If a child has a lymph node inflamed, then this can happen for a variety of reasons. Many factors can lead to such a violation. Doctors recommend treatment immediately, but before that you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to determine which disease provoked an increase in lymph nodes.
Features of lymphadenitis
It is important not only to establish why lymph nodes in children become inflamed, but also what lymphadenitis is. This is an infectious or non-infectious inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of the lymphatic system. A similar disease is quite common in pediatrics, due to the immaturity of this organ in a child.
Often, lymphadenitis occurs in children aged 1-6 years and has a more rapid course than in adults. The disease develops in children a second time, thereby complicating the course of infectious and inflammatory processes, therefore, several specialists need to be consulted at once.
Main classification
Depending on the type of pathogen, doctors distinguish specific and non-specific lymphadenitis, which has:
- sharp;
- subacute;
- chronic course
By the nature of inflammatory changes in the area of the lymphatic glands in children, serous, necrotic or purulent lymphadenitis is distinguished. In addition, this disease can affect only one lymph node or an entire group.
Depending on this, treatment is selected that helps quickly and effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes
Often, a similar pathological process is associated with the reaction of the immune system to the presence of infection near the lymph nodes. There are 3 main stages of a similar pathology, namely:
- initial;
- average;
- purulent.
If the lymph nodes have purulent contents, then this indicates a serious complication, which is treated surgically. If the submandibular lymph nodes in a child become inflamed, then this is a rather alarming sign, which indicates the development of pathology.
The initial stage proceeds secretly and no signs are observed. With the progression of the disease, those located under the lower jaw increase, become more dense and painful on palpation. Among the main causes of pathology, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- infectious processes;
- neoplasms;
- immunity problems;
- dental problems;
- toxoplasmosis.
It is very important to correctly establish the cause of the development of the disease, since this plays an important role in the treatment of pathology. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is only a symptom of the disease, which necessarily requires proper therapy.
Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a pathology. You must know why the lymph nodes on the neck of a child become inflamed in order to make the correct diagnosis and select the required treatment. Such a violation may be for reasons such as:
- allergy;
- oncological diseases;
- mechanical damage;
- colds;
- hypothermia, stress;
- metabolic disorder.
If the child has a lymph node on the neck, it is important to initially establish a form of inflammation, which can be acute or chronic. In acute inflammation, the child feels severe pain in the neck, and the inflamed area turns red. In the case of a chronic course, pain is not felt, but the lymph nodes increase. The reason for this form of pathology is mainly a weakened immune system.
Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms
Under the arm of a child there are several groups of lymph nodes. These organs themselves normally do not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter and move freely under the skin. If the lymph node under the armpit in a child becomes inflamed, then it will be noticeable even with a simple examination. Lymph nodes are divided into groups such as:
- apical;
- central
- lateral;
- thoracic;
- subscapular.
Healthy lymph nodes are quite difficult to probe, since these organs are very small and do not provoke painful sensations. However, with the pathology in the chest cavity or shoulder joint, there may be an increase in lymph nodes up to severe discomfort, so that it is impossible to move the hand.
Among the main causes of the violation, adjacent pathologies are distinguished. In addition, frostbite, injuries, burns can be provoking factors.
Axillary lymphadenitis mainly occurs in older children. This is often a secondary disease that can be triggered by pus and pathogens. Also, inflammation often occurs against the background of bronchitis, pneumonia, pathologies of the shoulder joint.
Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes
The baby's body is often quite successful in dealing with infectious processes. If the child has a lymph node in the groin inflamed, then this may signal a fight against viruses and pathogens. Inflammation mainly occurs as a result of damage to the skin of the lower body, in particular, such as:
- scratches;
- splinters;
- leg wounds.
Swelling does not occur immediately after damage to the skin, but after about 10-20 days. With a favorable course of the treatment process, the body independently copes with the infection, and the tumor resolves without treatment.
Main symptoms
If the child has a lymph node inflamed, then there is a rather bright and pronounced symptomatology, namely:
- lethargy and apathy are observed;
- loss of appetite;
- sleep disturbance;
- soreness when swallowing and palpation;
- compaction of the affected area;
- redness of the skin over the inflamed nodes.
