, . , . , WireShark, .
, WireShark, , . : . Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP . VoIP.
GNU GPL, - . Linux, MacOS, Windows.
-, . Linux Ubuntu, .
sudo apt-get install wireshark
. . , . :
sudo wireshark
. , 3 . , , — .
Capture . , , eth0 Start .
. . . . , , . , .
. .
, . . WireShark .
— Filter. , Expression.
- ip.dst — ip ;
- ip.src — ;
- ip.addr — ip;
- ip.proto — .
WireShark —
, , Filter . , — ip.dst == - "". — , - — ip.dst == || ip.src == , .
, ip.ttl < 10. 10. , — http.content_length > 5000.
WireShark . , Apply as Column. .
. Apply as Filter.
WireShark , , . , Follow TCP Stream. .
WireShark . Expert Tools. , . — Errors, Warnings . , , , .
, WireShark . Telephony. VoIP .
VoIP Calls Telephony .
, , . WireShark , . HTTP File. , .
, WireShark . .
WireShark . . WireShark .
However, those who have been working in the IT field for a long time will not be particularly difficult to understand the program. A great opportunity and rich functionality will brighten up all the difficulties in learning.
It is worth noting that in some countries, using a sniffer, such as WireShark, may be illegal.