Maine Coons are truly charming creatures that amaze with their elegance and grandeur. They are representatives of the cat family, in their appearance resembling something like distant raccoons. Compared to other varieties of pets, they have a large size, a dense coat and a very playful friendly disposition. A distinctive feature of this breed is the ears, at the ends of which there are brushes. They make an unforgettable impression.
Maine Coon, whose care and maintenance have certain features, are most popular in the United States, but every year they gradually win the hearts of felinologists around the world. Let's figure out what conditions of detention you need to provide four-legged friends, so that they grow up healthy and cheerful.
What to consider before getting a cat?
Maine Coon care is not very different from other breeds, although it has certain nuances. If you decide to get this breed for yourself, it is worth considering the fact that for a kitten, parting with his mother is a lot of stress, so you need to provide him with the most comfortable living conditions, especially in the first weeks of the animal’s stay in a new house.
For your pet, you need to equip a place for relaxation and pastime. To speed up the process of adaptation of the baby, it is worth taking the litter from the breeder on which he slept earlier. Thanks to the familiar smell, the process of parting with the mother will not be so painful, and caring for Maine Coon will become less problematic. You should also take care in advance of where the kitten will eat. To do this, you will need to buy two bowls (best of ceramic or steel) for clean water and dry food. It is better not to use plastic dishes, as they can be dangerous for the health of a furry pet.
It is worth noting that small Maine Coons are distinguished by a curious and playful disposition, so they constantly climb where they don’t need to. To eliminate the likelihood of injuries to kittens, it is recommended to hide bare electrical wires so that the animals do not have a bite and die from electric shock.
Maine Coon cats (care and maintenance of this breed will be described in detail a little later) need high physical activity, so it is advisable for them to buy a set of toys, for example, balls. But they must be made of materials that do not collect garbage on themselves so that the kitten does not swallow it. Family photographs, color pots and other items that may fall and break should be removed from tables and nightstands. And, of course, you do not need to keep windows open. Even at a young age, Maine Coons can jump high and can fall out in an attempt to catch a flying bird.
How to care for pets?
For your four-legged friends to grow up healthy and always look attractive, they need quality care and maintenance. Maine Coons are not too capricious and demanding, however, their owners should pay a lot of attention to the condition of their ears, eyes, paws and claws, muzzle and hair. Next, we will talk in more detail about how to properly maintain this breed at home.
The ears
Maine Coon kitten should be cared for constantly. This is especially true for the ears. They should be cleaned regularly, and so that the animal does not break out, it is necessary to carry out procedures while the kitten is distracted by something. If the pet will respond normally to the processing of shells, then this will not cause any problems at all. You can determine the condition of the ears by the color of the skin. Inside, it should be pink.
To remove sulfur, it is recommended to use cotton pads, not sticks, since the latter can injure the kitten. The swab is wetted in the ear drops, after which the shells are thoroughly wiped with them. Medications not only greatly simplify the process of removing sulfur, but also get rid of ticks. After cleaning, ears should be instilled to prevent parasites from entering the hearing organs.
How to handle them correctly? In the corners of the eyes of Maine Coon cats, the features of caring for small and adult animals are the same, very often mucus and dirt accumulate, which must be removed in a timely manner.
To eliminate it, cotton pads soaked in warm boiled water or not too well brewed black tea are also well suited. Some cat lovers advise using chamomile broth, but it is categorically contraindicated, since it provokes hair loss in the eye area.
Maine Coon care is much simpler than the representatives of other breeds because they practically do not form plaque on the teeth in the process of life. However, their owners should be very careful during the period of growth of primary teeth, which begins approximately 3-5 months of life. The oral cavity should be examined regularly.
If any defects in the development of bone formations are noticed, then it is worth showing the animal to a qualified veterinarian who will examine the patient and prescribe the appropriate treatment. This is very important, because in the absence of appropriate measures, the baby may develop the wrong bite, with which he will have to live until the end of days.
To improve its formation, felinologists advise giving kittens dry food and various small-sized rubber chewing toys. In addition, to prevent the development of diseases of the oral cavity, you should brush your teeth daily with a soft-bristle brush using special paste, which can be purchased at many pet stores and pharmacies.
If the cat has too big nails, then he will not only begin to grind them on furniture and spoil it over time, but will also experience some discomfort. Therefore, from time to time you will have to cut them with special rounded scissors, which exclude the possibility of damage to the capillaries in the claws. If pigment spots appeared on the bone plate, then you need to be very careful when trimming it. It is not recommended to cut too much, but only slightly trim the nail.
It will also be useful to purchase a special pad with which the animal can sharpen its claws on its own. So it will remain satisfied, and your furniture will be safe and sound.
