ICSI: patient reviews, preparation procedure, features of the procedure, results

Statistics have shown that in our country, many couples encounter difficulties trying to conceive a child in a natural way. Some solve the problem with the right treatment, while others turn to different reproductive technologies. Today, one of the most popular methods is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. She is part of IVF. In this article we will consider what ICSI is, we will also study the reviews, and also touch on the topic of preparation for the procedure and the consequences.

What it is?

This technique is a component of the conception of in vitro. It involves the introduction of a high-quality sperm directly into the egg. This allows you to overcome the most common factors of infertility on the part of a woman or man. This method began to be put into practice in 1992 in Belgium. Today it is very effective, because even after the first attempt to conceive, the probability of a positive result is from 32 to 50%. During repeated ICSI, the probability becomes even greater.

Indications for ICSI

sperm implantation

Before we begin to study the features of ICSI, the reviews of which you will find in this article, you should consider the indications for the procedure. So, it is prescribed if:

  • The patient has a pronounced oligozoospermia.
  • After the examination, the doctor discovered asthenozoospermia, which is combined with oligozoospermia of varying degrees.
  • The doctor found that after thawing, the quality of cryopreserved sperm is low.
  • The man is diagnosed with azoospermia, as a result of which there are no mature sperm in his ejaculate. At the same time, active sperm cells were detected after a puncture of the testicle or its appendage.
  • There was a need for genetic preimplantation research.
  • The couple had several unsuccessful IVF attempts.

In addition, it is necessary to mention the relative indications. These include sperm morphology below 4%, as well as the presence of antibodies that reject sperm.

Benefits of the procedure

doctor makes ICSI

According to reviews, ICSI has the following advantages:

  • In order for the egg to be fertilized, only one sperm is used, which makes it possible to achieve successful conception even if the partner’s seminal fluid quality is not very good.
  • The described method is effective even if the patient has defects of the vas deferens.
  • This technology will be an ideal solution for couples who are diagnosed with infertility of unknown etiology.
  • When using the described method, fertilization of the egg occurs in 60% of cases. The probability of developing a healthy embryo is 95%.
  • Children conceived in this way are no different from those that were conceived naturally.
  • When conducting ICSI, donor biomaterial can be used.

Woman training

Studying the reviews, ICSI can be called an effective procedure. However, a woman cannot do without appropriate preparation. Preparing for the procedure is necessary in almost the same way as for IVF. At the first stage, the woman is sent for a detailed examination, which includes consultations of various doctors, an ultrasound scan, hormone tests, a smear test, and so on. The main task of doctors is to exclude possible foci of infection.

Preparation for the procedure for those women over 38 years of age begins with an assessment of the ovarian reserve. That is, the specialist must evaluate how many eggs are capable of fertilization. This is necessary so that the doctor can correctly choose hormonal drugs. Also, on the basis of the data obtained, it is concluded that the possibility of conception in general. Does the doctor believe that conception is impossible, he will offer the patient to use donor material.

In addition, you need to drink no more than 2.5 liters of water per day and minimize the use of protein foods. This is done in order to reduce the risk of developing hyperstimulation syndrome. It is also recommended that a woman stop drinking alcohol and smoking and normalize the hormonal background before she enters the protocol. In addition, strong physical activity should be excluded.

If the patient has no problems in the genital area, the measures described above are quite enough. If endometriosis, myoma or cyst has been diagnosed, then these diseases will need to be eliminated before the procedure. According to reviews, IVF ICSI may become unsuccessful if a woman has the described diseases.

ICSI preparation for men


If a man has poor sperm quality, then this is the main indication for the use of ICSI. So, it is necessary to undergo the procedure if a man has the following diseases:

  • decreased sperm motility;
  • asthenozoospermia or oligozoospermia;
  • reduction in sperm count;
  • a large number of sperm that are non-viable;
  • necrosoospermia.

In all the cases described, it will not be possible to drastically improve the quality of seminal fluid, however, it is recommended that the following actions be taken:

  • conduct a full examination and pass a spermogram;
  • be examined for infection;
  • eliminate infection and inflammation, if detected.

It should be remembered that the qualitative characteristics of sperm are adversely affected by high temperature. Therefore, approximately two months before the start of treatment, it is necessary to refuse to visit the baths and saunas. Viral diseases are also negatively affected.

The ICSI procedure is carried out only when the patient is completely healthy, but not earlier than a month after recovery. Also, a man should stop smoking, drink alcohol, as beer and wine increase estrogen levels, which reduces the chances of a successful conception. It is necessary to include in the diet vegetables and fruits that contain ascorbic and folic acid in their composition. Studies have shown that sperm quality can be improved if Vitamin C is used daily. For a better diagnosis, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse 3 or 5 days before the spermogram is taken.

