The choice of gifts is generally quite a painstaking task, but agree that it’s pleasant. After all, you invest in the thing you picked up all the warmth, respect and love that you have for this person. The choice of a gift for a silver wedding will be even more interesting .
What to give to parents? After all, they will surely be modestly silent about all your questions and attempts to find out. And you yourself think that the usual trinkets that are customary to give for all sorts of holidays, this is not at all what you need. After all, so many lived! For a quarter of a century, these people have been side by side in both joyful and sorrowful moments. How can they make it clear that you respect their tolerance, ability to find a compromise and attachment to each other? What to gift parents on a silver wedding?
Choose silver
The very definition of an anniversary is a great clue about which metal and color should be preferred. Silver jewelry will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the holiday.
For a long time there was such a custom: on the day of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the wedding, the husband and wife exchanged silver rings, which were worn on the right hand next to the engagement rings. These rings can be presented to parents by children. Given by you, these jewelry will be the anthem of forever young relationships in marriage. But do not forget that they must be the same for both spouses.
If you think about what to present to your parents, then silver bracelets for father and mother will be no less memorable. After all, a bracelet is infinity. The infinity of relationships, the infinity of your love for them and their feelings for each other. Do not forget, giving this, to explain your choice, supplementing with the corresponding wishes.
It is customary to present paired gifts to the wedding and its anniversaries as confirmation that all spouses in this life are now forced to divide in half. But an exception can be made by giving, for example, a dad smoker a silver cigarette case, and a chain with a pendant for mom. Choosing it is a vast expanse for your imagination. After all, you can give a drop as a sign of the tinyness of what you can express in words. A heart pendant or a talisman with a symbolic meaning will look good.
An indelible impression will also be made by a cooked breakfast served to parents in bed on a silver tray.
And if not silver, then what to present to parents? Other options
Arguing what to present to parents, remember that these may not be silver objects. It is enough that they have the appropriate color or details. So, a
family portrait placed in a silver-plated frame, and even a ticket for a joint vacation, but tied with a silver ribbon, can be a wonderful gift.
And how amazed and joyful their faces will be when you bring them an invitation to their joint anniversary in a restaurant! Let it be only for the two of them, it is unforgettable. Prepare in advance, and the holiday will be your declaration of love for your dearest people.
So, what to give parents for a silver wedding , it turns out, is not so important. The main thing is that they feel the warmth, love and tenderness that you feel for them.