Bathing a baby is of particular interest to responsible parents. After all, this is the main part of child care. Hygiene is the basis of bathing, it must be accompanied by certain rules. Approaches to water procedures have changed over time. How does a newborn bathe in a large bath?
When to carry out water procedures
In the process of swimming, the baby spends a lot of strength and energy, which allows him to quickly fall asleep. Therefore, this is done before a night's rest. If the newborn is too overexcited, then bathing is postponed in the morning or afternoon. Feed the baby before water procedures should not be. After all, this can lead to regurgitation of milk.
When can I bathe a newborn in a large bath? Until the navel’s wound heals, the baby takes water procedures in a small bath with boiled water. After that, it is allowed to bathe the baby in a shared bath. This happens after 14 days. In some cases, water procedures are delayed up to a month. Much depends on the state of the navel.
Bathing a baby in the bath gives room for his activity. When healing the navel and observing the rules of hygiene, water procedures will bring him only pleasure.
How to process the bath before bathing
The whole family uses the bathroom. Dampness and rust are excellent conditions for the reproduction and development of pathogenic microflora. Just rinsing is not enough.
Is it possible to bathe a newborn in a large bath? Conventional cleaning products for cleaning will not work, because babies have very sensitive skin. If parents do not completely wash them off the surface, then the likelihood of allergies is high. Washing baby powder or baking soda will do a great job of cleansing. After the procedure, rinse the bath with hot water. A good quality laundry soap is well suited for this.
Necessary bathing equipment
Water procedures carried out in a large bath can initially cause discomfort in inexperienced mothers. Modern manufacturers have taken care of this and offer many different devices for bathing newborns in a large bath. These include:
- Circle for swimming. It is fixed on the neck of the baby.
- Hammock. Attach to the bathroom. Made from soft mesh. The baby lies in him, his head is slightly raised.
- Slide. It is able to secure the baby in the water. The slide has several modifications: removable, anatomical, etc.
- Mattress supporting bathing. Designed for babies weighing 3-8 kg. The anatomically correct shape is suitable for all types of bathtubs.
- Sponge bathing uniform. The deepening takes the shape of a child’s body and prevents it from sliding along the bottom of the bath.
- Seat. Available models: conventional, rotary and suspension.
- Universal folding chair. When water procedures are attached to the suction cups, and the legs are removed. It can be used for indoor feeding.
- Anti-slip mat. It is made from foam rubber or rubber. Available in various configurations, dimensions and colors.
- Application for gliding. It is fixed by suction cups. The set includes stickers of anti-slip figures.
A variety of devices allows you to choose the most suitable.
Accessories for water treatments
Bathing newborns in the bathtub takes place with elements of the game. For the child to have fun, toys are needed. The selection of such accessories for water procedures is huge.
For the first bath of the newborn in a large bath, rubber toys are useful. Later you can increase their diversity.
After each bath, the toys are washed and wiped dry so that mold does not form on them.
To prevent water from falling into the eyes of the baby, use a visor for swimming. It has an elastic band or button fasteners to fix it on the child’s head.
When carrying out water procedures, it is not recommended to wash the baby with a sponge, it is best to treat his skin with soapy hands or a soft cloth. It is best to boil it after bathing. A sponge or mitt-washcloth is used later when the baby is older.
Water temperature
How to bathe a newborn baby in a large bathtub? Carrying out water procedures brings great benefits to the baby’s health, it hardens, and the risk of colds is reduced. The temperature of the water must be controlled with a thermometer. It should be located on the side of the bathroom or swim in the water. You need to control the temperature by adding cold or hot water.
There are certain rules that determine her testimony. The temperature for swimming should be between 27-38 degrees. With each subsequent session, it decreases by 1 division. At the first bath, the temperature should be 37 degrees. Gradually, reducing it, bring it to 27. If, during water procedures, the child begins to act up, the water is warmer. When it calms down, then cool gradually to the desired temperature.
To temper a child, before starting bathing, it is necessary to draw water into the jug from the bath. While the baby is taking water procedures, it will become several degrees colder. Before taking out of the bath, the child is doused with water.
How much water is needed
How to bathe a newborn in a large bath? Water procedures for the first time can scare the baby. To avoid this, it is placed in a diaper. As you get used to the water, it is removed.
At the first bathing, they should immerse the body in water, and leave the face open. In subsequent procedures, water is drawn up to half. If a circle or other devices are used, then the full bath is poured.
First swim
Water procedures in a large capacity after a small one have their own characteristics.
