The times when you had to choose from cotton and spring products when buying a mattress are in the distant past. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of fillers, differing in their characteristics and cost. We all know that improperly selected sleeping accessories will present instead of a comfortable rest a lot of health and well-being problems. That is why you should with special attention choose a children's mattress. Latex is a modern material ideal for the manufacture of orthopedic products.
The perfect baby mattress
The choice of bedding for children requires special attention. It is in childhood that posture is formed, and the “wrong” mattress can lead to serious problems, getting rid of which will not be easy in adulthood. So how to choose a good children's mattress? Latex, coconut, polyurethane foam - these and many other fillers are offered to us by modern manufacturers. Orientation is primarily on the age of the child. Pediatricians advise newborns to sleep on the most rigid mattresses, such products are not only useful for the spine, but also minimize the likelihood of suffocation of the baby in a dream. For older children and adolescents suitable mattresses of medium hardness. When choosing bedding, you should also focus on the weight of the child and individual characteristics.
Latex: Pros and Cons
Latex mattresses appeared on the bedding market not so long ago. Many buyers do not yet know what kind of filler and what are its advantages. Meanwhile, the answer of many experts to the question of which is the best children's mattress is latex. What are the advantages of this filler? Natural latex is an elastic and fairly flexible material. It does not absorb moisture, does not deform when used, maintains its original color and shape for a long time. In addition, latex does not accumulate static electricity, has good hygienic characteristics. As for the disadvantages, this is a high cost, the likelihood of an individual reaction of the body to the material (allergy) and the significant softness of the product. In addition, a latex mattress can deteriorate with a sharp change in temperature, so it can not be stored in the country or in any unheated room. Many manufacturers offer products from an artificial analog of this material. Such sleeping accessories are more rigid and relatively inexpensive, but they have a specific smell and a short period of use.
What is good for a combined mattress for children (latex and coconut)?
Among latex products for sleep, you can find combined options with the addition of other materials. The most popular combination is coconut and latex. Such mattresses can have several layers or a single filler consisting of coconut fiber impregnated with latex. In the first case, the traditional latex product is complemented by one or more coconut plates. What is the peculiarity of such mattresses? Coconut, like latex, is a natural, environmentally friendly material with a lot of advantages. Its addition allows you to make the mattress more rigid.
Customer reviews
What do people who have already managed to buy and test a combined mattress for children (coconut, latex) say about their acquisition? Reviews are mostly positive. We are talking about bedding of the highest category, so there is no doubt in quality and comfort. Children like these mattresses because of their softness; it is really very pleasant to fall asleep on them. At the same time, latex has sufficient elasticity and, unlike soft feather-beds, does not harm posture and allows you to sleep well. Children's mattress (coconut, latex) may have negative reviews. Usually we are talking about products made of artificial analogues of natural materials. In addition, such mattresses are not recommended for use in some serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.