As mentioned earlier, cats of this breed have a fluffy and abundant hairline, so grooming Maine Coon hair requires some effort. You will need two combs - with rare and frequent rounded teeth, so as not to scratch the skin, as well as a special massage brush.
First of all, the hair is combed with a comb with rare, and then with frequent teeth. Movements should be in the direction of hairline growth, and in no case against it. In this case, one should not exert too much effort, since if the hair falls out, the new one will grow for a rather long time.
Very often, tangles appear on the breast, hind legs and stomach. They cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal, so they should be combed out. If they are large, then with the help of manicure scissors, the formations are neatly trimmed. Hair care should be constant, but not too frequent. Two combing a week will be enough. If you spend them every day, then the wool may begin to fall out.
This should be discussed in more detail. Maine Coon care will not be complete without bath procedures. No problems will arise with them, since this breed loves water, therefore it is always bathed with great pleasure. This is due to the fact that previously Maine Coons often went on long voyages with sailors, so their craving for water is embedded in the blood.
But in order to avoid further problems, you need to begin to teach four-legged pets to bathing from childhood. Water procedures are best done about 3-4 hours after a meal. When bathing, it is better to close the windows and doors so that the pet does not blow out and does not get sick.
Maine Coon cats, the care, maintenance and feeding of which will not cause great concern, normally belong to water, but in order to maintain their attractiveness while swimming, the following rules should be followed:
- Before water procedures, the animal must be combed and carefully inspected the skin for wounds;
- if necessary, cut the nails and clean the ears;
- for bathing, it is better to use baby baths or a medium-sized basin;
- optimal water temperature is 38 degrees;
- for the stability of the pet, the bottom of the container is covered with a diaper or piece of cloth;
- when soaping the hair and applying shampoo in the area of the face, you should be very careful that the funds do not get into the eyes and mouth of the kitten;
- rinse the four-legged friend should be in plenty of water, because if even a small amount of soap remains, then the animal may begin skin irritation;
- rinse agent is used to give the coat a characteristic shine;
- In no case should you bathe Maine Coons with human shampoos;
- talk with a cat during water procedures. This will reduce the psychological burden on her and she will behave more calmly and obediently;
- after rinsing the pet should be moved to a warm place and thoroughly wipe the wool with a towel, after which it will be possible to start drying.
It is worth noting that it is not necessary to bathe representatives of the Maine Coon breed too often, since this will be more harm than good. Once a month is enough to keep the animal clean.
A few words about the diet
So what do you need to know about this? As in the case of people, for Maine Coon feeding and care is very important. First of all, you should choose a good dish for feeding made of natural and safe materials.
Water should be changed regularly so that pets constantly receive fresh drink. So that the dishes do not ride on the floor and do not tip over, they must be heavy enough. In this case, a bowl for drinking and eating is best placed at a certain distance from each other. Otherwise, water will enter the feed, which can lead to spoilage.
Maine Coon nutrition should be complete and balanced, so that animals receive from the diet all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for normal growth and life. If you plan to keep your pet not on home food, but on dry food, then you should buy only quality products from well-known manufacturers. They are responsible for the manufacture of food products, so they have all the vital macronutrients.
Maine Coon care and nutrition play an important role. To diversify the pet’s diet, dry food can be alternated with canned food. In addition, natural meat, cereals, dairy products and vegetables should be included in the diet. To strengthen the immune system, veterinarians are advised to periodically give vitamin complexes.
If you do not trust purchased feeds, then animals can be kept completely on natural food.
In this case, the menu should contain the following products:
- raw and boiled meat of any animals;
- vegetable crops: tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin;
- raw or boiled chicken eggs;
- cottage cheese and cheese;
- fish in any form;
- cereals;
- fresh greens;
- young shoots of oats and wheat.
In the process of cooking it is forbidden to salt and sugar, as well as add herbs and spices. As for the prohibited foods, these include fatty pork, bones of any animals, smoked meats, sweets, legumes, and also the meat of birds such as ducks and geese. Adhering to all these recommendations on feeding, grooming, Maine Coon cats will feel good.
Reviews of felinologists
Every year, Maine Coon cats are becoming increasingly popular around the world. These animals are very beautiful, playful and kind, so they will give a lot of positive emotions to their owners. Many cat lovers choose this breed because the care and maintenance of the Maine Coon, the reviews of professional felinologists fully confirm this, it does not cause much trouble.
While ensuring high-quality feeding and timely vaccination, animals practically do not get sick. In addition, pets are very easily and quickly accustomed to the toilet. You don’t even have to make much effort so that the four-legged friend understands where to cope. He himself almost quickly intuitively understands this. In addition, Maine Coons respond well to training, so they are often sent to various exhibitions, at which they often take prizes.