Why during pregnancy you do not want sex: hormonal changes, causes and methods of solving the problem

Pregnancy is the most exciting period in the life of both the girl herself and the couple as a whole. At this time, when a woman wears a baby under the heart, her body is rebuilt, and a large amount of hormones are produced. This leads to the fact that the mood, desires and well-being of the expectant mother are changing. Often, such a restructuring of the body affects the intimate sphere of a married couple.

The main reason

Sometimes a spouse has a logical question: “Why doesn’t you want to have sex with your wife during pregnancy?” The reasons for this phenomenon can be quite a lot. For example, a woman may say the following: "I do not want sex during pregnancy because I fear for the health of the baby." In order to help future mothers a little rest, in the article we will consider the periods when you should refrain from sex, and vice versa, making love will only be useful for the baby. Also, because of the complexes about her figure, a woman may lose desire. There are other reasons that are described below. We’ll also consider useful recommendations that will help you renew your passion in a relationship.

why a pregnant wife does not want sex

Other reasons

So, why doesn’t you want a husband during pregnancy? Any woman in position may face a similar problem. It can occur for a number of reasons. These include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • nausea;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • overweight;
  • fatigue;
  • heartburn;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • the presence of edema.

If the spouse asks why the pregnant wife does not want sex, he needs to know what happens when one problem is a consequence of another. For example, during the period of bearing a child you want sweets, for this reason excess weight appears, which leads to psychological discomfort.

So does a woman want sex during pregnancy? If we consider intimacy as a way of procreation, as laid down by nature, then deal with it during the period of bearing the baby is biologically unnatural. In practice, it is very difficult for couples to endure nine months without sex. But many partners (both men and women) have a fear of harming the baby. Next, we will discuss whether sex is safe during pregnancy.

Sex and first trimester

Does a woman want sex during pregnancy

The question of whether it is possible to make love during the period of bearing the baby, first of all, it is worth asking your doctor. After all, the doctor, like no one else, knows the features of your pregnancy. After all, every woman is individual. If there are no obvious contraindications, then you can have sex. But you need to remember about three important stages (trimester). A lot depends on the term. In some trimesters, doctors do not recommend still having sex. Note that it is in the early stages of pregnancy that women lose their desire. And there are obvious reasons for this. In the first trimester, the expectant mother has a lot of unpleasant symptoms. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the highest risk of her termination. Therefore, it is better to give up sex for a while and wait for the second trimester. About this period in the next section.

Second trimester

With the onset of this period, many unpleasant symptoms go away. At this time, the girl realizes her pregnancy, anxiety and fears gradually subside. In the second trimester, the stomach is not very large, so you can enjoy a variety of poses in sex. If there are no contraindications, then in such a period you can make love.

Third trimester

This period is not the most convenient, as now a woman thinks more and more about future births, is worried. In addition, painful symptoms such as heaviness in the legs, back pain, etc. appear. The stomach also reaches large sizes. He is now beginning to cause a lot of inconvenience. In such a period, you need to focus only on the well-being of the pregnant woman. In the third trimester, you can have sex, the main thing is to choose the right posture.

don't want to have sex during pregnancy

Contraindications to sex

Those who are interested in why during pregnancy do not want sex should get acquainted with the contraindications to this lesson. Let's look at them:

  1. Regardless of the term, sex is undesirable for a woman with multiple pregnancy.
  2. In the days of the alleged menstruation, it is worth abandoning sex, since the body can accept a reduction in the uterus as a signal for childbirth.
  3. Contraindication to intimacy is the tone of the uterus.
  4. Sex is strictly prohibited if bloody discharge appears during pregnancy. If such symptoms are found, it is urgent to go to the doctor.
  5. You should refrain from sexual intercourse a few weeks before the expected date of birth.
  6. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then sex life is strictly prohibited. Sex should also be abandoned for those women who previously had either miscarriages or premature births.
  7. Another strict contraindication to intimacy is the presence of sexually transmitted infections or diseases in the partner.
lack of desire for sex during pregnancy

The benefits of sex during pregnancy

If a woman says she does not want to have sex during pregnancy due to fatigue and psychological discomfort, then she definitely needs to get acquainted with the virtues of intimacy during the gestation of the baby. I would like to say that it is during this wonderful period that the blood circulation of the uterus and vagina increases. This helps a woman get a new unforgettable experience. Also, sex during pregnancy allows the expectant mother to relax. In addition, he favorably affects the little one. Only doctors recommend using condoms during the period of gestation.

How to return a desire?

why during pregnancy do not want a spouse

The lack of desire for sex during pregnancy is an absolutely normal reaction in a woman. But there are tricks to help regain passion and revitalize feelings.

The most basic thing to do is to find a rapport with your spouse. No need to force yourself to have sex with your husband. Anything like this will not do anyone any good. Try talking to your spouse about what's bothering you. Ask your husband not to put pressure on you. Indeed, during pregnancy, and so hard, the nervous system is now extremely weakened. Stress will negatively affect the baby. But to condemn the spouse for the desire to make love with his wife is not necessary. After all, what he wants is quite normal.

Try to find other ways of intimacy with your spouse, except for sex. Spend time together. At such moments, add more tactile sensations, that is, kisses and hugs. It is possible that you may even have a spontaneous desire for intimacy.

But do not set this goal. Do not have sex as many times as it was before pregnancy. No need to treat the decline in sexual activity as a problem.

Try to love yourself during pregnancy. Believe me, the body of a girl who carries a child can be very attractive to a man. Of course, there is no escape from pregnancy companions such as poor health and toxicosis. Choose a time for sex when you feel better than usual.

why do not want sex

Libido boost

Why during pregnancy do not want sex, many couples understand. But sometimes there is a completely opposite situation when a girl in position notices a sharp increase in libido. Usually this happens in those women who have pregnancy without complications and quite easily. Why does a girl have a surge of sexual energy? What causes her libido enhancement? Such changes can be caused by the physical and psychological state of the woman in position. Another important factor is hormonal changes. It can both reduce and enhance libido. Contributes to the emergence of desire and a rush of blood to the pelvis.

why during pregnancy do not want sex


The article figured out why during pregnancy you do not want sex. We examined the main causes of this phenomenon, recommendations that will help return passion to a relationship. In general, pregnancy is a period when there are many changes in the body. Throughout the time, libido can decrease and increase. Therefore, a loving spouse should be extremely attentive to his wife, then you can reduce the risk of problems in the intimate sphere and relationships in general.

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