A happy or sad news about pregnancy often catches a woman by surprise, since conception occurs much earlier than the expectant mother learns about it. At that moment, when she finally realizes the fact of future motherhood, microscopic organs, systems, structure and appearance of the baby are already actively forming in her womb. This period is called the first trimester of pregnancy. In this regard, the question arises: "The first trimester - how many weeks?" What you need to eat in the early stages and how to deal with the "great and terrible" toxicosis? The answers to all these and other questions regarding the first trimester of pregnancy are in our article.
Embryo formation - timing and threats
Normal pregnancy of the expectant mother lasts about 40 weeks (3 trimesters). During this time, a microscopic cell, gradually developing and improving, goes through its first difficult path - from a fertilized egg to a fetus, in order to eventually become a person. For 40 weeks, the mother’s body carries a future creature that is preparing for an independent life. It is in the early stages of pregnancy that the most important events for the unborn child occur - all vital organs are formed. Therefore, the question of whether the first trimester is how many weeks is asked is not out of idle curiosity, but in order to ensure all conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.
The first trimester is called the period from the first day of the last menstruation to the end of 12 weeks. This period is considered the most difficult in the life of women, especially those who decided to experience the happiness of motherhood for the first time. And the most dangerous in terms of the existence of a real threat of miscarriage due to hormonal imbalance, genetic and immunological diseases of the mother, commonplace infections, the existence of pathologies, abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs and other deviations.
Ways to deal with poor health
1st trimester is characterized by an active restructuring of the body of the future mother. The main feature of this period is an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, which is vital for the fetus, but can cause unpleasant sensations in the pregnant woman in the form of dizziness, weakness, constipation and toxicosis. External changes are also inevitable: significant breast augmentation, age spots, weight loss due to toxicosis. Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, mood swings, bloating are common symptoms in early pregnancy. In addition, problems such as frequent urination, thrush, fainting, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting can occur.
What to do in such cases? Try to walk more often, drink more liquid (7-8 glasses a day), eat right (more on that below), take frequent breaks in work, perform a set of special physical exercises and set yourself up only for positive emotions.
"Great and terrible," or How to deal with toxicosis in the first trimester?
Toxicosis is the most unpleasant phenomenon when carrying a child, the cause of which is a change in the hormonal background of the mother. It is accompanied, as a rule, by nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, intolerance to certain odors. In each woman, it proceeds differently: some suffer from toxicosis throughout the pregnancy period, while in others it manifests itself only slightly. However, the last to rejoice early. According to doctors, the stronger the toxicosis in the early stages, the easier it will be to continue the pregnancy.
How to deal with toxicosis in the first trimester? Follow simple rules:
- Full sleep (7-9 hours).
- Regular walks in the fresh air (preferably not alone).
- Eating small meals several times a day.
- Frequent chewing (nuts, dried fruits, apples, crackers).
- Eating foods rich in protein (beans, seeds, milk, fish, meat), calcium (dairy products, cabbage, bread).
- Preference for liquid and semi-liquid foods, vegetables and fruits.
- Drink mineral water, cranberry or orange juice, tea with lemon, mint infusion.
- Take B vitamins.
Necessary actions
Many expectant mothers ask questions about what needs to be done, where to turn for advice (to a mother, a doctor, an experienced friend or a familiar grandmother) and whether to get registered in the early stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, the woman’s tummy is practically invisible, but this is not a reason to refuse the help of a doctor.
Sign up for a antenatal clinic at the place of registration or register with a paid clinic should be no later than the end of the period, having passed the necessary blood, urine, smear and ultrasound tests. In addition, prenatal screening (ultrasound and biochemical examination) can be performed, with the help of which possible risk groups and abnormalities in the development of the fetus are identified.
The threat of miscarriage - causes and measures
As mentioned above, the first trimester is dangerous with a high degree of risk in terms of spontaneous abortion. The frequency of such cases is 10-20%. The causes of a miscarriage may be:
- Disruption of the hormonal background (low levels of progesterone in the blood, etc.).
- Infectious and acute inflammatory diseases of the genital and internal organs. In the first case, it is ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, and herpes simplex virus. In the second - rubella, tonsillitis, flu, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia. The causes of abortion are high fever, oxygen starvation, intoxication.
- Genetic abnormalities and pathologies of the genital organs and, as a result, the body's inability to bear a child.
- Injuries (bone fractures, bruises, concussion, etc.).
- Malnutrition in the early stages of pregnancy.
- Neuropsychiatric disorders (extreme stress, depression).
- Chronic diseases of the expectant mother (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, pyelonephritis).
- Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
- Overwork, hard physical work, adverse working conditions.
- Uncontrolled intake of the strongest drugs.
When a miscarriage begins, spotting is observed, sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Bleeding can be short, long, periodic, barely noticeable, and pain can be strong and weak. In any of these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
In this case, the question of whether the first trimester is how many weeks is vitally important, since it is during this period that the risk of abortion is high.
Pregnancy makes many changes to the life of the expectant mother - she has to give up tight clothes, high heels, unhealthy foods and bad habits - all that can harm the health of the child. Of great importance during pregnancy is proper nutrition, which varies in each of the three trimesters. Here, mothers may have a question: trimester - how many weeks or months? One trimester is 12 weeks or 3 months. Each trimester is an important stage in the development of the embryo, requiring special attention in terms of nutrition, examination and physical activity.
