Where screenshots are saved in Warface: save path

Many players want to share their achievements on social networks (and not only). Not everyone understands where screenshots are saved in Warface. This article will address this issue. You just need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the game center client program.

where screenshots are saved warface on windows 10

About the game

Warface is a Mail.ru Group project in the form of an online third-person shooter. The plot is based on the confrontation of the eponymous group of the large Blackwood Corporation around the planet.

Before you figure out where the screenshots are saved in Warface, you need to understand why they are needed at all. A screenshot is taken in the following cases:

  • the player has encountered a bug and wants to transfer information to the support service;
  • user compiles a special operation guide;
  • as evidence of something important or in order to share joy with others (boast of achievements);
  • when writing an informational article about a project.

Game center

To take a screenshot, just press the key combination set for this in the options. By default, this is Alt + F3. When you click on the screen, the path where you can find the file will be displayed.

If nothing has changed, then the pictures will be transferred to the folder at: C: / users / username / saved games / My games / Warface / ScreenShots

For convenience, it is better to go to the client options (photo below) and set the desired directory where the screenshots of the Warface are saved. On Windows 10 & raquo; the system is similar, and it is also possible to specify the desired folders.

Game Center Settings Screenshot

Among other things, in the options you can set buttons for taking a picture of the active area, select the format in which documents (png or jpg) and quality are saved, and also open the directory from the settings themselves (using the "open folder" key).


Summing up, it should be noted that it is not so difficult to take a screenshot, but to find the results of "work" is even easier - just specify the desired address. For especially lazy people it is better to choose the "Desktop" of their own PC. But then he will be cluttered with screenshots of various gaming events. It will be required to periodically clean.

The most important reason screenshots are taken is cheating. Despite the fact that the game is protected by the anti-cheat MRAC, negligent lovers of easy money have not gone anywhere. Such scammers do not allow ordinary honest gamers to enjoy the project calmly.

Therefore, a quick series of screenshots helps to fix non-compliance with the rules. And informing the support service, backed up by the obtained images, helps to quickly punish the intruder. Until the account is blocked.

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