Every baby has a congenital sucking reflex; it helps to drink milk from the mother’s breast, that is, by nature, it is laid down to be responsible for survival. Some parents are worried that their child is pulling their hands in their mouths and trying to understand - is it a bad habit or pampering? But actually it is an instinctive impulse, and there is nothing dangerous in it.
Finger in the mouth - stage of development
Each stage of development of the baby is characterized by new skills and behavior. He grows, learns to exist in this world and studies it. Sucking a finger is one of such important stages and periods of development. As they get a little older, the babies find their legs and can smack them with rapture too.
Even during pregnancy, on an ultrasound examination, the mother and the doctor on the screen can see the baby with a finger in their mouth. And this is a signal that the baby is relaxed, calm, he is doing well. Bringing the fist to the mouth, taking it into the mouth and holding it requires some coordination of movements. And the baby in this way demonstrates his first skills.
And yet, what are the reasons to put fingers in your mouth? As a rule, a 3-month-old baby sucks a finger because:
- So he calms down better, for example, when he falls asleep. Sucking reminds him of pleasure when he eats milk from his mother’s breast, it relaxes and allows him to fall asleep faster.
- The kid makes it clear that he is hungry or not full until the end. If artificial feeding is practiced, this may be due to an excessively large opening in the silicone nipple - the baby ate too fast, and the feeling of fullness has not yet come. If the baby is breastfeeding, then the cause may not be frequent application to the breast.
- Anxiety (mother does not pick up for a long time or has disappeared from sight).
- Teeth are cut, although for some it may seem early for a child at 3 months old. You want to suck your finger or cam because gums itch.
- Sad mood. This happens in adults, when you plunge into yourself and begin to do one simple action automatically.
The problem may be deeper, for example, a child sucks a fist because of a strong fright, insecurity in the love of parents or its lack. These situations are extremely rare and are accompanied by tearfulness and agitation.
Fears of parents
Attempts by older relatives to pull a cam of crumbs out of their mouth are due to various fears:
- The constant presence of a finger in the mouth prevents the formation of teeth in the correct position.
- If the baby sucks a finger, then it will ruin its bite.
- The skin on the finger is deformed and will not recover.
- Sucking will turn into a bad habit and gain a foothold in more adulthood.
The first and second points are debunked by dentists who say that if there is a negative effect from sucking, it will only affect milk teeth. The molars form at the age of five to six years. By this age, the habit of sucking a finger already goes away by itself.
As for the delicate skin, which can become rougher from constant presence in the mouth, since the human body is prone to regeneration (restoration), with the cessation of sucking, the cover will be restored.
Sipping hands in the mouth can really turn into a bad habit, but it's too early to worry about it if the baby is 3 months old. In the case when the baby is breastfed, give him breast more often to satisfy the need for sucking. Then he will not have the desire to hold a pen in his mouth.
Negative consequences
Actual negative points that may arise:
- It is difficult to ensure that the baby’s handles are always perfectly clean, so any ingress of them into the mouth is the likelihood of microbes entering there. They can provoke the development of diseases of the oral cavity due to various infections, because the baby's immunity is not yet strong enough to resist.
- While the baby is sucking a finger or musolit cam, a lot of saliva is released. It can cause irritation around the lips. Bibs will help to save the situation.
How to save a baby from sucking a finger?
Most often, there is no need to wean. It is worth remembering that this is the next stage of growing up and understanding the world, which will soon be replaced by another. And interference in the development and harmonious maturation of your baby is not always justified.
Sometimes it’s enough just to be around, make it clear to the crumbs that there’s nothing to worry about, he’s safe. Do not leave him alone if you notice that being alone is a concern to him.
Another mild option to prevent the desire to pull fingers in your mouth can be the use of mittens for newborns. True, many active children wave their arms and legs so vigorously that this method works for only a few minutes.
If you are sure that the baby is full, satisfied, playful, all possible negative reasons have been eliminated, but he is persistently pulling his fingers in his mouth, then try to offer him a replacement:
- pacifier with silicone pacifier;
- small teethers that fit in a small pen;
- rag, wooden or silicone safe toys.
More serious reasons that a child sucks a fist are corrected by the mother’s tender and caring attitude, full of unconditional attention, and bodily contact (carrying on hands, hugs, relaxing massage).
What can not be done?
If a child at 3 months old sucks a finger, then you should not abruptly and categorically try to wean him with physical methods. Also, in no case should:
- to shame, scold, scream - this can provoke the opposite effect and stress;
- smear fingers with something bitter;
- to restrain the movements of the child’s handles so that he does not have the opportunity to reach his face - this will bring crumbs only suffering.
At what age is it worth starting to worry
The active period of the sucking reflex lasts up to 4-5 months. The need for sucking fingers, fist, mother's breast gradually fades away, the child learns to express his mood differently and study the outside world. Breast and bottle are already beginning to be perceived as an opportunity to satisfy hunger. But for this to happen, the baby needs to stay at the chest for as long as he needs until he releases or turns away, having been saturated.
Until the age of 10 months, the satisfaction of the sucking reflex by the baby by taking fingers in the mouth should not cause concern. But such a habit for a child older than three years can be one of the serious reasons and an occasion to see a doctor. Possible factors:
- lack of care and love on the part of parents, lack of attention;
- consequences of birth injuries, hypoxia;
- constant stress state, nervous excitement;
- psychological trauma (children are very sensitive and experience problems in the family much brighter than adults).
For children older than three years, sucking a finger can affect the development of speech defects, malocclusion.
Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
The famous pediatrician, like other modern doctors, is inclined to believe that sucking fingers in infants is a natural instinctive sucking reflex. Fighting him, in his opinion, is useless. If parents want to "take" a finger from a child, then they certainly need to give something in return. You can switch your attention to a dummy, experimenting with all kinds of them, or to a toy. In other words, do not try to eradicate this fact, but offer him an alternative.