Sterilization of pregnant cats: the timing and technique of the operation, the consequences, the pros and cons

The procedure after which the cat does not have the opportunity to give birth to offspring is called sterilization. It is usually resorted to by those pet owners who want to rid themselves of the hassle associated with raising kittens. Sometimes sterilization of a pregnant cat at a later date may be required. This is a separate issue requiring special attention. Experienced veterinarians advise first to allow a pregnant cat to carry and give birth to offspring, and only after that carry out a procedure to neutralize reproductive function. Nevertheless, in some situations where there is a risk of developing serious complications that can lead to death of the animal, the doctor must prescribe emergency cleaning with the removal of the uterus and fetuses.

In this review, we will examine the reasons for sterilizing pregnant cats, how the procedure is carried out, what care the pet needs after the procedure, and also talk about its advantages and disadvantages.


pregnant cat

As a rule, surgery to remove the uterus is resorted to only with the risk of developing cancer - pyometers. Usually, ovaries are removed to interrupt reproductive function. A month after this manipulation, specific female hormones or estrogens are produced in the cat's body. Hormonal background after sterilization is significantly reduced. As a result, the animal becomes more calm and docile. Sterilization is indicated for cats that are overly aggressive towards both humans and their cousins.


Are there any factors that may interfere with sterilization?

These include:

  • chronic ailments in the process of exacerbation;
  • weakened state of the body.

Is it possible to sterilize a pregnant cat? Typically, this procedure is resorted to in the following cases:

  • pathology of fetal development;
  • the presence of diseases caused by pregnancy;
  • age over 8 years.


cat examined by veterinarian

The operation to remove the uterus in cats has several nuances. You should definitely pay attention to them. Cats have a large, two-horned uterus. In a pregnant state, it usually contains several fruits. Even experienced veterinarians cannot remove the embryos from the uterus without damaging the endometrium. Therefore, in order to reduce the risks of complications and inflammatory processes, the doctor usually removes the reproductive organs along with the fruits that are in them. Scientifically, this type of operation should not be called sterilization, but extirpation of the pregnant uterus.

The risks

Is a pregnant cat sterilized late? The consequences of such an operation can be quite severe. First, it should be borne in mind that the uterus with the fruits is usually filled with blood. The process of its removal involves the loss of a large volume of blood. Secondly, the stitch applied to the animal will be much longer than with simple sterilization. In addition, the recovery period will be delayed for a rather long time, since the cat's body has undergone significant physiological stresses and hormonal changes.

When is the best time to have surgery? Here the main thing to consider is one rule: the longer the gestation period, the greater the risks of developing life-threatening consequences for the pet. If you decide to sterilize a pregnant cat, the sooner you do this, the better it will be for a pet.

In the early stages

early sterilization

Sometimes the owners manage to detect pregnancy in a cat in a timely manner and rid themselves of undesirable consequences by performing an operation to sterilize the animal. If you turn to a qualified specialist in time, then you can minimize the risk of complications. Sterilization of a pregnant cat in the early stages is considered optimal in the period from the first to the sixth week. The procedure is recommended to be carried out directly in a stationary veterinary clinic. If you do not want the pet to be very worried, you can also call a doctor at home. However, it should be borne in mind that in the event of critical situations that threaten the health of the animal, an urgent connection to specialized medical equipment may be required. Access to such equipment can be provided only in the clinic. It is also recommended that for some time after the procedure the cat is under the supervision of specialists.

In late terms

What you need to know about this? Are pregnant cats given sterilization at a later date? Usually, doctors are not advised to unnecessarily perform this operation while carrying kittens. This will help to avoid the development of dangerous complications. However, in some cases, the extirpation procedure becomes necessary in order to save the animal’s life.

Usually the operation is carried out in such cases:

  • the animal has access to the street;
  • the owner can not independently determine the time of conception;
  • fertilization occurred during the feeding of the previous offspring;
  • several pregnancies in a row without a rest period;
  • early puberty (3.5-4 months);
  • the risk of the birth of sick offspring with birth defects.

