Ectopic pregnancy: how long the tube bursts (doctors' reviews). How long can a pipe rupture occur during an ectopic pregnancy?

Not every pregnancy leads to a happy ending - the birth of a long-awaited baby. If any violations occurred during the period of the new life, then they can seriously harm the health of women. One of the worst problems in gynecology is an ectopic pregnancy. How long a pipe bursts is a question that worries most women who suspect this condition. Actually, we will talk about this further.

ectopic pregnancy for how long the tube bursts

Ectopic pregnancy: what is it?

Normally, the fertilization process should take place in such a way that the fetal egg attaches to the uterine wall. If the embryo has formed outside the cavity of this organ, we can talk about the so-called ectopic pregnancy. In the pathological process, the fetal egg does not enter the uterus itself, but remains in its tubes or even in one of the ovaries. In some cases, implantation occurs in the abdominal cavity. Of course, with an ectopic pregnancy, it is impossible to bear and give birth to a child, but in medical practice there are facts when women did succeed. However, this applies only to those cases in which the ovum develops in the abdominal cavity.

Types of Ectopic Pregnancy

To find out how long the tube bursts during an ectopic pregnancy, you need to know the features of the pathological process itself. First of all, you need to understand that, depending on where the forming embryo is located, the nature of the development of complications will be determined. According to this parameter, several types of ectopic pregnancy are distinguished:

  • abdominal
  • pipe;
  • cervical;
  • ovarian.

Diagnosis of the condition in the early stages is of great importance, as this will reduce the negative consequences for the woman's health.

Causes of pathology

Despite the fact that today medicine is considered sufficiently developed, the factors provoking the development of an ectopic pregnancy have not yet been fully studied. Therefore, it is believed that not a single woman can be insured from this ailment. Nevertheless, the most common causes can be identified, the result of which is an ectopic pregnancy. At what period complications begin to develop, you need to know in order to quickly cure the ailment. But understanding the factors that trigger an ectopic pregnancy will become, in some way, a preventative measure. So, the main causes of pathology:

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and appendages.
  • Long-term use of contraceptives and other hormonal drugs.
  • Surgical interventions in the field of reproductive organs and other organs of the small pelvis, which led to the development of adhesions.
  • Wearing an intrauterine device.
  • Previously transferred abortion.
  • Violations in the development of the reproductive system.

how long does the pipe burst

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

As a rule, the initial symptoms of this condition manifest themselves in periods of 2 to 12 weeks. The exact period of the appearance of signs depends on the characteristics of the functioning of the woman's body (for example, on the level of her pain threshold). The organ where the ectopic pregnancy occurred is also of great importance. How long a pipe can burst depends on the nature and period of the onset of symptoms. Doctors warn that in addition to a positive test result, an ectopic pregnancy may indicate:

  • Drawing or sharp cutting pains in the lower abdomen, directed to the lower back and rectum.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • General weakness, dizziness.
  • Pain when using the toilet.
  • Leaning vaginal discharge.
  • Chills in combination with fever.

These symptoms are very easy to confuse with the manifestations of a normal pregnancy. For this reason, the pathological condition is often not immediately recognized, since not every woman consults a gynecologist when the first signs occur. Only a few can independently understand that they have developed an ectopic pregnancy. For how long the pipe bursts, you can easily see the sharp deterioration in the condition and greater severity of symptoms.

how long does the pipe burst during ectopic pregnancy


To date, there are two main methods to detect ectopic pregnancy:

  • HCG tests.
  • Ultrasound

The first method does not guarantee accurate results, it only makes it possible to assume the presence of pathology. So, according to the results of analyzes, the level of hCG, reaching more than 1500 mIU / ml, is considered to be increased and is usually noticeable in the results of analyzes of pregnant women. However, if the normal development of the fetus increases the amount of the hormone in the blood daily, then this does not occur with ectopic attachment of the embryo.

An unmistakable indication of a dangerous condition can be done with an ultrasound device. If tests for hCG levels show an increased concentration of the hormone in the blood, and the fetal egg, located in a typical place, is not displayed on the monitor screen, the doctor makes a diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy. How long the pipe bursts can also be determined using ultrasound. During scanning of the abdominal cavity, densification at the site of localization of the embryo will be clearly noticeable.

ectopic pregnancy for how long does a pipe rupture occur

Why does the fallopian tube burst

It is important to understand that an ectopic pregnancy requires the earliest possible medical intervention, therefore, if suspicious symptoms appear, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Nature is laid so that the ovaries and tubes are not predisposed to bear the baby. If the uterus consists of elastic tissues that can stretch in accordance with the growth of the fetus, then for other reproductive organs these changes are too critical. As a result, the pipe does not withstand heavy loads and simply bursts under its influence. Naturally, the process is accompanied by severe bleeding.

How long can a gap occur?

