The nature of the children. Character features of the child

We talk a lot about character education in young children. In fact, everything is somewhat different. After all, the nature of children is laid already at birth. We are only developing what is embedded in it, directing it in the right direction.

Is it possible to change the nature of children?

Adults involved in raising a baby, in early childhood, it is very important to feel, to understand exactly what features are inherent in a particular crumb.

Only on the basis of correct conclusions can we build an accurate system of education of a diversified personality that will comfortably exist in society. Otherwise, you can break the character of children in early childhood, to instill in the soul of the kids self-doubt, hatred or fear of the world around them.

In fact, changing the nature of the child is almost impossible. This is how to make a brunette a blond or a representative of a black race turn into a Caucasian. Outwardly, some changes are possible, but the genotype will remain the same. And new hair will grow the color whose gene is present in human DNA.

Therefore, the very concept of “character education” in the literal sense is practically not used. Usually this phrase means the education of a child of perseverance, honesty, perseverance, that is, some qualities necessary for the development of a successful personality.

4 types of characters in children

The future of a person who grows out of crumbs depends on how correctly adults determine the inclinations, features of a baby, that were born at birth. Psychologists around the world are trying to classify the nature of children.

There is an option to subdivide children (and all people) into four types:

  • sensitive (sensitive);
  • active;
  • communicative;
  • receptive.

Sensitive (sensitive) type

Each type of character corresponds to certain features. Moreover, they begin to appear in early childhood.

For example, it is believed that the sensitive character of young children is determined by their increased manifestation of emotions, sensitive mental organization, receptivity to the experiences of other people. Such kids react painfully to their mistakes, they are very upset even due to minor failures. Such children should not be once again ashamed, ridiculed, ironic over them, punished, harassed during the manifestation of emotions.

nature of children

And certainly you should not distract the frustrated baby, trying to make him laugh at the moment when he is experiencing another storm of emotions. Moreover, you should not show him the intensity of their passions related to events, which the baby is not able to change or influence.

Positive features of the character of a child belonging to the sensitive type are the possibility of influencing him through the manifestation of his dissatisfaction with facial expressions or with just a few words that describe his sad mood: "I am upset ..." or "How I am ashamed of you!" Such a child does not need to be scolded, appealed to his feelings and especially punished.

However, this type of character of the child develops in him self-doubt, restraint, fear of doing something wrong. Therefore, they are usually uncommunicative, shy. These are not the best qualities. And if you do not correct these character traits of the child, then it is hardly possible to hope that a confident and successful person will subsequently grow out of him, capable of independently making decisions and committing actions.

It is very important to achieve understanding with such a baby. He should feel that people are living nearby, who are also worried that they also have setbacks. But they know how to deal with them.

Let the baby communicate with children of this type - do not force him to be friends with leaders, rude and powerful children who will suppress him. But to cultivate self-esteem should begin from early childhood. If necessary, the child should be able to resist violence, refuse, say no.

Typically, these children grow up creative personalities: artists, writers, musicians. Many of the sensitive natures appeared doctors, teachers, psychologists. And scientists often in childhood were inclined to sit aside alone while others broke toys, climbed onto the roofs of garages or mercilessly fought with each other.

Active type

The very name of this kind of character already speaks for itself. The main character traits of a child of an active type are mobility, curiosity, sociability. They are always in motion, they are bored of sitting motionless for even a minute, they want to constantly do something, to find out. Often, these aspirations are fraught with broken toys, torn pants, knocked down knees. With the slightest weakening of attention on the part of adults, kids can do the trick of God to invent a game that involves a risk to life.

child character traits

Features of the nature of the child of the active type are that for him the main thing is action, not experience. It is impossible to influence his behavior with clenched eyebrows or with a displeased shake of the head. Yes, and more powerful methods are not very effective. Shouting, swearing, punishment can embitter the baby. And often he simply adopts this manner of behavior and in response begins to be rude, screaming, intimidating, threatening.

Adults should make every effort to ensure that preschool children of the active type are constantly engaged in useful work. Praise as a stimulus to new achievements is the only way to bring up positive qualities in a child .

Usually true leaders grow out of these children. Therefore, it is so important to teach the baby to be a leader, to direct his indefatigable energy in the right direction. If a child is inculcated with responsibility at an early age, then subsequently a successful self-confident person can grow out of him, who will be able to achieve much in life.

