Pokemon characters. List of the most popular Pokemon.

Despite the fact that the anime about Pokemon appeared a very long time ago, they are still remembered and known. On television, this cartoon was a dozen years ago. But it is based on a lot of computer games. Pokemon characters continue to "live" now as heroes of games, entertaining fans on various gadgets.

The most popular Pokémon - characters whose names and characteristics are listed below - are still competing in the struggle for the sympathies of cartoon and game lovers with modern heroes of this genre.


This pokemon is the leader in popularity. This is a smart-minded, electric-minded little mouse. He has the ability to launch electric charges, thus fighting off the enemy. Pikachu do not like pokeballs, as they experience fear when they are in a cramped space. These Pokémon have good relationships with Charmanders and Squirts.

cartoon pokemon characters


Also a very popular pokemon. The list of characters of the “P” team to which he belongs is small. He helps Jesse and James to catch rare Pokemon and re-educates them, although in reality it is more like tyranny and abuse. Meowt is a lover of fights, victory in which gives him special pleasure, since he is very ambitious. But in fierce battles, he often does not pay attention to important trifles and overlooks them. That is why his team is in losers. He is very mercantile, his passion for money sometimes goes beyond reason. He can roam the street at night in search of someone's lost coins.

pokemon character list


His popularity was on the rise. At first he was not so famous, but now he is often chosen as a character. There are several Pokemon of this type. But unlike the rest (for example, Ponita and Rapidash), he is so lazy that he does not even want to move and move. He is very slow, you can even say, is inhibited. In battle, it is not of much use. Even in order to understand that he was bitten, it took him almost a minute. It evolves easily. It is enough to lower the tail into the water and wait until Shelder bites him. Immediately after this, he moves to a new stage of evolution and turns into Slobrow. But with this improved look, you also need to have a lot of patience.


Pokemon characters can evolve from the smallest to the largest. That is what Gaillardos is. This monster, possessing a serpentine body and a dragon's mouth, evolves from a weak, nondescript fish - Majikarp. It is also surprising that in the process of transformation, the flying element is added to its water element. He is very strong, and his militancy sometimes transcends all boundaries. It can crush stones with fins, and in anger it can cause a storm, storm or typhoon.

pokemon, characters, names


Catching it is quite difficult. To do this, you need to make a lot more effort than hunting other Pokemon. All fans of games heard about him, but not everyone met him. Mute was created in laboratory conditions on the island of Cinnabar. This event was the result of lengthy experiments in the field of genetics.

The goal of scientists was to create a universal living combat vehicle. It is for this that they created a new Pokemon. He was named Mew. But everything did not go as scientists expected. He turned out to be almost uncontrollable, incredibly cruel and aggressive. The second-generation mute is made available for search only after winning the battle with the Four Strongest.

There are other Pokemon characters whose popularity is very high. This is the Bulbosaurus, on the back of which the shoot of the plant grows throughout life. And Charmonder, who has a fire burning at the tip of his tail. And Squirtle, able to conduct long-term water attacks, characterized by accuracy and strength. And Vartotal, for example, has a long fluffy tail, which is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Blastoys does not have the same speed as many other Pokémon, but its advantage is the power found in large water cannons, firing huge jets of water. The legendary Pokemon Artikuno is also very popular, which can create snowstorms by turning moisture in the air into snow.

Pokemon characters

The cartoon "Pokemon", whose characters became the heroes of popular computer games, probably deserves to be watched. Bizarre creatures both arouse sympathy and are terrifying, and some combine both good and bad.

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