How to bathe a newborn in a large bath? First, lower the baby into the water, carefully moistening the arms, legs and body. It is necessary to hold the child with a hand so that the mother’s little finger is located under the neck, and the remaining fingers are located under his neck. If water gets into your eyes, it’s not scary, it’s dangerous to get into your mouth or nose. The body does not sink to the bottom of the bath; on the contrary, it floats up and holds on the surface so that the chest and stomach are above the water.
When the baby is in the bathroom, he will easily move without the risk of hitting the walls.
Parents need to observe the behavior of the child. If he is not active, then he does not like the bathing process. Then the baby can be moved from one side of the bath to the other. Thus, its activation occurs. This should not be done for the first time, because the child needs to adapt.
For bathing in a large bath is enough:
- lying on the back with support behind the head;
- swimming on the stomach, the chin is in the hand of an adult;
- sitting posture.
During the bathing period, parents are required to follow certain rules and monitor the behavior of the baby. If he begins to cry, then forcibly taking water procedures is not recommended. Therefore, parents should definitely set their child up for positive emotions before bathing: smile, gently talk to him.
Be sure to monitor the temperature of the water in the bathroom. After 15 minutes, it can drop by several degrees.
Rules for conducting water procedures
Swimming a newborn in a large bath should take place in compliance with the recommendations:
- Water temperature control. To do this, use a thermometer or use the folk method. One of the parents lowers an elbow into the water, if it is not hot, then you can bathe the child.
- If the child has diaper rash or redness on the skin, then decoctions of herbs (chamomile, succession) can be added.
- Bathing the baby immediately after feeding is not recommended.
- It must be washed from top to bottom.
- Cosmetics for bathing the baby should be labeled "no tears."
- After water procedures, the umbilical wound should be treated.
- Often bathing the baby and keeping it in the bathroom for a long time is not recommended.
- If the child is crying, being naughty, you need to set him up in a positive mood or transfer the procedure to the next day.
- Parents should not leave the baby alone for a minute.
These tips will make the bathing process beneficial for the child and his health.
Baby bathing with a circle
To diversify water procedures, various devices can be used. Bathing a newborn in a large bath with a circle is a special physical education in the water. It is designed in such a way that the baby will not be able to slip out of it and dive. Swimming with a circle - prevention aimed at preventing muscle hypertonicity. As a result, coordination of movement develops, and the child ceases to be afraid of water.
For the first time, the baby must be introduced to the circle. He must get used to it, touch or play. This should happen at 3 months, when the baby will confidently hold his head.
Starting water procedures, it is necessary to open the fasteners, slowly part one part of the circle up, and the other down and into the formed opening to skip the baby’s neck. The chin should be in a special notch. The circle is worn together in advance, but not in water.
Systematic water procedures with it will cause positive emotions, strengthen the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The circle has a positive effect on sleep, appetite.
How to bathe a newborn in a large bath? It is necessary to start swimming in 2-3 weeks, when the wound on the navel heals completely. The main advantage is the ability of the child to swim on the back and stomach.
Swimming together
For the baby, the bath seems huge. So that he was not afraid, you can practice joint water procedures with his mother.
How to bathe a newborn in the bathroom? The joint procedure provides for compliance with certain recommendations:
- It is not recommended to be in the same bathroom with the baby if the woman is not completely cleaned after childbirth;
- before bathing, mom should take a shower;
- everything necessary for water procedures should be located nearby;
- it is necessary to put a rug near the bathroom so that the woman does not slip;
- bathing is ideal if dad helps the baby and mom.
The main advantages of joint bathing include:
- The possibility of accustoming to regular water procedures.
- The ability to quickly overcome the fear of water.
- Maintaining a close emotional connection.
- Provides room for collaborative games and entertainment. After all, the child will not be afraid to swim and dive with his mother.
Despite the advantages of co-swimming, there are also disadvantages:
- When bathing with a parent of the opposite sex in a child older than a year, a violation of sexual development is possible.
- Infection if adults do not follow personal hygiene rules.
Sharing with parents has not only positive aspects, but can also harm the child.
The benefits of bathing in a large bath
Water procedures have positive properties:
- Possibility of hardening.
- More active movements.
- The child forms a healthy relationship with water. He does not feel fear of her.
- After swimming in a large bath, the baby gets tired more.
- Water procedures stimulate appetite and lead to sound sleep.
Bathing a newborn in a large bath is accompanied by such disadvantages:
- The need for constant monitoring of the mother by the mother. When swimming together, the adult is involved in the bathing process and is therefore relaxed.
- A child may be afraid of water and not enjoy water procedures.
Bathing in a large bath can bring the child not only positive emotions, but sometimes negative ones.
Bathing a newborn in a large bath is a procedure that pleases the child. If you organize it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the baby, then you can strengthen his health and bring him many benefits.