Junior school age and its psychological characteristics

Younger school age is a fairly significant period of life, because at this time the foundations of character and behavior are laid, temperament is manifested, as well as the desire to occupy a certain social status in society. By acquiring new qualities and skills, the student learns to act independently in different life circumstances, as a result of which he has personal responsibility for his actions and actions. All this leads to the fact that the child's perception of the world changes and the level of intellectual development increases.

As in any life period, it has its own psychological characteristics, knowing which, primary school age can be used as a bookmark of the basic life values ​​of the child, as well as the acquisition of positive qualities. It must be borne in mind that sometimes at this time frequent fatigue can occur, which is associated with the intensive physical growth of the child, which is ahead of his psycho-emotional development.

The main task of children in this period is learning activities aimed at mastering new knowledge and the ability to perceive new information. That is why at this time the following occurs:

- visual-figurative thinking is replaced by verbal-logical;

- the dominant motivation is to achieve knowledge and get good grades as an incentive;

- a change in the daily routine and the reference group, as well as new requirements, lead to a change in the child’s perception of his place in the team, in which he begins to realize himself as a person with an independent opinion.

The younger school age is characterized by the self-affirmation of the child, which can manifest itself in different ways. If in some children the formation takes place along with good schooling and behavior, then in others this can happen exactly the opposite. That is why it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of primary school children, which consist in the desire for constant movement, the need to share their achievements and results with adults, as well as the need for praise. The latter, by the way, is an extremely important moment in the life of the child, since praise gives him confidence in the right position on a particular issue.

It should also be borne in mind that at this age all schoolchildren try to copy each other, and psychologists note the so-called collective behavior. There is nothing wrong with this, since this is a very important period in the life of each person, in which the child begins to feel responsibility not only for himself, but also for his comrades. He has a sense of empathy for his friends, as well as an understanding of duty, devotion and friendship. Younger school age is the most important period in which the child needs to pay maximum attention, since it is at this time that mutual understanding with adults is laid. Those parents who during this period pay little attention to their children subsequently encounter great difficulties in their teens.

The psychological characteristics of primary school children also include the appearance of some aggression, which should not be taken very seriously. The fact is that the child is only learning to manage his feelings, and if some already can cope with surging emotions, others are still in their complete submission. This feature should be considered when raising children at this time.

Among other things, primary school age is characterized by the desire of children to various types of creative activity, so it is at this time that you need to send your child to a variety of interest groups that will be of invaluable benefit to him. When raising a child, every adult, whether a parent or teacher, must reckon with his opinion and make every effort to become his friend. In this case, the confidence of the little person will be ensured, as well as the opportunity to carry out his correct education.

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