Hip dysplasia in dogs, the symptoms of which are not always noticed by novice dog breeders, is one of the most severe and, unfortunately, common ailments of the musculoskeletal system of our four-legged pets. As the disease progresses, the animal’s hip joints undergo degenerative changes. This causes severe pain and movement problems.
If the disease is not treated, it will cause irreversible changes and the dog will lose mobility of the hind limbs. Extreme pain causes animal suffering. Often people who did not have pets before are interested in: “How many dogs live with hip dysplasia?” With early diagnosis, timely and competent treatment and the implementation of all the appointments and recommendations of the veterinarian, most animals with this ailment lead an active and full life for many years.
What is dysplasia?
This is a deformation of the so-called acetabulum. A rather large gap is formed between the articular cavity and the head of the bone, which when moving incorrectly adheres to the joint and rubs against it. Bone tissues are stratified, their structure changes, they become brittle. The disease leads to a partial, and often complete destruction of the tissues of the cartilage and joints, the loss of motor functions.
Veterinarians distinguish between different degrees of dog dysplasia in dogs, according to the FCI classification:
- 1 (A) - normal: no symptoms and disease as such;
- 2 (B) - border state;
- 3 (C)) - a mild form of the disease when the animal is dislocated;
- 4 (D) - moderate form;
- 5 (E) - severe: serious, sometimes irreversible, disruption of the joints.
Having discovered the symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs, treatment should be started immediately. With timely treatment of the disease in the early stages, it is possible to alleviate the suffering of your friend, slow down the degenerative processes.
Veterinarians note that in recent years the number of dogs suffering from this disease has increased significantly. He is most often exposed to animals of giant and large breeds. In small animals, this disease is extremely rare.
Causes of the disease
Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to name the exact reasons for the development of this disease. At the same time, veterinarians are increasingly inclined to believe that hip dysplasia in dogs (we posted a photo in this article) refers to genetic diseases. But its course can be affected by such factors as nutrition, diet, physical activity, and the animal’s environment. Particular attention should be paid to their pets to large breed breeders:
- St. Bernards.
- Labradors.
- Shepherd Dog
- Newfoundlands.
- Divers.
- Contract
- Rottweilers.
- Chow Chow.
The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that the symptoms of hip dysplasia in a dog, as a rule, appear in a year and a half after the birth of a puppy.
It is extremely rare to diagnose it in six-month-old babies. Today, the main reasons that can cause the development of DTBS, veterinarians include:
- Heredity: often in breeding use dogs that are not tested for the presence of this disease, which leads to the manifestation of the disease in the offspring.
- The rapid growth of articular and bone tissue in the first six months of a puppy's life.
- Overfeeding and an unbalanced diet, which is manifested by a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium, an excess of protein. As a result, overweight will aggravate the course of the disease.
- Excessive exercise. We must not forget that puppies under the age of eighteen months (during the growth period) are contraindicated in large physical exertion. This primarily applies to dogs of large breeds.
- Lack of movement: young dogs and puppies must move a lot for the proper development of bone and muscle tissue.
- Injuries: Often dislocations or injuries of the joint can cause the development of the disease.
Symptoms of the disease
Treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs should be started immediately after the detection of at least one of the symptoms listed below. In the dog's body, the hip joints are among the most vulnerable. During running and jumping, they are subjected to a powerful load and amortization.
A healthy animal does not feel discomfort even during exhausting and long trainings and serious physical exertion. An animal with an initial stage of dysplasia, the symptoms of which an inattentive owner may not immediately notice, suffers from every movement that causes pressure on the affected joint and acute pain.
How to detect hip dysplasia in dogs? It should be noted that it is practically impossible for a layman to determine this ailment in the initial stages. But veterinarians recommend owners to pay attention to a number of characteristic symptoms:
- the gait changes in the animal: the dog shakes the body, limps, the legs bend;
- the pet does not withstand the usual physical exertion habitual for him:
- the animal rests for a long time after running, jumping;
- "Rabbit" run: during a run the animal is repelled by two hind legs;
- movements are difficult: the dog hardly gets up, lies down, climbs the stairs;
- while resting or sleeping on your stomach, your pet may take unnatural poses: it greatly unfolds its legs in different directions - frog pose;
- in puppies, if they manage to diagnose the disease, asymmetry of the body can be observed: the front legs are powerful, the developed chest and the hind legs are weak;
- pressing the joint area causes pain in the dog, it is anxious, can whine.
These are the main symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs. Treatment started in a timely manner will prevent its serious consequences.
Diagnostics and testing
An attentive owner will probably notice changes in the behavior of his pet, but only a veterinarian can determine what is happening with the dog. An experienced specialist will first examine the animal, try to identify the problem areas by touch. Bending and unbending joints, he listens if there is a creak, clicks and sounds of friction. Already by these signs, he will be able to identify pathology.
The next stage of the examination will be an x-ray, which will confirm the diagnosis and reveal the degree of deformation of the articular and bone tissues. With this procedure, complete immobility is necessary, but it is almost impossible to get the dog to lie in a certain position without moving at all. Therefore, the animal is injected with sleeping pills.
Arthroscopy is considered the most informative diagnostic method. A puncture is made in the abdominal cavity, into which a microchamber is inserted, penetrating the center of the problem area. It shows with accuracy to a millimeter the structure and condition of cartilage tissue. Such a procedure is able to accurately determine the degree of joint damage, the stage of dysplasia. The operation is carried out in modern clinics with the latest equipment and only under general anesthesia.