In some cases, a rash may appear on the body. If the lymph node becomes inflamed, the child’s temperature rises almost always, and headaches may also appear.
What to do if a child has lymph nodes inflamed after a comprehensive diagnosis, which will help determine the cause of the pathology? You can determine the presence of a pathological process yourself, however, an accurate diagnosis is established only by a doctor.
Initially, the doctor examines the lymph nodes to determine their structure, shape and size. Additionally, specialized diagnostics are performed, which includes such research methods as:
- ultrasound examination;
- analysis of urine and blood;
- blood chemistry;
- X-ray
- histological examination of lymph node tissue.
If necessary, the doctor can prescribe an examination of narrow specialists who will help to make the correct diagnosis and select the required treatment.
Treatment features
When the lymph node in the child has become inflamed, how to treat such a pathology, you need to know exactly how not to provoke complications. In order for therapy to be as successful as possible, initially you need to establish the cause of such a pathology. For treatment, methods such as:
- drug therapy;
- surgery;
- folk remedies.
Treatment is selected separately for each child and it all depends on the type of disease, as well as on the complexity of its course. It is aimed at stopping the infectious and inflammatory process and eliminating the primary focus of infection.
In acute serous and chronic lymphadenitis, conservative therapy is used, which includes antibacterial, desensitizing agents, as well as local treatment. Reinforcing medications are also indicated.
In the absence of the desired effect or the transition of the disease into a purulent form, the child is urgently hospitalized, an autopsy, drainage and rehabilitation are performed. In the case of necrotic lymphadenitis, a thorough curettage of the cavity is carried out, and if necessary, removal of the lymph node. In the postoperative period, anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated.
Drug treatment
If the child has a lymph node inflamed, then basically the treatment is carried out with the help of drug therapy. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor may prescribe:
- antibiotics
- antiviral;
- antitumor agents;
- immunosuppressive drugs.
Antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the presence of purulent contents, as well as an infection that is provoked by bacteria. Also, their reception is indicated for the prevention of complications. The choice of medication is determined strictly individually, depending on the well-being, age of the child and the stage of development of the pathology.
In the event that the disease was provoked by viruses, antiviral agents are prescribed. When they are used, the process of bacterial reproduction is suspended and the production of their own interferon is stimulated. To block the formation of malignant cells, antitumor drugs are prescribed.
In the case when the child has a lymph node in the neck, as an adjunct therapy, gargling with antiseptic solutions, as well as ointments for topical application can be prescribed.
Folk remedies
Many parents are interested: the lymph node has inflamed in the child, is it possible to carry out treatment with the help of folk remedies. To cope with inflammation, a compress from the leaves of the celandine will help. To do this, scalp a handful of plant leaves with boiling water and let cool. Then the product must be applied to the affected area for 20 minutes. The procedure is recommended 2 times a day.
Medicinal tea made from peppermint, chamomile or calendula helps to cope with inflammation. It is necessary to rinse with such a tool 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to use it for older children.
At night, it is advisable to make an alcohol compress, for the preparation of which you need to dilute the tincture of echinacea with water 1: 1. It is worth remembering that the use of folk remedies without consulting a doctor can be very dangerous, since some plants can cause allergies or a negative skin reaction.
Possible complications
In the absence of proper treatment or patient ignoring the recommendations of specialists, the disease can become chronic, and also lead to various kinds of complications that pose a danger to the health and life of the patient.
Inflammation can spread to adjacent tissues, causing the development of periadenitis, abscess, or phlegmon. With the localization of the infectious process in the respiratory region, there may be a spontaneous opening of the abscess, which will lead to the formation of a bronchial fistula.
An improperly performed operation can cause severe bleeding, infection, as well as cancer cells leaving the site. In addition, there is a high likelihood of lymphedemia.
Forecast and Prevention
With timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable, and in the case of a chronic course of the disease, lymphoid tissue can be replaced by connective tissue. Sometimes there is a violation of the lymph outflow.
Prevention of the disease is very important, which consists in eliminating the sources of chronic infection, timely treatment of purulent and traumatic lesions of the skin, teeth. It is also very important to increase immunity.
The problem of lymph node inflammation depends on many different factors. The key to successful therapy is the timely diagnosis of pathology, which only the attending doctor can do.