As for the proper diet, switch to a healthy and wholesome food, say to smoking, alcohol and some medications: “No!” It is still in the planning period of pregnancy. However, in many cases, the fact of conception becomes an unexpected event, and therefore doctors advise to pay attention to your diet in the first trimester.
What can and should be eaten?
The widespread belief that the expectant mother should eat for two, rapidly emptying the supplies of the refrigerator and eating anything that comes to hand (more precisely, under the teeth) is a mistake. Nutrition in the first trimester should consist of a complex of nutrients, and not extra calories. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fried meat, fish (replacing them with boiled dishes), fatty foods and confectionery. Salty and acidic foods (cucumbers, cabbage, herring) in moderation are allowed. Try not to skip lunch or breakfast, make dinner easy. Ideally, you should eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.
The diet of a pregnant woman in the first trimester looks something like this:
- First breakfast: fruit, a portion of porridge, toasts with butter. It should contain 30% of the calories of all daily nutrition.
- Lunch (after 2-3 hours): 1-2 fruits or fruit salad, eggs, cottage cheese. Calorie content - 20%.
- Lunch: chicken, beef or vegetable broth, boiled meat, cereals, salad (vegetable or fruit). Lunch includes 40% of calories.
- Dinner: fish, meat, legumes, mashed potatoes, fruit, pastries (no more than one serving). Calorie content - 10%.
- Before going to bed, 3-4 egg whites, a glass of kefir, yogurt are recommended.
Healthy foods
Proper nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy includes only the most healthy foods that contain protein (fish, meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables). Full-fledged proteins and amino acids necessary for the expectant mother are in kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese. You can satisfy your body’s need for carbohydrates with foods rich in fiber - wholemeal bread, berries, vegetables, fruits. It is advisable to eat vegetable fats - sunflower, corn and olive oil. Nuts, dried fruits, pasta and yogurts must be present in the diet.
It is recommended to completely abandon alcohol, convenience foods, strong tea, instant coffee and fast food. Boiled coffee, sweets and salinity are allowed, but in small quantities. If a woman in the early stages of pregnancy expresses a desire to eat lime, clay, chalk, salt and other "amazing things" - this indicates a lack of calcium salts in the body. The diet in such cases is reviewed and adjusted to calcium-containing products, as well as take special vitamin complexes.
In the early stages, the use of vitamins is mandatory to ensure the growth and normal development of the embryo. The choice of a specific vitamin-mineral complex is best left to the doctor, who will prescribe exactly what the expectant mother needs during this period. Most often, many women are deficient in vitamin B.
The main vitamins in the first trimester that the body needs:
- Vitamin A - the formation of organs of vision, skeleton, normalization of fetal development.
- Magnesium, Vitamin E - reduce the risk of miscarriage.
- Folic acid, zinc, copper - are necessary to prevent malformations in the development of the child.
- Vitamins of group B - contribute to the normal formation of the fetus, protect the mother's body from infections and miscarriage, relieve toxicosis.
- Vitamin C - strengthens the immunity of the mother and baby's heart.
- Vitamin PP - provides the baby's cellular respiration and reduces the risk of developmental abnormalities.
- Vitamin D and calcium - form the bone skeleton, teeth, bone tissue, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
The main condition when taking vitamin complexes is not to overdo it with the drugs and take them only as directed by the doctor.
Physical exercise
The first 14 weeks of life are the most dangerous for the embryo. At this stage, a woman should limit physical activity and abandon intense sports, since any tension in the abdominal muscles, such as a press, can lead to a miscarriage. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother just needs breathing exercises, hip training and yoga.
Since the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy is barely distinguishable, you can perform a set of simple physical exercises:
- Lean on the back of the chair (the seat should be on the other side) and do light squats, while spreading your legs to the sides. Heels should not be torn off the floor. Do not forget about the smoothness and leisurely movements.
- Straighten, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your hands together in the chest area and firmly press your palms against each other, feeling the functioning of the pectoral muscles. On inhalation, palms need to be squeezed, on exhalation, direct the hands towards the chest, without easing the tension.
- Without changing your posture, perform the movements of the pelvis in different directions, slightly bending your knees.
- Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Straighten your back and stretch your arms so that they lightly touch the floor. When you inhale, raise your left hand up, and tilt the body to the right, resting the palm of your right hand on the floor. As you exhale, return to starting position. Exercise is performed at least 5 times in each direction.
- Put your hands on your stomach, taking deep breaths and exhalations. In the first approach, breathe only through the nose, leaving the chest motionless. On the second - inhale the chest as you inhale, leaving your stomach still. This respiratory charge should be performed daily, once a day. She will teach you to breathe correctly during childbirth, and they will pass almost painlessly.
For each trimester a specific set of physical and breathing exercises is provided. Classes throughout pregnancy will help keep expectant mothers in shape and give birth without complications and difficulties.
Undoubtedly, a woman still has to overcome many difficulties, dangers and problems with well-being. What is the rejection of your favorite fast food, strong coffee or an invigorating morning jog! But a radical change in the usual way of life is not a reason to abandon the happiness of motherhood. And even though you have a very short gestation period, but you are already exhausted with toxicosis, you often wonder whether the first trimester is how many weeks, and you absolutely cannot imagine yourself as a caring mother. However, the very first cry of a newborn will give you incomparable joy - the happiness of motherhood, which will overshadow all the vicissitudes of pregnancy.