Choose a mixture for newborns. Reviews and recommendations

It has long been proven that the best food for a newborn is breast milk. But, unfortunately, very often there are situations when artificial feeding is required. Today, baby food in a wide range is presented in pharmacies and stores. What to choose a mixture for newborns? Reviews and recommendations of doctors will help you make the right choice. The composition of breast milk is determined by nature, but the choice of a quality mixture is the task of the mother.

Before buying food, you need to decide what mixture to feed the newborn.

infant formula reviews

Non-adapted, adapted and therapeutic - such species are a mixture for newborns. Reviews of girlfriends regarding a particular product should not be a reason for choosing food. Everything is individual here.

Unadapted mixes

Some 35 years ago, artificial nutrition was diluted cow's milk or a liquid decoction of cereals diluted with the same milk. But such feeding does not take into account the needs of a small organism. Therefore, even today such mixtures are called non-adapted.

Special baby kefir, milk, fermented baked milk are also unadapted nutrition, and these products are recommended for a child after 8-12 months. A variety of sweet mixes are made from cow's milk, sugar and cereal broths. Oat, rice, buckwheat groats are used for their preparation. Mixtures with oat broth act laxatively, and with rice - on the contrary, they contribute to the fixation of the chair. This allows you to select a mixture, taking into account the characteristics of the child.

what mixture to feed the newborn

Adapted Blends

The presence on the packaging of the phrase “Adapted Nutrition” suggests that the mixture was made taking into account all the physiological needs of the baby of a certain age. Baby food manufacturers are constantly improving their product, trying to bring it as close as possible to breast milk. For this, cow and goat milk is specially processed in order to reduce the content of salts and protein in it, but at the same time increase the amount of necessary vitamins and minerals. A mixture intended for feeding babies from birth to six months is called highly adapted. For older children (from six months and older than a year), partially adapted can be used. Choose an adapted formula for babies in the store . Reviews of young mothers talk about the benefits of this type of artificial nutrition.

Therapeutic mixtures

As a rule, such a mixture is prescribed by a pediatrician. They are not a medicine, but due to a certain composition they help a particular child cope with the problem that has arisen. Mixtures made from soy or goat milk are prescribed if there is an allergy to cow's milk protein. If a child has an intestinal infection or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then nutrition with pre- and probiotics is suitable. In case of lactose deficiency, the use of low- or lactose-free mixtures is recommended . Mixtures based on protein hydrolyzate are indicated for allergic reactions and digestive disorders.

How much mixture does a newborn need?
how much mixture does a newborn need

The volume of the mixture increases in proportion to the age of the child. At the beginning, the daily volume is 1/5 of the total body weight of the baby. With each subsequent month, the portions are becoming larger, but the amount should not exceed 1100 ml per day.

If mom’s milk is both food and drink, then artificial mixtures are only food. Therefore, the baby needs extra fluid. Water for the baby should choose a special (children's) and offer him to drink between feedings.

The main thing with artificial feeding is the correctly selected mixture for newborns. Reviews, recommendations and tips will come to the aid of a young mother.

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