How not to gain excess weight during pregnancy? Five simple rules

During pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor how she is gaining weight. It is very important. How not to gain excess weight during pregnancy? Let's try to answer this interesting question.

According to experts who, it would seem, know everything about pregnancy, the norm of weight gain is 8-10 kilograms in 40 weeks. As soon as the doctor in the antenatal clinic sees numbers larger than those indicated above, various reprimands, problems in the form of edema, the appointment of a diet and fasting days begin. Excessive weight gain in some cases can lead to taking special pills and even hospitalization! At the same time, it should be noted that the norm is a very vague concept, since everything is individual. So, some women do not think about how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, but rather: how to recover. However, this is rare. How to avoid overweight problems?

The first thing that every pregnant woman needs to remember is that pregnancy is an inappropriate time for diets and weight loss, so do not at this time ask questions about how to lose weight quickly and effectively. But the elementary rules of healthy eating during this period are extremely important to observe.

The first rule. Do not forget about the morning meal

how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy

The body needs calories after a night, so pregnant women must have breakfast. It does not know that you need to fill your stomach with something in the morning. It can be a light snack, a cup of tea with cheese, a vegetable salad or something like that. If you don’t have breakfast, the woman’s appetite will wake up for dinner, and she’ll probably eat everything she finds in the refrigerator, and this, by the way, is the right way to gain weight.

The second rule. Eat on a specially crafted menu

The menu will help the pregnant woman organize proper nutrition, since it is very difficult not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, eating at different times, eating sandwiches and chocolates. Make a menu in advance and carry healthy food (apple, yogurt) with you in case you suddenly want to eat something in the middle of the street.

The third rule. Avoid Food and Illegal Foods

It is no secret that food in cafes, restaurants and canteens is not always represented by healthy and healthy dishes. Sauces, fatty dishes, flavors - all this is not for pregnant women, especially those who do not want to gain excess weight. Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit at home and eat only semolina porridge and fruits. The main thing is to have a sense of proportion. Avoid fried fatty meats, soft cheeses, tuna and sushi. Do not abuse raw fish. Do not drink a lot of coffee, tea is better.

Forbidden foods that you need to forget about include smoked sausages, large quantities of pickles, pastries and large cream cakes, spicy cheeses. Do not get carried away by canned food and pastes. Give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Bear with a little, and for this your body and your unborn child will surely say “thank you”. But in no case should you go hungry, a child needs nutritious vitamins and minerals.

how to lose weight quickly and effectively

Rule Four You should NOT eat for two

It is no secret that pregnant women need more calories, but this does not mean that you need to eat two or three times more and overeat. Just add healthy foods to your diet. Listen to your body: if you want something meat, eat something meat. If you do not want meat - do not force yourself, you can eat something else, which contains the same vitamins as in meat. However, if you wanted to eat plenty before going to bed, in this case, do not listen to the body, restrain yourself and relax before writing in the morning.

all about pregnancy

The fifth rule. Be physically active

If you are pregnant, this does not mean that you need to lie on the sofa and rest for 9 months, drinking fresh juice. If a woman has no complications, you can go in for sports for women in the position of: enrolling in the pool, fitball, aerobics and try other activities. Get plenty of fresh air.

Believe me, if a pregnant woman follows these simple recommendations, the question of how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy will disappear by itself, and the expectant mother will feel much better and more cheerful!

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