Having a dog is a very important step, in some ways similar to the decision to give birth to a baby. The puppy grows up faster, but he goes through all stages of development, like his own baby. He will need to learn the norms and rules of behavior, get used to the routine of feeding and walking. And the most painful question often asked by dog handlers and breeders: when does a puppy stop writing at home?
Patience and care
Indeed, you will need endurance and composure. As well as accustoming the baby to the potty, the process of getting the puppy accustomed to the need in the right place takes time. You should not demand from a month's crumbs that he went to the toilet for hours, this is still physically impossible. Therefore, there should not be any punishments, especially physical ones.
Day mode
In a puppy under the age of 6 months, the muscles of the bladder are still very weak. They physically cannot endure for a long time. Therefore, leaving the baby at home all day and scolding for puddles is not very wise of you. Before asking when a puppy stops writing at home, try to think about how much time you are willing to devote to his upbringing. If you are too busy, then do not take on additional responsibility for the life and health of the dog.
Not for owl
So, from the moment a puppy appears in the house and until he reaches 6 months, you need to restructure your daily routine in such a way as to walk it at least four times a day. The first exit is in the early morning, at about 5-6 hours. After that, you will have enough time for the usual affairs and fees for work. Before leaving, be sure to walk again. So the puppy will be easier to endure.
Lunch break should be a reason to look home. Having gone outside for only 15 minutes, you will provide your baby with the opportunity to wait until the evening without unnecessary discomfort. And after dinner, you need to devote at least 2-3 hours to a walk.
Your behavior
Of course, every owner is looking forward to the moment when the puppy stops writing at home. But do not strongly express your chagrin if he does not yet demonstrate the desired behavior. And even more so to punish if he peed in the wrong place. You will achieve only one thing: your pet will carefully choose places for sending needs, climb onto a sofa or bed. Upholstered furniture quickly absorbs a puddle, and "traces of crime" will be hidden. For the time being, of course.
This is what adolescents do, whom the owners are trying to "educate", because they are already more savvy. The puppy will not understand at all why you scold him. Therefore, you should forget about slippers on the pope or poking a muzzle into a puddle. You will not achieve anything with this, but you will lose contact. Instead, make a noise. That is, drop something clinking or just clap your hands.
What do we have to do
If there is a clearly thought out scheme, then acting on it is much easier. After all, if you just dream about those days when the puppy stops writing at home, they will not come faster. You can proceed as follows. In almost all apartments, the toilet is located close to the front door. Therefore, slowly we transfer the tray for the puppy to the toilet and teach him how to use it. The door must be left ajar so that the baby can push it with its paw. When this moment passes, the door closes.
Then it all depends on you. As soon as the puppy gives a signal that he wants to use the toilet, that is, pushes the door with his foot, you grab the leash and run out into the street with it. You can’t wait for a long time, so if it’s not freezing outside, try to act quickly. Of course, you have to constantly break away from your affairs, but this period you just need to survive.
When to wait for relief
In fact, the dog is growing up very quickly. Therefore, the moment when the puppies stop writing in the apartment is just around the corner. Any dog begins to easily stick to your schedule at the age of 6-7 months. But up to this age, you need to follow her and "catch". It is elementary, not complicated and not laborious. It’s just that the puppy needs to be taken outside at least every 3 hours. Or, if you decide to first accustom him to the tray, put him in the designated place as soon as he woke up or ate tightly. Similarly at night, if he woke up and began to take a fawn.
Physiological features
It so happens that the puppy is so used to doing "his own business" at home that he refuses to go to the toilet on the street. He walks with pleasure on the court, and then runs home, to his diaper. The owners are horrified and rush to call the breeder or familiar dog breeders. There is only one question: at what age does the puppy stop writing at home?
The owner needs to remember that it is he who leads the process. Do not blame everything on the pet: if he continues to urinate in the corners, then these are your omissions. Sometimes a few days are enough, in which you devoted all your attention to the pet, and the toilet issue will cease to worry you once and for all. And sometimes one praise will be decisive.
Typically, in a healthy puppy, the bladder is empty immediately after waking up, and the intestines 15 minutes after feeding. These rules must be adhered to at the time of training. Do not waste time and take your pet out on time or take him to the tray.
Training recommendations
When your pet is 2 months old, the most difficult period is over. Now he is becoming more intelligent and trying to learn the rules and regulations, especially if this is supported by praise. Soon a happy moment will come when the puppy will often stop writing at home. Now the reduction in the number of "misses" is up to you. If you watch TV, and the puppy starts spinning and looking for a place, urgently put in a tray or run into the street. Then every day he will become more and more accustomed to the fact that you can only cope with the need in the place allotted for this.
The place, by the way, is also of great importance. Remember how at home a corner was allocated for him in the bathroom, which was covered with a diaper? It is advisable to do the same on the street. Sit your pet always in one place, perhaps he will have the opportunity to sniff old puddles or heaps. Landing it on the ground, give one command each time. Think of it yourself; the wording here does not matter. And praise at the end of the process.
If the problem is back
It also happens. The breeder introduces the owner to the approximate dates, at what time the puppy stops writing at home. Usually this age is closer to 6 months. But sometimes after some time the owner is faced with the fact that puddles and heaps begin to appear again. If we are talking about a young dog, then the problem is most likely of a psychological nature:
- Overly strong emotions. When a dog rejoices upon meeting a beloved owner, it can be described. Or she is afraid of punishment for the trick. If people shout at a dog, beat her for leprosy, she will do more harm.
- The reason may be longing for the master. Experiments were conducted when cameras were installed at home of the puppy's owners, who complained about such problems. As a result, it was possible to see that when the owners of the house, the dog behaves perfectly. She asks for a toilet, she is calm and happy. But as soon as they leave, she begins to rush and howl. Sometimes, unable to bear the longing, she relieves the need and nervously nibbles things.
- Problems of master's authority. A young dog may be prone to domination. And if the owner shows excessive softness, then the pet feels unpunished.
It happens that several months of training come to dust, and, at first glance, it is not clear why. The puppy stopped writing on the diaper or the teenager began to help in the corners - pay attention to the points listed above. Perhaps the problem will be solved quite simply.
Consult a doctor
Sometimes the problem lies in the physiology of your pet. For example, a bitch may continue to periodically write at home until the age of two. This is due to the formation of a hormonal system. Periodically, the dog begins to leave a series of small puddles. This is a phenomenon that occurs after the first birth or with age. It is found, according to statistics, in one of 5-7 bitches. If the problem appeared in a young dog who was accustomed to help in the street, then pay attention to the following factors:
- In cold weather, the dog can catch a cold. This leads to various kinds of inflammatory processes. It is possible that frequent urination is a consequence of this.
- Jealousy. If a child, a cat or another dog has appeared in the family, then your pet may just start leaving puddles out of jealousy. Or maybe mark the territory, showing the "newcomers" who is the boss in this house.
- Severe stress.
As you can see, the question of how many months a puppy stops writing at home remains open: there are too many nuances. But normally this happens in 6-7 months.