Bottle Pigeon: reviews

Many young mothers are not able to establish breastfeeding immediately after childbirth. In this case, it becomes necessary to prepare the mixture and feed the baby from the bottle. The Pigeon baby bottle is the best way to feed babies thanks to its unique characteristics.

About Brand

Pigeon Corporation is a renowned Japanese manufacturer of baby care products. The company has been operating for over 60 years, releasing millions of different products during this time. Almost from the very beginning of its activity, Pigeon launched the production of feeding bottles, which were distinguished by a wide neck. At the same time, the company began to create high-quality nipples. During the simulation, specialists carefully studied the physiological characteristics of infants and observed the feeding process. They drew attention to the wave-like movements of the tongue when the baby sucks mom's breasts. After long experiments, a unique and incomparable Pigeon bottle was created.

All Pigeon products are thoroughly tested and tested for functionality. The company owns a research center in which the best specialists develop new products that can facilitate the care of young children. The corporation explores issues of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, on the basis of which it invents unique products for mothers and their babies.

pigeon bottle

Pigeon bottles are the best in the world!

As close as possible to natural processes - this is what Pigeon Corporation strives for. Caring for the health of the baby and its mother, product developers carefully study the stages of development of the baby, its reflexes, and especially breathing during feeding.

Pigeon Bottle is a unique development with perfect quality. All nipples are made of soft and hypoallergenic silicone of double thickness. This material does not deform even with prolonged use. Silicone nipples provide smooth movements of the baby’s mouth.

The surface of the nipple is matte. The lips do not stick and easily glide on the surface.

pigeon peristaltic plus bottle

Nipple design

All Pigeon nipples are wide in shape with a tapered tip and a small hole for fluid to flow out. The baby sucks slowly and easily, as with breastfeeding.

The tip of the nipples is slightly extended. This form does not allow it to stick together when squeezing the gums.

Since the baby can swallow air during sucking, a special small hole is provided in the design of the nipple on the edge of the base. It performs a ventilation anti-collic function.

The design of the Pigeon nipples stimulates the baby's natural sucking movements, which consist of the following stages of breastfeeding:

  1. Capture and holding lips of the areola of the mother's nipple. When the baby is applied to the chest, it opens its mouth wide and captures the nipple along with the areola. The baby’s suction power is so great that the nipple fits tightly to the suction pit, the space in the baby’s mouth, throughout feeding.
  2. The wave-like movements of the tongue are unique frictions that provide milk extraction from the breast. The language is virtually motionless, only its surface performs undulating actions.
  3. Swallowing milk. During sucking, the back of the tongue encourages milk to enter the esophagus. It is important that this process does not interfere with the normal breathing of the baby.

The Pigeon bottle allows you to reproduce natural processes while maintaining close contact between the mother and the baby.

peristalsis bottle plus pigeon

Benefits of Pigeon Nipple

  1. The child does not refuse maternal breasts, which is important for mixed feeding.
  2. The bite is not disturbed during the eruption and growth of the first teeth.
  3. Regular feeding with a bottle of pigeon pacifier does not interfere with the normal development of the digestive system.

As the baby grows, parents have the opportunity to change the pacifier to a larger one with a different type of hole for milk and the milk mixture.

Feeding Bottle

A unique development from Pigeon is a feeding bottle with a spoon. The company released this product specifically for six-month-old babies who, by virtue of their development, can already take complementary foods. The bottle can be used for liquid cereals, mashed potatoes, broths, juices, soups with ground ingredients.

Such a feeding bottle is characterized by the presence of a spoon. There is a groove in the bottle that helps food into the spoon. This is convenient for mom and greatly simplifies feeding. With such a bottle, there is no need to bring food to the child’s mouth each time, and the baby himself gets used to eating from a spoon faster.

The spoon is screwed to the bottle using a ring that can be used as a lid.

pigeon feeding bottle

Characteristics of the feeding bottle

  1. Compact size.
  2. Ability to use on the road.
  3. The bottle keeps food temperature well during feeding.
  4. It is easy to wash.
  5. It is made of soft unbreakable material.
  6. All parts of the structure withstand different temperatures.
  7. Food goes easily to a spoon.
  8. The presence of a special brush for cleaning the groove.
  9. Bends on a bottle are convenient for holding during feeding.

pigeon bottle reviews

Pigeon Peristaltic Plus Bottle

For children on artificial and mixed feeding , a bottle of Peristaltic Plus is available. Pigeon adapted it to the needs of modern parents. It is convenient to pour the dry mixture through a wide neck and then dilute with hot water. Also, the shape of the bottle allows you to easily wash and dry it.

The bottle is made of a material safe for health - polypropylene. The shape of the bottle is comfortable for hands. Even the baby will be able to keep it on her own.

There is a measuring scale on the bottle. Mom can always control the amount of the mixture drunk by the baby.

The kit comes with a soft M size silicone nipple. If necessary, the nipple can be replaced with another. Pigeon separately produces nipples of various sizes with round and cross-shaped holes. Each is made of double silicone and has an anti-colic hole.

baby bottle pigeon

Pigeon bottles for children with weakened reflexes

The company takes into account the needs of children with different physiological characteristics. So, "Pigeon" is one of some brands that produce bottles for feeding children with cleft palate or lips. Such a Pigeon bottle can be used to feed babies undergoing surgery, or for children with congenital pathologies of the jaw. The shape of the nipples of such a bottle prevents the flow of milk and air from entering through the crevice. There is a special valve in the nipple that prevents milk from getting back into the bottle.

The kit comes with a bottle 2 nipples medium and small size.

pigeon feeding bottle reviews


Convenient, easy, high-quality - these words of buyers describe a bottle of Pigeon. Reviews of young parents are mostly positive. Pigeon bottles are bought not only by mothers who have problems with milk production. Many use them even with established breastfeeding. Strain the milk directly into the bottle, you can easily feed the baby. And to prepare the mixture in it is convenient even on the road.

It happens that mothers buy bottles of other well-known brands, but then they choose Pigeon products. Particularly popular with young parents is the Pigeon feeding bottle. Reviews often relate to a convenient design in which a spoon is connected to a bottle. This unique invention was liked by mothers of the whole world.

There are almost no negative reviews. Only some parents did not like the factory smell, which is immediately noticeable after unpacking the bottle. Even after the first sterilization, the smell does not disappear.

Some buyers noted the high cost of Pigeon products. In their opinion, the price of a bottle of polypropylene is too high. Parents buy new nipples is not cheap. Some equally well-known brands offer similar products at the lowest price.

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