When is Xenia's birthday celebrated?

Angel Day, or name day, is a special day of the year dedicated to a saint. At baptism, each person is given a name, and often it does not coincide with the real one (for example, Yuri becomes George at baptism). As a rule, the name day of Christians is celebrated on a larger scale than an ordinary birthday. This is due to the fact that with the assignment of the name of a saint at baptism, a person is given the right to turn to him in difficult life situations, count on help and support on his part. In a word, a guardian angel appears in a person in the person of a saint, whose name he bears. This article will discuss in more detail when Ksenia's birthday is celebrated, and what it is connected with.

Xenia's name day

First of all, it should be noted that the name Xenia itself belongs to the Greek, and in translation means “foreigner” or “guest”. It should also be noted that in ancient Greece, “Xenia” (prickly comic poems), the owners often met their guests. Some of them, due to the lack of a sense of humor, might even be offended.

Xenia's name day

Xenia has two patron saints. One of them is Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg, who lived in the distant XVIII century. After the death of her husband, Ksenia distributed all the acquired property and went around the world in faith. The Lord for the patience of Xenia and her exploits glorified the woman during her lifetime. Moreover, he endowed her with a wonderful gift of clairvoyance and insight. As soon as Ksenia picked up a sick child, he was immediately healed. Xenia's name day - January 24.

Xenia's name day

The second patroness is Ksenia Milasskaya, who also renounced a carefree life and devoted herself to serving God. During her lifetime, Saint Xenia refused no one, she always helped the poor and the weak, instructed sinners. Her name day is August 13th.

Ksenia’s name day is marked seven times in the church calendar, but this does not mean that the owners of this name should honor their saint so many times. It is important to note that many saints have the same name, but completely different dates of celebration. For example, there are more than a hundred Saint John alone in the scriptures. Of course, each person should have only one patron saint, and name day - once a year. In this case, you should be guided by one simple rule: you need to find out all the dates of honoring the patron saints of your name and choose the one that will be next after the date of your birth. This day will be considered the day of your Angel.

Xenia's birthday on the church calendar

Regardless of when the birthday of Xenia is celebrated, in the world girls with this name have come to be considered quite stubborn and at the same time thorough. Ksenia will always complete any business, so women with this name are suitable for positions associated with perseverance and responsibility (statistician, secretary, accountant, archivist). On the other hand, Ksenia can perfectly cope with the tasks of a tutor-tutor. She will “torment” her student to the last, so that he finally understands all the new material. Ksenia's households often behave a little stingy and economically, however, order will always reign in the house.

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