Dog breed springer spaniel

The hero of our article today is a beautiful and versatile representative of a large family of spaniels. This is one of the largest representatives of the breed - the English springer spaniel. He has won millions of dog breeders' hearts all over the world, like a gun dog, a charming pet, an excellent service dog that can smell anything from hidden drugs to hidden criminals.

springer spaniel

This handsome man is endowed with a huge supply of energy, is very hardworking, and in his free time he loves to play and even play a little foolishly. This is a dog with a strong will, it is active and energetic. Therefore, it is unlikely to suit those who need a calm and even somewhat phlegmatic four-legged friend. The desire to learn and sociability make this dog an excellent companion for active people who are able to give her the physical and mental exercises that she urgently needs.

Breed history

The worldwide popular English springer spaniel has a not-so-clear history of the breed. It is only known for certain that the dog was brought to England by the conquerors - the Romans.

For hundreds of years, the appearance of this animal has changed. This is the result of crossbreeding by pedigree relationship, and possibly the intervention of another's blood. Such changes are fairly obvious if you look at old engravings or paintings with images of these animals.

Breed description

Representatives of the breed English Springer Spaniel are quite tall, which far exceeds the performance of other types of spaniels. In addition, by the type of addition, this dog is lightweight, which distinguishes it from its family. Outwardly, the English springer is very harmonious and proportionate.

springer spaniel photo


Height - 56 cm (48 cm - bitches), weight - 25 kg (23 - bitches). As you can see, this is a medium-sized dog, active and strong.


The medium-sized torso is neither short nor long. The chest is well developed, it is deep and powerful. The ribs have a correct bend. The hips are strong, muscular, slightly rounded.


Straight, with a strong bone, front legs. Elbow joints fit snugly to the sides. The hind limbs are hairy, the hock and knee joints are well developed.


Not rough, but not too soft, straight. Color brown-liver, white, black and white. In addition, any combination of these colors with spots is acceptable.


Skull box of medium length, rounded. Between the superciliary arches is a fold of skin. The occipital bone does not protrude. The eyes are small, oval, dark brown. Bright eyes are a disqualifying factor. The ears are wide, long, soft, tight to the head, covered with wool.

english springer spaniel


Low set, fluffy. He never rises above his back.


The Welsh Springer Spaniel is intelligent and smart, confident in his own abilities, endlessly devoted to his master. With strangers, he is emphatically restrained. This is a great hunter, has a striking scent. At home, he is always balanced and calm, loves a calm atmosphere in the family.

Dogs of the English Springer Spaniel breed, photos of which are published by all cynological publications, have a very lively and soft character. They like to play with children. Many owners note excessive activity and cheerfulness of their pets. Sometimes it causes irritation in people balanced and calm. For excessive noise and cheerfulness you should not scold your pet - his character can go bad.

Care and maintenance

Springer Spaniel can adapt normally in a city apartment, but ideal for him is living in a country house with a plot where he can frolic, dig holes, and no one will scold him for this. Springs are very sociable animals, and they absolutely do not tolerate loneliness, especially in puppyhood.

They need long walks with physical activity. Otherwise, the spaniel can quickly gain weight, and this can negatively affect his health. In addition, these handsome people are very fond of swimming in any pond.

english springer spaniel photo

Hair care

The Springer Spaniel breed has a medium-long glossy, close-fitting coat. It reliably protects the animal from adverse weather conditions.

On the ears, chest and legs, the strands are longer. Shedding of these animals is of medium intensity. Springer Spaniel needs regular brushing. This must be done at least twice a week. To do this, use a stiff bristle brush.

Experts recommend bathing the dog or cleaning using dry shampoo only in case of emergency.

Remember to check and clean your pet’s ears with a cotton swab dipped in water every week. Trim too long strands on the legs. If you don’t do this, the English Springer Spaniel, whose photo you see in our article, will collect all the garbage and thorns that fall in its path.


Springer Spaniel is predisposed to diseases such as epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and retinal atrophy. In addition, these dogs gain weight very quickly. Often this leads to obesity, so you need to carefully monitor their nutrition - try not to overfeed.

springer spaniel reviews

Not so long ago, it was revealed that the Springer Spaniel may suffer from a nervous disease such as “anger syndrome”. This is a genetic disease. The syndrome turns a perfectly normal dog into an evil beast that attacks animals and people. At this time, the dog does not respond to commands. Experts say this is a form of epilepsy - a dog needs serious treatment.


Springer Spaniel requires early socialization and obedience training. Training should be built on the basis of justice and firmness. The key to proper education lies in the consistency and perseverance of the owner during training. It is strictly forbidden to use physical force! For success, the dog should be praised and encouraged with its favorite treat.


The diet of these energetic animals should consist of 50% meat. The remaining 50% should be cereals, raw vegetables, vitamins and mineral supplements. From meat it is better to choose low-fat varieties - veal, lamb, poultry. It must be slightly scalded. If you sometimes decide to treat your four-legged friend with raw meat, then it is better to freeze it first.

From cereals it is better to choose rice, millet or oatmeal. Food with spices, confectionery and flour products should be excluded from the diet of the animal.

You can feed the springer spaniel and ready-made feed. They are well balanced. In this case, do not give vitamins. It is better to consult a veterinarian before transferring the animal to ready-made feed.

breed springer spaniel

Where to buy a puppy?

Only at the nursery or at an experienced and knowledgeable breeder. Today they are in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Pyatigorsk, etc.

Do not buy a dog in the market. In this case, no one will give you guarantees that the animal is healthy, does not have any hereditary diseases.

The price of the puppy from which you grow a companion for hunting is $ 400. A dog with show potential will cost about $ 900.

Owner reviews

Owners of dogs of this breed know that now there are two varieties of springers: some are intended for hunting, and others are for home keeping and an exhibition "career".

Hunter Springer Spaniel reviews receive only enthusiastic. A well-bred and trained dog of this breed is an unsurpassed hunter.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

As for pets, opinions differ here. There are reviews from people who are too tired of this active dog. It is not worth it to get such a dog for families who are overloaded with their worries. Springer Spaniel requires attention and care from the owners.

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