Hyde on Minera ("Dota 2"): skills

In most cases, the characters in DotA 2 have four skills. Three of them are basic - access to them is opened at the first level, and you can choose in which order to pump them. The fourth ability is the so-called ult, which is much more powerful than the previous ones - it opens at the sixth level. The ability to raise it one more level appears every five levels, unlike previous skills, which you can pump in any order as you wish. Another point - basic abilities have four levels, and ult - only three. However, all this information is only partially applicable to the character Tekis, which gamers often call Miner - naturally, due to the fact that he lays mines. He has several additional skills for some of his abilities. It’s not so easy to understand this tree of skills,but a guide to Minera will help you with this. β€œDota 2” is a game in which a lot depends on the correct skill build.

Mine Dota 2 Guide

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This skill does not cause damage and does not hang buffs and debuffs - it demoralizes the enemy. Put a sign that there are mines ahead, and observe how the enemy thinks whether there are mines or is it just a hoax.

Rimout mines

An additional skill allows Miner to lay one radio-controlled mine. You can activate it from a certain distance.

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