The complexity of the educational process is that the character traits of a child leader without sensitive leadership can raise a notorious bully, a fearless and reckless organizer of a criminal group, a ruthless and stubborn egoist.

Communicative type

Comparing the types of character of the child, you can establish some similarities between them. The communicative type is pretty close to active. Indeed, in both cases, the child does not live with emotions, but with actions. Only if the active type is inherent in the desire to command other people, then the main goal of a communicative baby becomes knowledge. Such children clutch at everything, they are interested in everything, they like to start. But routine, routine dislikes them.

If an active kid can be accustomed to order, using praise, reward, encouragement, then communicative all this deeply spit. On the contrary, even the usual repetition of habitual actions provokes a protest in him.

features of the character of the child

What about a baby for whom chaos is the norm? How to accustom him to order? How to ensure that the little man brought the things started to the end? There is probably only one option - changes in the mode of action, the inclusion of a note of novelty in any activity. He began to clean up the toys, quickly got tired, left, left to play with the kitten? Do not scold him and read him notations! You can simply add a game element to the cleaning routine: “An urgent evacuation of all toys has just been announced - the tsunami is coming! Here is a ship (box for toys), which is leaving in five minutes! It’s necessary to quickly load all the toys on board! ”

It is worth remembering that if the second time such a game works, then for the third time it will definitely be useless. And adults should come up with a new story.

It should be noted and positive character traits of the child of a communicative type. They are usually very sociable, able to adapt to the environment, easily converge with other people. Since routine is alien to them, these children themselves contribute to any activity. It is they who infect the whole crowd with a desire to turn off the usual road and ride on the ice on the river during the ice drift or measure the depth of the puddle with boots ...

However, they do not care whether others will follow them, because they can collapse alone. The main thing is that they will go the unbeaten path. Of such people, discoverers, climbers and divers, archaeologists and geologists often grow. Often, writers and actors are obtained from them, but only if everything works out right away. Work on the written, disassemble and lay out everything on the shelves, repeat the route - not for them.

Therefore, in such children, first of all, persistence, patience, and perseverance should be developed. This is not to say that it is that simple. But probably. They should just be allowed to take breaks in work with a change in occupation, often rearrange furniture in the room, change the cover of the notebook, clothes.

Receptive type

This is probably the most convenient type of character for educators. After all, children with a receptive type of character adore the rules, constancy, rhythm, mode, repetition of the same actions. It is easy to “manage” them in kindergarten and school, they easily get up in the mornings, wash and brush their teeth without reminders, and easily cope with tasks that they carefully worked out. But here are situations when novelty suddenly appears, when you need to be smart or to perform some action that was not previously agreed upon, “block” the psyche of the child. These children make excellent performers, but they will never become leaders. Making a decision on their own is akin to accomplishing a feat.

character type test

Considering the behavior of children of the receptive type, it should be noted that they, like children of the sensitive type, are characterized by sensitivity and a tendency to experience. These are very sensitive and responsive kids. And if you can skillfully cultivate in them the ability to make independent decisions, then wonderful family people and true friends will turn out from them.

You can begin to develop independence in early childhood. For example, you should allow them to buy something in the store, pay for their purchase on their own, choose a gift for their sister or teacher. Even the choice of clothes in the morning is already an act. Any small actions that the baby will perform himself, guided by his desire, should be encouraged. And in no case do you need to offend a little man with distrust if he makes a mistake. Explain - yes, show another option - yes. But do not scold, do not punish, do not ridicule.

Are there “pure” character types?

Of course, it is impossible to attribute a child to one specific type with one hundred percent certainty. In one personality, the features characteristic of both two and three types coexist. For example, the active leader may well be characterized by sensitivity and emotionality. Otherwise, where would the leaders of organizations for the protection of homeless animals come from? The same leader may well have such a character trait as hatred of routine and order. The desire to do everything in a completely different way than it was before, played into the hands of many managers: they are the ones who make the breakthrough by introducing a new regime into the work of the plant, changing radically even the direction in production.

Or, for example, a person of a sensitive warehouse may well be a half-receptive lover of order and order. As, however, often in such a person may be a desire for change.

Type of character accentuation

Excessive manifestation of the main typical character traits in an individual is called accentuation. These are the very children who are more likely to correspond to a particular subgroup. There is even a character type test compiled by C. Leonhard and N. Schmishek. It has the form of a questionnaire of 88 statements, which should be grouped into 10 scales. Based on the results obtained, one can give an answer to which type the person most relates to.

