In order to prepare a cake for mom for her birthday, you do not need special skills. A delicious and beautiful delicacy can be created without rich culinary experience, so to speak, from scratch. You only need to learn one simple piece of advice: read our article carefully and don’t
deviate from the instructions!
Recipe Selection
If you are still new to cooking, then mom's birthday cake should not be chosen very complicated. Operations should be simple, just like a product suite. Do not assume that the more complex the better. This is not a rule at all. Even from simple products you can make a real masterpiece! It’s even better to start by trying to bake a simple cake. Mom's birthday will be pleased to feel your desire to please her and surprise her. Here is an example of a dessert that does not even require baking. Ingredients:
- cream (0.5 liter);
- Art. a spoonful of gelatin;
- cottage cheese (1/2 kg);
- 0.5 cups icing sugar;
- biscuit (ready).
Cake for mom's birthday (cooking)
Whip the cream and combine them with gelatin (dissolved). The mass must be divided in half. One part - mix with cottage cheese. You got two pieces, of which, in fact, will be your birthday cake for mom. Now lay out the layers: biscuit (first), cottage cheese, cream. You need to lay the ingredients so that the biscuit is again on top. Everything is almost done. It remains only to put the base in the refrigerator so that the cake freezes. After about an hour, you can get it and start processing.
How to decorate a treat
Turn the cake onto a dish. It turned out the way the form was. Top it can be poured with melted chocolate. To do this, the tile (black or white) is heated in a steam bath until it turns into a liquid. Yes, one tile may not be enough, take two or three; if anything remains, eat it yourself. Flooded? Even out to make it "like in a store." Now you can decorate. For this, it is advisable to use special edible flowers – leaflets from mastic. That's all. The cake is almost ready!
Inscription on the cake mom
There was a little nuance. To make mom more pleasant, it is recommended to make an inscription on the delicacy that speaks of the event that, in fact, you are going to celebrate. Its content can be very simple: "Beloved mother!" or “Love and congratulations!” The text is made out using a confectionery envelope or a syringe filled with cream or liquid chocolate. You can make a template on the printer. Cut holes instead of letters. Put the template on the cake and fill it with the necessary material. So the inscription will be neater and more beautiful.
Another simple recipe
This simple cake is called "Negro in the foam." Ingredients: two eggs, 1 cup of kefir, jam, sugar; two glasses of flour. Here's the cooking method: beat eggs with sugar. Add jam. Then a spoonful of soda. Mass will increase in volume. Now everything else is quickly intervened and the dough is poured into the mold. Oven forty minutes. This cake rises perfectly. It turns out for everyone! When the baking has cooled, it is smeared with sour cream. Now it remains only to decorate the cake and serve it to the table! One important nuance: to make it tastier, it is desirable to cut the cake into two parts and coat with cream. If desired, finely chopped nuts, prunes, raisins, etc. can be sprinkled over the cream. So the treat will be more saturated. Decorate as you wish.