Formats pat, wxs, xsd: how to open?

It often happens that a file downloaded from the Internet or brought on a USB flash drive from a friend does not open. And then the search begins for all kinds of programs that can work with this format. If the file came from a friend, then everything is simpler. Just call and ask for a program. But what if you downloaded a permission file from the network, for example, xsd, than you don’t know which one to open? Of course, look for articles and guides on working with various data formats. Just now, we’ll try to figure out how to work with this format.

, xsd . , - , . , ! , , , , , , .

, , . xsd. ? .

: pat, xsd wxs. xsd , , . , xsd, . Pattern Maker. . , , , . . . , , . , .

pat, . pat PCStitch. , , , . - . . , , . . , Windows 7.

wxs Easy Cross. Easy Cross Enterprise Easy Cross de luxe.

, xsd, , , . xsd xml, , , , . , , xml, , . , , . , . , , xsd, , .

, . , xsd, docx, rar . , , xsd, . .

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