What to expect when you are expecting a baby: some simple tips

It’s good that today you can plan your own pregnancy. After all, the desire to have children arises much later than an adult begins sexual life. Therefore, most expectant mothers want to prepare for pregnancy in advance. So what to expect when you are expecting a baby?

what to expect when you are expecting a baby


Changes during pregnancy will occur in everything, not only in the appearance of the expectant mother. The “suffering” is primarily the body. Not that it will directly suffer, but it will change somewhat - that's for sure. The stomach will definitely grow, the chest will fill, stretch marks may appear. Also, during pregnancy, a woman should gain a certain amount of kilograms - this is normal.


In addition to changing external indicators, the lady’s internal state will also slightly change. What can surprise the body, what else to expect when you are expecting a baby? In the first trimester, a woman may be tormented by toxicosis - smells and tastes will be felt more acutely. The nervous system and the raging hormones will stir. Permanent malaise or sleeping state is possible. The second trimester will bring some relief, the toxicosis will pass, the hormones will calm down. Libido may increase significantly. Also, in the second trimester, a woman for the first time will feel the movements of her baby - this is an unforgettable experience. The last trimester will also be very difficult, because due to the increase in the baby, it may become more difficult for mother to move around, perform some types of work, up to tying shoelaces. The child will put pressure on all internal organs, especially the kidneys: the pregnant woman may suffer from edema, often go to the toilet on a small one. By the way, often expectant mothers throughout pregnancy suffer from constipation.

expecting a second child

Body condition

And what to expect from health when you expect a child? In addition to all the above-mentioned inconveniences, the body of the expectant mother will shake itself, improve its health, gather all its strength in order to give only the best to the unborn child. A particular diet of a pregnant woman will be especially beneficial for the body when she excludes fried foods, mayonnaises, sodas, crisps and alcohol from food. Only healthy food, only all the freshest and best, because the child eats everything that his mother consumes.

what to do when you expect a baby

Emotional condition

What to expect when you are expecting a baby? The emotional component of this process deserves special attention. Throughout the pregnancy, a woman will be tormented by mood swings: from unrestrained fun to bitter tears (hormones are the reason for everything). Unusual dreams may begin. Also, a woman should know what postpartum depression is, before the moment of birth, because this is not such a rare case. This is necessary not only to read on their own, but also to prepare relatives so that they can help in a difficult situation.


What to do when you are expecting a baby? Exactly - to enjoy life, each other (we are talking about future parents), get enough sleep, because there’s definitely not enough time for all this after childbirth. You also need to think about material security, given that most often mother goes on maternity leave for three years, and there is not enough social security for everything. An interesting fact is that all these tips will be useful to those who are waiting for the first-born. The couple, who answers the question of others, “We are waiting for the second child,” is unlikely to be asked such questions: all this has already been completed and everything is already known.

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