What can I say, it is impossible to conduct such a test to determine the nature of the child in a year, he is just beginning to learn articulate speech. It is also quite difficult to conduct a character type test with a preschool child, because he will not only not be able to answer many questions, but will not even understand the meaning of many questions!

character of young children

Although attentive adults may well be content with their own observations of their child and draw independent conclusions. For example, how does a baby up to a year react to the fact that his grandmother suddenly puts on glasses for the first time? A child of a sensitive and receptive type will cry or just be upset, but a communicative one will immediately “get acquainted” with a new granny. The active kid will also not stand aside, but will try to take away and study the “new toy”.

You can also conclude on how the baby reacts to a new toy. A receptive warehouse of character does not immediately allow you to pick up a new thing in your hands - you first need to get used to it, take a closer look. Sensitive emotional children sometimes react to new things very violently, especially if this mechanical toy moves or makes sounds. It is possible that the baby will never accept her, bursting into tears on the day of the first meeting.

The communicative type of character is always happy with everything new, therefore, if a baby joyfully takes any toy from the hands of even a unfamiliar person, you should know that such a person grows up.

But if the baby doesn’t just rejoice at the new thing, but seriously frowns its eyebrows, trying to tear off the doll’s head, or throws it to the floor with force, it should be concluded that he is not just hooligan, but is trying to find out what is inside her. After all, this is an active type of character, and there is nothing to be done about it.

Another gradation of character types

Some psychologists consider it necessary to subdivide people differently than described above. They believe that children should be divided into:

  • with practicality;
  • prone to learning;
  • inclined to management;
  • talented craftsmen.

Determining which of these types a child belongs to is easy enough. One prefers to learn everything new, it is easy to learn. Everything is clear here and without clarification.

The other, regardless of his knowledge and skills, constantly teaches everyone, everywhere is in front - the instigator, in a word. It is clear that this is the future leader, because the propensity for management is obvious. Although often learning and leadership coexist perfectly in one person.

types of character of the child

The third is very neat, scrupulous, mandatory in everything. This one certainly has practicality! But where is it written that he will not be inclined towards learning and there is not a single gram of desire to command him?

Actually, it is quite difficult to find “pure” creators. Typically, artists and writers do not come from people who do not like to learn new things.

8 role-based character types

And some psychologists believe that all children should be divided not into 4, but into 8 subgroups:

  • supervisor;
  • secret leader;
  • painter;
  • night watchman;
  • hunter;
  • hearth keeper;
  • politician;
  • hard worker.

A leader is a typical leader whose behavior patterns were discussed above: proactive, freedom-loving, decisive.

An interesting type of "secret leader." This is a leader who does not know how to lead, he dreams of gaining power, but he is inactive and does not have any quality necessary for this. Usually he realizes his craving for power in the family. This is a family tyrant. And parents should pay special attention to this fact. After all, it is from these types of children that maniacs, home sadists, and criminals are obtained. Therefore, sometimes you should even work with a psychologist to prevent unwanted consequences.

The artist is a creative person. Often in the team is a "black sheep". But with close people - relatives, friends, loved ones - artists are gentle and immense.

The night watchman is an “owl”, active in the evenings, hardly waking up in the morning, often suspicious and timid in nature.

The hunter is a tough, domineering, fast, active person. In fact, this is a leader, but not feeling the desire for leadership. Therefore, despite the fact that often he just leads the team, he can act alone.

preschool children

The focus keeper is the very receptive type of a measured, pedantic performer. He hates innovations, loves animals, children, order in everything.

A politician is a pronounced communicative type. Sociable, greedy for praise, knows how to smooth out conflicts and easily solves life problems. But it can create intrigue from boredom, make a scandal “out of nothing”. He studies well, but only in those subjects that interest him. It requires careful attention to oneself, since one can never be sure that the "politics" will come to mind the next minute.

A hard worker is a physically strong child, but with some deviations in mental and sometimes moral development. Moved and pugnacious, bold enough. With a lack of attention from educators and parents, it can grow into a bully and a bully. But essentially kind. Therefore, with proper upbringing, a wonderful family man grows out of him, a good performer is a hard worker, in a word.

Summing up the above, it can be noted that all types of characters are intertwined, that each child is an individual. Therefore, there are no specific strict rules for all occasions. The educator is a creator of personality, a sculptor of the soul. Therefore, the result depends on how accurately he chooses an approach to a particular child.

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