Who is the godfather to the father of the child: names, family ties, common misconceptions

A young couple of toddlers gathered to baptize. And then there is a sea of ​​questions: whom to take in godparents? How to baptize? Where to go? What is needed for that? With questions sorted out, the child was christened. And now a new dilemma: who is the godfather to the father of the child? And the godmother - the mother of the baby? They became relatives, it’s understandable. Just what are these relatives called? Now let's find out.


How to choose godparents

I would like to apologize to the readers for this story. He could have been called funny if he hadn’t been so sad. The story is published in the book of the priest Yaroslav Shipov. And is true.

A peasant comes to church. From among the villagers. He needs to talk to the priest. They summoned the priest from the altar, and the visitor left the quarry. And his question is wild: is it possible to rebaptize a son. The priest, of course, did not allow. Baptized once and for life. But he could not resist and asked: what is the reason for this decision? To which he received the answer: you can’t drink with the current godparents. The godfather was drunk, and the godfather - tied.

By no means do we want to say that our dear readers baptize children only for the sake of such gatherings. This is completely absurd. But let's think about how we choose godparents for our children. What are you guided by?

  1. Firstly, we trust those people who should become godparents.
  2. Secondly, we know: if something happens to us, then the godparents will not leave the baby, they will take care.
  3. And thirdly, many godparents help financially godchildren. Expensive gifts are bought, walked and entertained. In general, they remove part of the costs from their parents.

Well, people are good, of course, the chosen godfathers.

That is all true. Only the absolutely wrong approach. And before we figure out who the godfather is to the parents of the child, let's find out how to choose the godparents.


What should we be guided by

The godfather is the receiver of the child before God. And his task includes responsibility for the spiritual education of his godson.

Spiritual education does not mean helping parents financially and physically. No, this does not cancel and does not prohibit. But the main task is to teach the godson to faith and educate him in the bosom of the church. In other words, the godfather is responsible for the spiritual life of his successor. And it is he who must instill in the godson the love of God.

Therefore, when we choose godparents, we must pay attention to the fact that they are believers. Not just baptized, but familiar with church life from the inside. Otherwise, what can godparents teach a child who do not know a single prayer? And by the way, they bear a very big responsibility. They will answer before God for their godchildren.


Duties of the godparents to the parents of the godson

Who is the godfather to the father of the child? Kum really. It is believed that from the moment the baby is baptized, the godparents and blood parents are related. Even if consanguinity does not bind them.

This is not entirely true. Responsibilities to parents, except for the education of the godson in faith, the godfather does not bear. By and large, helping them support a child is not in their competence. Responsible for his spiritual development is another matter. And to feed, drink, dress is the task of the parents. Godfathers and blood parents do not become relatives. Spiritual kinship arises only between the recipient and his ward.

Godmother with baby

Misconceptions about the godparents

Who is the godmother to the father of the child? Kumoy. What you need to know about errors, one way or another related to the godfathers?

  1. An unmarried girl cannot be baptized. Allegedly, she gives her her happiness. All this is nonsense. Of course, when a kuma has a husband and children, she is more experienced in everyday life. And he knows how to raise children. But she can be completely unbelievable in faith. Likewise, an unmarried girl can be a believer and instill in her goddaughter a love of God.
  2. The same nonsense with an unmarried guy. You can’t baptize a boy, he gives his fate. Do not believe it. This is bullshit.
  3. Pregnant women are not allowed to become godparents. Either the child will be born dead, or the godson will die. It was hard to come up with more stupidity. The only time that a woman preparing to become a mother will be difficult to allocate time for the spiritual education of her godson. Only because of this is it more appropriate to abandon the title of godmother.
  4. If a child cries during baptism, God does not accept him. Where this nonsense came from is unknown. But you can still encounter this savagery. Aunts and grandmothers, located on the christening, begin to gasp and lament. Like, baby we have a bad time sobbing excitedly. This is not a bad baby, this aunts and grandmothers have problems. The child is just scared, hot, mom is not around. So he is crying.
  5. If you didn’t enter into an intimate relationship with Kuma, life is over. Yes, there is an opinion that godparents are simply obliged to sleep with each other. It is unacceptable. Godparents do not have the right to enter into an intimate relationship with each other, the parents of the godson, and the godson himself. This is a great sin; they are excommunicated for it.

How to prepare for christening?

Who is the godfather of the blood father? This we found out - godfather. And now let's talk about how godparents prepare for christening.

The following responsibilities are placed on the shoulders of the godparents:

  • purchase of a cross, a baptismal shirt;
  • payment of christening;
  • expenses for candles and other paraphernalia.

Parents are responsible for the festive table. Do godfathers need to give gifts? And should the godparents trick their ward and his parents? It is at the discretion of each of them. Is there an opportunity and desire? Why not give a present.

Before the christening, the future recipients take a course of compulsory lectures. Now this condition is introduced in almost all churches. At least three lectures will have to listen.

The receiver takes the godson

How to agree on christening

Kum - this is who the godfather is the godfather. And he agrees with the priest about the christening of the baby.

How to do it? Come to the temple, preferably on Sunday. Defend the service. No time? Then come to the end of the service. Ask for a candlebox to call the priest. And say that you want to become godfather, you need to christen the child.

All the rest will be told by the priest: when to come to public talks, how to behave at baptism, what prayers to learn before christening.

Baby baptized

It is important

Who is the godfather to the father of the child and mother, we found out. What to do with the godmother? Imagine the situation: a course of lectures was listened, a day of christening was appointed. Father is waiting, the guests gathered. And the future godmother had critical days.

At this time, a woman should not enter the temple and proceed to any sacraments. These include baptism. Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassment, look in advance at the women's calendar. And ask for the appointment of christening after a week of malaise. According to church rules, a woman is considered unclean for a week.

And one more thing: come to christening in a skirt or dress. There must be a scarf on the head. Godfathers come in trousers. Frivolous outfits, such as shorts, are prohibited. Shoulders and arms should be closed, so T-shirts - “wrestling” are canceled.

Communion after baptism


So we talked about who the godfather is the father of the child. Remember: godparents and blood parents are godfathers. The godfather is godfather. Godmother, respectively, godfather.

The material examined the main misconceptions related to godparents. It also tells how to prepare for christening, what are the actions of the godparents and what are their obligations to the parents of their successor.

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