How to treat a dog dysplasia
Veterinarians claim that advanced, last stages of dysplasia are extremely difficult to cure. However, this does not mean that your pet is doomed and you need to let the disease drift. Without treatment, it develops into an even more formidable disease - osteoarthrosis. It is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage and joint degeneration. The dog completely loses mobility.
In order to prevent this, veterinarians apply treatment focused on inhibition of the disease, suspension and slowdown of pathological processes.
How is the treatment carried out?
Having identified the symptoms of dysplasia, the treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian based on the results of various types of studies. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the general health of the animal, its age.
Drug therapy
To restore cartilage, veterinarians prescribe medications that stop pathological changes in the joints - chondroprotectors ("Stride", "Bonharen"). The latter drug strengthens articular cartilage and alleviates pain. It is important that these funds have virtually no side effects. However, the effect of such a drug gives a very short-term positive effect and only in the initial stages of the disease.
They are administered intramuscularly or directly into the joint. Medication for dogs with hip dysplasia can include the intravenous use of chondroprotectors. Joint injections are most effective, but only a specialist can do them.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are used only those that are intended for the treatment of animals. Of the painkillers, Deramax, Rimadil, and Ketoprofen have proven themselves well. The treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs is not possible without the use of food additives Glucosamine, Chondroitin. They can be given to the dog constantly to prevent tissue destruction. In the treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs, only a doctor prescribes drugs, since the dosage and their combination depend on the degree of the disease, on the general condition of the dog, and on the presence of chronic diseases, which the specialist takes into account.
Use in the treatment of homeopathic medicines is more likely to be supportive, preventative procedures. Such medicines can not stop the pathological damage to the bones and joints. And despite this, entrust the veterinarian with the selection of these funds, of course, if he considers their use appropriate. The independent use of even herbal preparations can lead to disastrous results.
In veterinary medicine, the Discus Compositum preparation is often used for dogs under the age of nine months. It is given to puppies from the first weeks of life twice a week. Good reviews are given to the homeopathic medicine “Chondratron”, which is made on the basis of comfrey, rhododendron, bee venom, saberfish and other natural ingredients.
Often the treatment of dysplasia is supplemented with antibiotics - “Cephalosporin”, “Linkomycin” or “Chloramphenicol”.
Conservative therapy must certainly be supplemented by physiotherapy.
Often in veterinary clinics, dogs are prescribed laser therapy and electromagnetic radiation. The action of these procedures is aimed at warming the joints. However, such treatment does not always bring the desired result. The fact is that there are a number of contraindications when exposure to a magnet and a laser can be harmful.
Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian who will schedule a session, and also schedule their duration.
Surgical techniques
It is impossible to cure the last stages of hip dysplasia in dogs by the listed methods. Operation in this case is vital. Such treatment is not cheap, but most effective. In most cases, it is thanks to the intervention of surgeons that the dog begins to walk normally. Today, veterinarians can offer three types of operations: arthroplasty, triple osteotomy and endoprosthetics. Let’s explain what their essence is.
In this case, the head and neck of the thigh are removed (in whole or in part). Such an operation is recommended at the 4th or 5th stage of the disease, when the processes become irreversible, the pathology of the joints goes into the next phase - osteoarthritis.
Triple osteotomy
The objective of this operation is to surgically improve the angle of the acetabular component of the joint with which the head of the bone is in contact. It is usually prescribed to young animals at the age of nine to ten months when the skeleton, cartilage and bones are already formed.
During this operation, the joint is replaced with a prosthesis. We will not hide that this is a complex procedure both in the technique of execution and in the rehabilitation of the animal's body. The risk of rejection of the prosthesis is not excluded. But in the vast majority of cases, endoprosthetics show excellent results. Animals return to active life, jump, run, do not experience pain during physical exertion.
Good nutrition basics
- Cook broths for your pet. Liquid food quickly saturates, stimulates secretion, is easily absorbed.
- From the first days of life, supplements with "Chondroitin" and "Glucosamine" should be added to the puppy's diet, which prevent the development of dysplasia.
- Choose balanced feeds enriched with essential minerals, vitamins, and probiotics.
- Choose ready-made mixes according to the weight and age of the dog.
Prevention of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
The disease can develop at the genetic level, and due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. Below we will introduce you the main preventive measures that will help to avoid the development of this serious disease:
- Carefully observe the behavior of the puppy, especially in the first six months of life, when it forms a skeleton, joints and bones grow. In large dogs, these processes often occur very intensively.
- In order to prevent regular visits to the veterinary clinic, examine the body of the pet, monitor its development.
- Do not abuse protein in the diet of the animal. The components must be balanced. Fats and proteins, fiber and carbohydrates, vitamins and probiotics, minerals, phosphorus and calcium should be part of your pet’s daily diet.
- Obesity is one of the main triggering factors. Excess weight significantly increases pressure on the joints. Up to a year and a half, do not allow excessive physical exertion and exhausting training. Full evening and morning walks strengthen muscles and saturate the body with oxygen.
To summarize
So, how to defeat this formidable and insidious disease? It is necessary to know about its existence and be morally prepared for its appearance. According to veterinarians, dysplasia often occurs in completely healthy animals, which did not show any developmental pathology for the first six months of life. The sooner the dog is diagnosed, the higher the likelihood of healing.