Process flow


Many couples ask themselves the question: “ICSI - what is it and how is it done?”. Reviews say that the procedure includes several stages.

First of all, doctors prepare a woman for the necessary manipulations. She is prescribed drugs that stimulate egg growth. The doctor controls the maturation of the follicles using an ultrasound machine. It is very important not to miss the moment when the egg is ready for exit. It is during this period that the doctor makes a puncture of the ovaries to collect the egg, which will be involved in subsequent fertilization.

As for men, after preparation they pass samples of sperm. Specialists place them in a special viscous medium. Then the embryologist using special tools immobilizes the sperm. After that, he is placed in a very small needle for insertion into the cytoplasm of a female cell.

The whole procedure is done using special automatic manipulators under the microscope. At the end, the needle is removed. From this point on, the entire fertilization process is similar to conventional IVF.

An ovum fertilized by a sperm cell is transferred to a test tube in which cell division occurs. After a few more days, the embryo is planted in the uterus. Its further development depends on the quality of the material and the body of the woman.

According to reviews, ICSI does not help everyone the first time. Indeed, the process is influenced by many factors. Some women have to do several procedures. And the lady who decided on ECSI ICSI should study the reviews about the procedure in order to be ready for anything.

The probability of conception from the first time

artificial conception

Each woman plans to get a positive result from the first time IVF IVF. Reviews say that this is possible. Moreover, the probability of a successful pregnancy is quite high. Especially if the woman’s reproductive system is not disturbed. It is very important that there are no inflammatory processes, and the menstrual cycle is regular.

So the success of ICSI from the first time is real. The reviews showed this. But many women who become pregnant after such a procedure fear that a sudden interruption will occur. But this is not confirmed by statistics. Those who did ICSI leave positive reviews and say that they managed to endure a healthy baby.

Most reviews indicate that with the support of early pregnancy, as well as the supervision of a doctor, pregnancy after the procedure ends with a successful delivery.

ICSI in the natural cycle

medical manipulation

Reviews of this procedure indicate that this method of fertilization in the IVF protocol does not include hormone therapy. Such a procedure is suitable only for women who have fully preserved reproductive function. As a rule, ICSI in the natural cycle is carried out when the presence of antisperm antibodies in a woman has been revealed or when infertility is caused by a male factor.

It should be said that if the procedure is performed without hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, the chances of success are reduced. Indeed, in this case, only one egg is fertilized, and not several.

Advantages of the procedure without hormone therapy

It is impossible not to mention the benefits of ICSI without hormonal therapy:

  • such a procedure is cheaper;
  • the patient does not have to purchase hormonal drugs to stimulate;
  • puncture with this procedure is carried out without anesthesia;
  • there is no risk of complications (hyperstimulation).

In addition, thanks to this method of fertilization, even those women who have contraindications for hormonal stimulation of the ovaries can become pregnant.

Are children born healthy after the procedure?

IVF procedure in the office

Women who have passed ICSI leave positive reviews about children. The crumbs are no different from their peers in both physical and mental development.

It should also be said that the treatment of infertility in men using the described method differs in features. Here one should not miss the factor that a man can pass on some genetic defects to his child. To exclude such a probability, it is necessary to do genetic screening before the procedure , which allows to determine if there is a pathology.

But the procedure itself does not affect the health of children and does not entail any genetic malfunctions. It all depends on the health of future parents. Thanks to a special pre-implantation diagnosis, a specific embryo can be analyzed for the presence of various chromosomal or gene abnormalities.

ECO ICSI, PIXY - reviews and differences

The main difference is that with conventional ICSI, the doctor selects a suitable sperm subjectively. He draws attention to appearance, mobility, as well as other morphological characteristics.

If we talk about the PIXI method, then it is based on molecular analysis, thanks to which it is possible to evaluate not only how correct the structure of the sperm is, but also how it is able to overcome the natural barrier. Only a mature sperm can pass through the membrane of the ovum. Maturity is confirmed by laboratory testing. An embryologist evaluates the ability of sperm to interact with hyaluronic acid.

What do women say?

On the thematic forums about ECSI IVF, ladies' reviews are posted predominantly positive. They note that they became pregnant the first time exactly when they did IVF together with ICSI. Conventional IVF does not give such a result.

The method also helps with ovarian failure. Expectant mother will have to take progesterone and microfollin. But embryo replanting is successful in many cases.

Procedure cost

The described method of conceiving a child is complex and painstaking. Therefore, the price of the procedure is high. Depending on the medical institution, the need for concomitant treatment and procedures carried out at the preparation stage, the cost of a service without IVF varies between 15-17 thousand rubles. The whole complex often costs about 200,000 rubles. In addition, freezing of biomaterial is additionally paid.

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