What happens in the 12th week of pregnancy. 12 weeks of pregnancy: fetal size, sex of the baby, an ultrasound scan

12 week of pregnancy is the final stage of the first trimester. During this time, a small person has already developed from a cell that is visible under a microscope, capable of making some movements.

12 weeks fetal size gender of the baby

From this period, the second trimester of pregnancy begins, during which the woman can rest from the unpleasant symptoms of the first weeks and prepare for the responsible third trimester. From 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, the sex of the baby can already be seen on an ultrasound scan.

First trimester

Many future mothers ask: "The doctor gave me 12 weeks of pregnancy. How many months is this?" Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks - it is 9 normal months or 10 lunar (obstetric). In the normal month, 30-31 days, and in the lunar month - clearly 4 weeks - 28 days. This is to facilitate monitoring of fetal development: each week is characterized by certain parameters, which makes it possible to suspect the slightest disturbances during the intrauterine development of the child.

If you have 12 weeks of pregnancy, how many months is it, this table will tell you.

12 weeks of gestation fetal size

If you look at the ratio, then 12 weeks of pregnancy is 84 days. If divided by a calendar month (31 days), then it is 2 months and 22 days.

Changes in mom's body

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, what happens in the body of the mother and the fetus? What new sensations can a woman have? If the first weeks are dangerous by premature termination of pregnancy, then at this period the probability of self-abortion is minimal. The placenta is already formed, it begins to fulfill its function of feeding the baby, removing metabolic products and the synthesis of pregnancy proteins. The speed of blood flow in it increases to 600 ml per minute.

12 weeks of pregnancy how many months

Progesterone - the main hormone of pregnancy - begins to be produced not by the corpus luteum, but by the placenta. It regulates the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus, intestines, bladder and ureters. Therefore, frequent trips to the toilet cease, but constipation appears. Heartburn is a symptom that women begin to complain from 12 weeks of gestation. The size of the fetus, the sex of the child, as our grandmothers believed, does not affect the origin of this unpleasant condition. This is due to the relaxing effect of progesterone on the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach.

Estrogen hormones do not stop being produced: they also play an important role in the development of pregnancy. At week 12, estriol contributes to an increase in mammary glands, nipples, fluid retention and an increase in the amount of protein in the female body.

The uterine muscle fibers continue to grow and grow, and in the period from 12 weeks to 20 - especially intensively. The size of the uterus becomes like the head of a newborn baby, the bottom reaches the womb. The speed of blood flow and the volume of circulating blood in the body in connection with new changes begin to increase.

12 weeks pregnant belly size

The emotional background of the future mother changes: fatigue, moodiness, constant depression and discontent with everyone disappear. From the 12th week, the woman seems to be born again, her well-being improves and her performance improves. In this case, the future mom begins to dream bright and sometimes amazing dreams. This is due to the fact that fetal hormones act on the subcortex, which begin to circulate intensively, in addition, the size of the fetus increases significantly from 12 weeks of pregnancy. The sex of the child does not affect which hormones are produced by the placenta.

Hormones at this time

Impulses from the brain stimulate the production of growth hormone, which from the 12th week begins to prepare the mother's genitals for childbirth.

Prolactin begins to be produced from the 12th week of pregnancy. The size of the fetus also enhances its production: the larger the baby, the greater the amount of this hormone in the blood. Under the influence of prolactin, the mammary glands grow and prepare for their main function: the production of colostrum and milk.

From the 12th week, cortisol, the hormone of the adrenal glands, is intensely produced. This substance reduces the susceptibility of the future mother's body to stress and the adverse effects of the external environment, making it possible to safely carry a pregnancy.

How to behave

The rules of conduct at this time are the same as during the entire pregnancy. Everything should be tuned to the normal course of the gestation process. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen is not particularly increased, and you can engage in mental and physical labor, but without overload and overwork, which contributes to the proper functioning of all systems and organs. Avoid cycling, sports, which are accompanied by concussion - jumping and sudden movements. Since you can already report your pregnancy to your relatives and superiors, it is necessary that you be protected from night shifts, heavy physical labor with lifting weights and prolonged sitting at a computer, working at height.

Exercise: Pros and Cons

Classes should only begin after consultation with your doctor. You can do yoga, physical education and not tiring sports. High-quality nutrition, a regime of work and rest, fresh air and walks at bedtime contribute to a good mood, the physiological course of all processes, and your baby can already feel it.

New sensations at this time

The main unpleasant symptoms begin to disappear: weakness, malaise, drowsiness go away, frequent urination worry less. However, the mood does not improve, and there may be unreasonable aggression. Food addictions gradually cease, and the desire for something unusual to eat disappears. But you should not overeat for joys that morning nausea and vomiting have disappeared, because the load on the organs of excretion and digestion is increasing. Under the influence of internal progesterone, the main action of which is the preservation of pregnancy, constipation appears.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen does not particularly increase, especially in primiparas and in women with a body weight exceeding normal. In multiparous children, due to less elasticity of muscles and skin, the abdomen becomes more noticeable. With multiple pregnancy, the sizes of the abdomen and uterus do not correspond to the term: they significantly exceed the weeks, which are supposedly set by the monthly. Measurement of the circumference of the abdomen and the height of standing above the womb of the fundus is already possible when visiting a antenatal clinic. Increased pigmentation of the navel and the line connecting the bosom with the umbilical ring begins to appear.

From this period, changes on the skin occur: there may be rashes, acne, peeling. But these are isolated cases. Most often, increased blood circulation and estrogen hormones in the mother’s body lead to the fact that the appearance of the skin improves, it becomes younger, there is a sparkle in the eyes and a blush on the face. A woman looks better than ever. A so-called inner glow appears - a sign by which they learn about your pregnancy.

