Cat's plague: signs, causes of the disease and features

Unfortunately, pets can get sick, and sometimes their suffering can be fatal. Cat plague is considered a particularly formidable disease. It is better not to encounter this problem at all, because the animal literally melts before our eyes. The pet is in high fever, he has vomiting and diarrhea, all vital signs are rapidly deteriorating. According to statistics, only 10% of sick cats survive.

Feline plague, symptoms

Who is at risk

The most safe are adults who receive proper care and good nutrition. If a cat is older than a year, but has not reached six, she has good health and strong immunity, then the risk of catching a terrible infection is significantly reduced.

Pets that have crossed the six-year milestone become more vulnerable, the body ages and less and less resists dangerous viruses, including panleukopenia, as the cat's plague is scientifically called.

At risk are also immature kittens under the age of one year. Their immunity has not yet formed, and when confronted with viruses there is no way to survive. When a pregnant cat is diagnosed with the disease, the kittens will die in utero or will be born unviable.

Cat's plague - can it be cured

Infection methods

Cat plague does not require close contact with the pathogen, so the risk of infection is great for both street cats and fully domestic cats. The terrible pathogen enters the soil along with the secretions of a sick animal (feces, urine, saliva) and settles in it. A healthy pet can catch the virus simply by drinking from the same cup as the sick animal, walking along the ground where the causative agents remained. In this case, the disease can get into the house along with street shoes, and the cat constantly rubs in the corridor.

Feline plague can enter the body of a pet in the following ways:

  1. In utero if the pregnant cat is infected.
  2. Through milk, with which the animal feeds the cubs, in the event that the virus enters the body after childbirth.
  3. Through a bowl, toys, and other objects that a sick pet has come into contact with.
  4. Across the ground from shoes when it has traces of secretions from an infected animal.
  5. Through the owner, if he was in contact with a sick cat and did not handle his hands after that.

It is important to observe personal hygiene and to prevent contact of the pet with strangers, unknown pets and street shoes.

Cat's plague, symptoms and danger to humans

Cat distemper - symptoms

Infectious gastroenteritis (or common people - distemper) is manifested as follows:

  • A sharp jump in body temperature to 41 degrees.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Severe vomiting and persistent diarrhea.
  • A complete rejection of food and water.
  • Dry mucous membranes and skin.
  • Dull and falling hair.

A very dangerous and almost always fatal disease is cat plague. You will not confuse her symptoms with anything. The cat is hiding in secluded corners. The pet is in a fever, he either sits hunched over or lies on his stomach. In this case, the head often throws back, and the limbs are unnaturally extended.

How does a cat's plague manifest itself, you need to know to all breeders of pets. Only emergency assistance will allow us to fight for the life of the animal. The cat is very thirsty, but her constant cramps do not allow him to take a sip. The mucous membranes become very dry and turn blue quickly. The animal often breathes through the mouth. Shortness of breath, problems in the cardiovascular system. After a while, a dry cough is added.

The cat is constantly vomiting, she has diarrhea. At the same time, blood is found in vomit and feces. If nothing is done, then death can occur within a few hours.

Treatment for cat plague

Forms of the disease

Many pet breeders are scared by the cat's distemper. Can the disease be cured? This is of interest to many animal lovers. However, the prognosis largely depends on the severity and form of the disease. Feline plague causes parvovirus. Its vitality is amazing. Being in the soil under the influence of the sun and frost, the virus can infect cats for one year. It is thanks to such resistance to external influences that it actively multiplies and affects new victims.

It is important to understand that parvovirus:

  1. Withstands freezing.
  2. Resistant to changes in acidity from 3 to 9 pH.
  3. Active when heated to 60 degrees.
  4. Withstands treatment with chloroform and diethyl ether.

Therefore, it is so easily ingested, but it is difficult to destroy cat distemper. Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the stage, which is distinguished by three:

  1. Lightning fast.
  2. Sharp.
  3. Subacute

First of all, the causative agent attacks the digestive canal and especially the intestines. Then comes the turn of the lymphatic system and bone marrow. The disease spreads very quickly and soon attacks the whole body.

Fulminant form of the disease

Often a similar course of events develops in kittens with unformed immunity and lack of vaccinations. Signs of cat distemper in this case are as follows:

  • Trembling limbs.
  • Complete apathy for what is happening and lethargy.
  • The kitten's voice disappears, there may be subtle squeaking.
  • The wool sticks together.
  • Refusal of the pet from water and food.
  • The kitten does not respond to the mother.

A kitten is crawling into some dark corner. He is afraid of all the sharp sounds, sunlight. Vomiting appears, and a yellowish tint forms around the mouth. The stool is liquid, has a fetid odor. Often in the feces, blood is visible.

Chumka in kittens

Acute form of the disease

If a plague is picked up by an adult, not older than six years old, with strong immunity, then the disease can proceed in an acute form. With this development of events, there is a chance of recovery with complex treatment by a specialist. Only a veterinarian can overcome such a disease as cat's plague. Symptoms and danger to humans are also worth considering. The virus infects only animals, so owners should not worry about infection. The acute stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A sharp rise in temperature to 41 degrees.
  • The cat is constantly lying, she has heavy breathing.
  • The pet refuses water and food.
  • There is no interest in the outside world.
  • Despite the lack of food, the pet constantly vomits with yellow foam. Blood impurities may be observed.
  • Next, loose stools are attached.