Experts remind that in most cases the negative consequences of an ectopic pregnancy are the result of untimely treatment by a doctor. Even noticing unpleasant symptoms in themselves, many ladies drag out with a trip to a medical institution, not realizing the seriousness of the situation. The main problem is that not everyone knows how long the tube bursts during an ectopic pregnancy. Thinking that this could not happen in the first weeks and even months after conception, many women are left without timely medical assistance.

The risk of the fallopian tube bursting exists even in the very early stages of an interesting situation. On average, organ rupture occurs between 4 and 12 weeks, but this can happen either earlier or later. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy.

Pipe rupture in very early stages

Despite the fact that in the first month after fertilization the embryo is very small, already at this stage the tube may burst. Usually this is provoked by a too small organ diameter at the location of the embryo. Experts explain that if implantation occurred in the isthymic part of the fallopian tube, then the risk that a rupture occurs is very high. The fact is that in the middle zone there is the narrowest part of the organ, which, moreover, is difficult to respond to even the smallest deformations. Stretching in this area is possible a maximum of 2 mm. Therefore, if you do not know at what period a pipe rupture occurs during an ectopic pregnancy of this type, you may not have time to see a doctor in time.

The process of organ rupture during attachment of the ovum in its isthymic part usually occurs 4-6 weeks after conception. In some cases, tubal abortion may occur even earlier, so urgent surgery is required when making a diagnosis.

ectopic pregnancy

In what cases does the pipe burst at a later date?

According to doctors, the least risk to a woman’s health is pregnancy, in which the embryo is attached at the bottom of one of the fallopian tubes. The interstitial area of ​​the organ directly borders the uterus, so it is characterized by increased elasticity. Given this fact, under such conditions, a woman may not feel for a long time that she has developed an ectopic pregnancy. How long the pipe ruptures in this case depends on the degree of elasticity of its muscle tissue. Sometimes the organ does not burst even with an increase in the fetal egg to 5 mm, but only stretches to the desired size. However, on average, the time by which the pipe ceases to withstand the load and breaks is 8-12 weeks.

Tube abortion

If the egg began its development in the ampulla, that is, in the upper part of the tube, then the rupture may not occur. This is explained by a loose fit to the ovary of that part of the organ in which the ectopic pregnancy was formed. For how long a pipe rupture is still likely, it cannot be said, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. But if the organ still bursts, then this happens at about 4-8 weeks.

In other cases, the ovum simply falls out through the lumen between the upper part of the fallopian tube and the ovary into the abdominal cavity. After this, the embryo attaches to a nearby organ and continues its development. Thus, an ectopic pregnancy flows from one form to another. That is, earlier it was a pipe, and after a while it became abdominal. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called tubal abortion.

Symptoms of a pipe rupture

In the absence of timely medical intervention, the fetal egg continues to increase in size, resulting in a rupture of the organ in which it develops. No matter how long the pipe bursts, in any case, this process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • The appearance of cold sweat.
  • Nausea and dizziness with possible loss of consciousness.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Critical drop in blood pressure.

During the rupture of the fallopian tube, the integrity of muscle tissue is disrupted, so the result of this complication is a strong internal hemorrhage. Doctors warn that if a woman does not provide emergency medical care, she may receive hemorrhagic shock. According to experts, it is he who in most cases becomes the cause of death.

ectopic pregnancy for how long the tube can burst

Rupture of the fallopian tube and its consequences

Regardless of how long the tube bursts during an ectopic pregnancy, the threat to a woman's health is very high. Experts warn of such consequences. Firstly, with a high probability after such a phenomenon, it will be very difficult for a young lady to have children. With untimely or incorrectly rendered medical care, it can even remain barren for life.

Secondly, if an ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed once in a woman, then there is a risk when trying to have a baby her re-development. Therefore, when planning the conception of crumbs to ladies who previously underwent surgery against a background of such a pathology, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a gynecologist.

As for the worst consequences, namely the lethal outcome, such a scenario is also possible. But it’s worth understanding that everything is in the hands of the woman herself: if she promptly seeks help from a specialist, then everything should end favorably.

Medical intervention for rupture of a pipe: reviews of doctors

Measures to eliminate the pathology are carried out only surgically. It is necessary to excise the organ in which the ectopic pregnancy is localized. How long the pipe bursts (doctors' reviews prove this) is not so important. The main thing is that the operation be carried out immediately. During surgery, not only the removal of the damaged tube is performed, but also the stopping of bleeding. Experts say that the faster this is done, the more chances a woman will get for recovery.

If an ectopic pregnancy was detected on time, and the fallopian tube did not have time to burst, then the surgeon can only remove the embryo from the organ. Thus he will make a kind of abortion. In this case, the tube is only cut so that the embryo can be reached, but not completely excised.

how long does a pipe rupture occur during an ectopic pregnancy

It is impossible to completely insure yourself against this pathology, you can only significantly reduce the risk of its development. Therefore, try to eliminate all the factors that can provoke a condition such as an ectopic pregnancy. For how long the pipe bursts, and what symptoms it accompanies - very important information that will help diagnose the disease in time and maintain your health.

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