Mom's body weight becomes 1-2 kg more - this is a normal increase. From this time, the pregnant woman is weighed at each turnout to control weight and for early diagnosis of latent edema.

The expectant mother begins to feel the pulsation of the aorta, which is mistaken for fetal movement. From the 12th week, an increase in the mammary glands begins, the paralosal halos and nipples darken, the woman feels light tingling sensations and, at the same time, tenderness and importance of her condition.

Baby development

During this period, all the internal organs of the child have formed. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus and its weight increased almost 2 times. He already weighs 14-15 g, his height is almost 10 cm.

12 weeks pregnancy ultrasound

The little man has pens, legs. The face of the baby has eyes with eyelids, a mouth, a nose, nails are formed on the fingers, the first rudiments of muscles appeared. The baby’s ears are already in place. The child can squeeze and unclench his fists, move his toes, frown, yawn, open and close his eyes, makes swallowing movements. The brain begins to split into two hemispheres, all its structures are formed, reflexes appear. The heart begins to beat at a speed of 160-165 beats per minute. The intestine has taken its normal position in the abdominal cavity, the liver is already producing bile. Blood cells are represented by red blood cells and white blood cells. Bone maturation and muscle strengthening occur. In boys, testosterone begins to be produced, and the thyroid gland produces hormones. The immune system begins to function .

At 12 weeks of gestation, a photo of the fetus will show you how the baby grew. This will be the first baby shot.

It is from this period that the most interesting and amazing changes begin: the baby is growing rapidly, the functions of all its organs are being improved in order to quickly acclimatize to new living conditions outside the abdomen after birth. At 12 weeks of gestation, a fetus photo on an ultrasound scan will show you a baby who has grown significantly since conception.

12 weeks pregnant photo

What ultrasound shows

Mandatory studies at 12 weeks of gestation - ultrasound of the fetus and determination of serum markers.

An ultrasound scan is performed to see:

• development of the fetus according to the timing;

• heart function, rhythm with the calculation of the number of heart contractions;

• condition of the placenta;

• the presence of a second fetus in case of twins;

• signs of chromosomal abnormalities or malformations;

• the state of the myometrium: the presence of nodes or hypertonicity with the threat of interruption;

• other pelvic organs in order to identify pathological processes.

Ultrasound with this period can be carried out by a conventional and vaginal probe and helps to determine the size of the fetus, sex of the baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy, measure all the main indicators. An important point: determining the exact date of birth. At 12 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound photo will not show you a fetus, but already a little man.

Necessarily measured coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus - the distance from the coccyx to the crown at the time of maximum extension of the baby. This measurement is carried out in the sagittal plane, which divides the body into two equal halves.

Ultrasound is not only necessary to determine the sex of the baby. Although at this time, with the availability of modern equipment, this is possible. The boy’s penis looks like an arrowhead, and the girl’s genitals look like two stripes.

Many want to find out the sex of the baby at 12 weeks of gestation in order to prepare for birth: buy the necessary clothes of the appropriate color, prepare the eldest son or daughter for the birth of a younger brother or sister.

For doctors, ultrasound is necessary to detect fetal malformations or chromosomal abnormalities. To do this, measure the collar space. Normally, this indicator is no more than 2.5 mm. If the thickness is 3 mm or more, then this indicates the syndromes of Down, Edwards, Turner, Patau and other chromosomal abnormalities.

12 weeks of gestation

A good marker is determining the length of the bones of the nose of the fetus. This indicator, if it is 2 mm or more, in 50-80% of cases indicates Down's disease.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan can also show such malformations: anencephaly - absence of cerebral hemispheres, acrania - absence of cranial bones, ectopia of the heart - improper position, umbilical hernia, defect of the anterior abdominal wall, fused twins, complete atrioventricular block, which life is impossible, cystic lymphaginoma of the neck, defect of the anterior abdominal wall, etc.

Parents should be informed about defects in order to make a choice in favor of further prolongation of pregnancy or its termination. During this period, an abortion can still be performed without serious complications for the woman.

Mandatory and additional studies

To determine the defects, all pregnant women undergo a blood test for the quantitative composition of maternal blood serum markers: the free β subunit - hCG and the placental protein associated with pregnancy (PAPP-A). An ultrasound together with this study is called a screening test, which is not the final diagnosis, but only involves the development of a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

An accurate diagnosis can be made after invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis. At this time, a chorionic biopsy is possible. Do not be afraid of this procedure. Currently, it is carried out under the supervision of ultrasound, and the risk of complications is minimized.

In some clinics, in addition to ultrasound, other sonographic studies are carried out. At your request, they can do 3D photos and ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation. Nevertheless, this study may show an unreliable result for a boy or a girl. You can double-check and accurately know the sex of the child at 18-20 weeks with repeated screening ultrasound.

12 weeks pregnant 3d photo and reins on the boy

Except for urine and blood tests, screening for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, viral and bacterial infections is mandatory.

Symptoms that should alert

You need to know the dangerous symptoms that may appear at 12 weeks of gestation. What happens to a child if a stomach suddenly starts to hurt or spotting appears?

For pain in the lower abdomen of a different nature, you must immediately call an ambulance or consult your gynecologist. The cause of such pain is most often the threat of termination at 12 weeks of gestation. An ultrasound photo will show the tone of the uterus, sometimes the deformation and even detachment of the placenta. But sometimes there are pains not related to pregnancy. These are appendicitis, lumbago, flatulence, food infection, renal colic, tension of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and others.

Discharge from the genital tract of various colors and volumes is a symptom that requires immediate hospitalization in the gynecological department. This may signal placental abruption and termination of pregnancy. At 12 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound photo will show the exact location and size of the detachment. For the treatment of such a symptom at the indicated time, intensive preservation therapy is necessary.

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