight back and well-muscled muscles, there are strong, even limbs with rounded fingers. The entire body of the Canary Mast is covered with short, shiny, elastic tiger-colored coat.

Representatives of this fighting dog breed are endowed with a calm, self-confident disposition. They are suspicious of strangers and animals, and only natural restraint does not allow them to immediately attack the chosen target. Canary Mastiffs quickly become attached to their owners and get along well with children. They lend themselves well to training, if desired, you can grow out of them affectionate, tolerant of the surrounding dog. To do this, they need to be introduced to different people from an early age and often brought to public places.

Bull terrier

The first mention of these animals dates back to the 19th century. They were bred specifically for bullying bulls. Among their ancestors are Spanish pointers, bulldogs and Old English terriers. It is interesting that they were originally called White Cavalier, and only after some time they received a modern name.

Bull terrier is an athletically built fighting breed of dogs with a rat face, thin small ears and deep-set triangular or almond-shaped eyes. Despite the apparent weight, the dog should not be too massive. The strong, thick neck of the animal flows smoothly into broad, developed shoulders, a flat back and a shortish croup, ending with the base of a low-set tail. Strong harmonious limbs are located under the harmonious body of the dog with a powerful chest. The whole body of the dog is covered with short shiny hair of various colors.

The bull terrier is a cheerful, active animal who adores spending time in the society of his master. He is very cheerful, funny, playful and incredibly temperamental. At the same time, do not forget that this dog can be quite jealous. A well-bred dog will never show aggression against a person. The bull terrier perfectly adapts to living in a city apartment. But in this case, the owner will have to provide his four-legged pet with regular long walks and physical activity.

American staffordshire terrier

The ancestors of the fighting breed of dogs with a conflicting reputation are old-type bulldogs. As a result of their crossing with terriers, amstaffs appeared. It is interesting that in the pedigrees of the representatives of this breed there are common ancestors with the pits.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a sturdy, compact dog with a straightforward attentive gaze and cast muscles. The height of an adult animal varies from 43 to 48 cm. On a square skull with a pronounced foot, strong jaws and a rounded back of the nose there are dark brown almond-shaped eyes and small ears. Strong proportional limbs with fingers gathered in a lump are located under the proportional body with a perfectly developed chest and a voluminous neck expanding to the shoulders. The entire body of the dog is covered with a short, smooth, tight-fitting outer hair, under which there is no undercoat. As for the color, the standard allows any variation, with the exception of white, liver and black and tan. Most often on the streets you can meet tiger, spotted, colored and plain Staffordshire terriers.

elongated dog breed

Representatives of this breed are endowed with a bold, purposeful disposition. They are quite active and temperamental. In these animals such qualities as kindness and intransigence, sensitivity and stubbornness, strength and tenderness are fantastically combined. They are very vindictive and do not forgive insults. American Staffordshire Terriers quickly get used to their owners and their families. They are very contact and insensitive to pain. With proper education, they make good companions. They almost never growl and rarely give voice. These dogs are able to defend their owners, but experts strongly do not recommend purposefully instilling in them aggression towards humans. Despite the fact that they are easy to educate, in the process of training, difficulties often arise associated with hyperactivity and increased obstinacy of a small amstaff. , .

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