Stages of the procedure

anesthesia before surgery

A cat sterilization operation is a much more complicated manipulation than a cat castration. This is a real abdominal operation performed under general anesthesia.

It is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation for surgery: vaccination a few weeks before sterilization, treatment of internal and external organs of the cat from parasites. It is also recommended not to give the animal food 12 hours before surgery.
  2. Preparation in a hospital: the doctor examines the animal for any deviations and contraindications for surgical intervention. Extirpation is carried out under general anesthesia. To determine the required dose of a narcotic substance, the animal must be weighed. After the introduction of anesthesia, the cat will be in the stage of deep sleep. In this condition, it is placed on the operating table. Wool is previously removed from the cut. The surface must be treated with an antiseptic.
  3. After that, manipulations are carried out to create operational access to the organs. In conventional sterilization, when only the ovaries are removed, the incision is made only from the side. However, for the extirpation of the appendages and the pregnant uterus, the incision is performed right in the middle of the abdomen. To prevent the occurrence of heavy bleeding, the specialist imposes ligatures on large vessels. The uterus with embryos and gonads are removed. Sutures are made using self- absorbable sutures ; external sutures are performed using ordinary suture material. The operation in most cases is carried out using the method of applying a cosmetic suture, which does not require subsequent removal.
  4. Postoperative period: includes the release of the animal from a state of anesthesia, care of the wound and sutures.
preparation for surgery

The operation itself takes an average of 35-45 minutes. This time does not include the period from the introduction to the beginning of the action of anesthesia, as well as the time the animal leaves the state of deep sleep.

Postoperative care

What he really is? Immediately after the operation, it is imperative that the owner takes care of the safety of his pet. Under the influence of anesthesia, the animal cannot control its movements. Therefore, the cat after anesthesia after sterilization during the first day should be under constant monitoring. For transportation of an animal it is necessary to use a special carrying. During recovery from anesthesia, the pulse and respiration will remain slow. Temperature readings will also be significantly reduced. Therefore, the risk of overcooling a cat is great. If the operation is carried out in the cold season, it is recommended to additionally cover the cat with a warm blanket or put a heating pad.

Another danger that an animal in a state of narcotic sleep may encounter is inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye. The fact is that under anesthesia, the organs of vision in cats do not close. So that after the operation there is no inflammatory process, it is necessary to close and open her eyelids several times during the hour. When the animal comes out of anesthesia, it will be possible to offer him a small amount of water. Thirst can be quite intense. The cat will need to give the first portion of food only a few hours after the operation. However, as a rule, the animal has no appetite. This is normal.

The seam

What else should you know about an operation like cat sterilization? The suture and wound surface after surgery should be regularly treated with antiseptic compounds. The best solution for this is a solution of brilliant green greens and hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the spread of a bacterial infection, the veterinarian can also prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment.

Rehabilitation period

cat care

How fast is recovery after an operation such as sterilization of a pregnant cat? The consequences, depending on the condition of the animal and the presence of serious chronic diseases, can be different. Accordingly, the rehabilitation time varies.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms below:

  1. Lack of appetite for three days after surgery.
  2. Raising the temperature to 39.5 3-5 days after extrusion.
  3. The appearance of edema in the area of ​​stitches.
  4. Isolation of pus, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the wound.
  5. The lethargy and apathy of the animal.

If these signs appear, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Advantages and disadvantages

late-stage pregnant cat

What gives sterilization to pregnant cats? Many owners of animals note that after this operation the cat becomes more docile, aggression disappears. As for the shortcomings, in the case of an incorrectly performed procedure, inflammation in the pelvic area often occurs. If you follow the technique and provide the animal with proper care, serious complications should not arise.

An operation such as sterilization of pregnant cats usually causes a hormonal malfunction in the body of the individual. After her, the cat can gain weight. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the appropriate diet for her. Today on sale you can find a wide selection of feeds designed specifically for sterilized cats.

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