The largest hamster in the world: species description, photo

Most people, having heard the word “hamster”, immediately imagine small and cute rodents that can fit in the palm of their hands. But not all types of hamsters are so compact in size. Find out which hamster is the largest in the world? What large hamsters are best kept at home? Consider a photo of the largest hamsters.

Popular misconceptions

If you start wondering which hamster is the largest in the world, you will most likely come across the claim that it is a capybara. Capybaras remotely resemble hamsters: they are large rodents covered with brown hair. But in fact, these animals have nothing to do with hamsters. Yes, they are also rodents, and sometimes they are kept as pets, but the similarities end there.

Capybara is the largest rodent in the world. Capybaras belong to the family of capybaras and are naturally distributed in Central and South America. An adult can reach a length of 135 cm and weigh up to 50 kg. Individuals weighing 91 kg were recorded. These rodents have membranes on their fingers. They feed on aquatic plants. These animals love water very much. They are even able to sleep in it, sticking their nose out to the surface. Life expectancy in captivity can reach 12 years. These animals are easily tamed, love communication and affection. Capybara can be taught to perform some commands and tricks.

Biggest rodent

The biggest hamster in the world

Most species of hamsters are not very large, due to natural habitat conditions. But there are giants among these crumbs. The largest hamsters in the world belong to the species - common hamster. The body length of a rodent can reach 34 cm. Next to dwarf hamsters, an ordinary hamster looks like a giant. This species is rarely bred as pets. The reason is simple - the impressive size of hamsters. In addition, if you do not care about their taming, they can be aggressive and even dangerous for the owners. If you see this animal in nature, it is better not to reach for it to stroke it. An ordinary hamster is quite capable of protecting itself with the help of huge teeth.

The largest hamsters in the world live in the south of Europe, in Western Siberia and in the north of Kazakhstan. They prefer to settle in the forest-steppe and near farmland. Despite their large size, ordinary hamsters do not live long - about 2 years. These are territorial animals, in pairs they are combined only during the breeding season. Common hamsters are nocturnal animals: they sleep during the day, and stay awake at night. In winter, they hibernate. Photos of the largest hamster in the world we will present below.

Biggest hamster

Large hamsters that can be kept at home

The common hamster, although it has a rather attractive appearance, but even a captive animal, usually remains wild and does not particularly like to contact the owner. Due to its size, it requires a lot of space for housing. So, if you want to get the largest hamster in the world, you need to think carefully before that. However, there is an alternative for those who wish to keep a large hamster at home.

A Syrian hamster can reach a length of 13 cm. Among his relatives, he is very distinguished by size. This is a hamster that is easy to tame and easy to care for. The minimum cage size for this species is 40 x 60 cm. A running wheel is a must: a minimum diameter of 18 cm. Syrian hamsters are attractive in a variety of colors, and there are long-haired varieties. You can buy them at pet stores, and in ideal conditions they can live up to 3 years.

Syrian hamster

Thus, the largest hamster in the world is the common hamster. This is a fairly large rodent with a complex character. Despite the unpretentiousness, he is not very in demand as a pet. The capybara, which many call the “largest hamster in the world”, does not belong to this family, although due to its light character, it may well become a good pet.

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