After a while, the temperature drops sharply to 37 degrees. If it is lower, then a fatal outcome is inevitable. In this case, heart failure develops. The following signs are added:

  • Dry cough and wheezing.
  • Discharge from the nose, the nose itself being hot.
  • Tearing and redness of the eyes.
  • The skin becomes inflamed, pustules may appear.

The pet is very thirsty. But he refuses the proposed water. He can not take a sip from severe spasms and sharp pains in the abdomen.

In order for the cat to survive at this stage of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately after the discovery of the first signs. Otherwise, the animal is doomed to death. After the disease, the animals gain immunity against the plague for several years.

Subacute form

The most favorable course of the disease. With this form, all the symptoms are the same, but their manifestation is significantly smoothed out. Such a development of events is possible if a vaccination against cat plague was given or the animal has a very strong immunity by nature and good health. With timely assistance and properly prescribed treatment, the prognosis is always favorable and the pet recovers quickly.

Disease treatment

If the animal is diagnosed with cat distemper, treatment should be started immediately. The veterinarian will take all necessary tests for laboratory tests. However, due to the incredible survivability of the virus, an effective drug has not yet been invented. The treatment is supposed to be comprehensive. Means are used to suppress and eradicate the virus, and to alleviate and alleviate the symptoms of the exhausting cat.

For two weeks, the pet will be given an antiviral drug intravenously. Most often, Fosprenil is used. In the first days, up to 4 injections per day will be required. Gradually, the dose decreases, but only the attending physician writes the treatment schedule, based on the analysis and condition of the cat.

Symptomatic therapy is also indicated. To prevent dehydration, calcium chloride is introduced. Regidron helps to cope with intoxication and stop vomiting. Your doctor may recommend diluting it with glucose.

The most dangerous and often fatal outcome is a disease such as cat plague. Home treatment is acceptable, but under the full supervision of a veterinarian. Folk remedies will help to cope with the accumulated toxins and remove them from the body. It is necessary to brew the leaves of lingonberry, bearberry or horsetail and water from a cat pipette. Also, a specialist will recommend vitamin and mineral supplements.

To stop the pain and relieve spasms, appoint "No-shpu." To reduce the risk of secondary infection, antibiotics are required.

Plague treatment

Preventive actions

In order to protect the animal from such a formidable disease, it is necessary to vaccinate it. However, pregnant cats that are weakened or lactating cannot be vaccinated. Kittens are most susceptible to the disease, therefore, at the age of two months, they need to put the first injection. The second dose is administered after 21 days.

Adult cats need to be vaccinated against plague every year. In this case, they are pre-soldered with tablets against worms. This is necessary so that the vaccine brings maximum results, and helminths do not undermine the animal’s health.

It is important to exercise caution and to prevent contact between a healthy pet and an infected one. If a kitten died from the plague virus in the house, then it is advisable not to start a new one during the year. It takes so much time before the complete destruction of pathogens in the room.

The best way to protect an animal from illness and death is a cat plague vaccine. The price depends on the manufacturer. Domestic costs significantly lower, import will cost more. Also, the cost depends on the venue. In a veterinary blade, pricking is cheaper than at home. The average price of plague vaccination ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles.

Cat's plague - danger to humans

The disease is very complex and often fatal. That is why owners are often worried about the question of whether cat distemper is transmitted to humans. The virus is quite resistant, often carried on shoes and hands. However, it does not pose a danger to human health. But it is worth remembering that they are carriers. Therefore, even if the cat is fully domesticated, it must be regularly vaccinated.

It is especially difficult for owners if they have several cats. In case of illness of one pet, others need to be isolated. Is cat distemper transmitted to dogs? No, fortunately they are not affected by this form of the virus. But dogs should also be vaccinated because canine distemper is also a very common disease.

Consequences for an animal suffering from a plague

Even if it was possible to overcome the disease, it could leave indelible marks in the body. Chronic malfunctions in the heart, nervous system, and digestive tract can occur. Weakened individuals are forced to a special diet at the end of their lives.

Plague - a dangerous disease

Disinfectant measures

During treatment, it is mandatory to carry out disinfection of feline places for a speedy recovery and victory over the virus. Cat beds can be treated with formaldehyde or soda ash. You can use lamps with a UV filter.

Regular wet cleaning and frequent ventilation are also recommended. During this, the animal is taken to another room. It is important to provide the pet with an optimal environment for a speedy recovery. It is time to clean up after it, clean the mouth of vomit and wipe the feces. It is necessary to ensure that the cat is not disturbed, to provide it with a quiet and dark corner without access to direct sunlight. Eyes should also be washed and combed out.

In the end

Despite the fact that the cat’s plague is not dangerous for a person, the owners will be very sorry to lose their pet because of an insidious disease. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate it without fail. If the disease still catches up, then self-medication is not worth it, but you should immediately consult a specialist.

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