Many mothers are worried about why a child often has a sore throat . In order not to panic, it is better to immediately understand the causes of malaise. This we will try to do in the material proposed below.
Causes of Children's Pain
And let's start by finding out the reasons. In the first place among them are bacterial infections that are pathogens. Attempts to make a diagnosis on their own will not give a result: this is done in laboratory conditions. Such an analysis not only determines the presence of infection, but also determines whether it can be treated with antibiotics. After all, giving them a baby for no particular reason means harming children's health.
In second place among the reasons why the child often has a sore throat are viruses. Moreover, different pathogens have the ability to cause the same disease. When recognizing the virus, difficulties should not arise: it hurts the body, the child becomes lethargic, weak, easily tired, the sore throat increases, and an increase in temperature is observed. For the same reason, the throat of a 9-year-old child is very sore.
The third item on our list will be the irritated mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, you can cure mom's tea. In more complex situations, we can talk about allergic reactions, polluted and overdried air, tobacco smoke. In some cases, a sore throat is complicated by a barking cough. Do not despair. Probably, you are faced with banal laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx, passing to the vocal cords. This disease is not as dangerous as most viruses. Provided that his treatment is started in a timely manner.
So, if you are faced with a situation where the child often has a sore throat and the cough also does not recede, then you should know that laryngitis usually occurs for two reasons: the viruses did the trick or the child excessively strained the vocal cords the day before. For example, he made his father a company at the stadium and was very “sick”, which in the end really hurt by the morning.
Particular attention should be paid to the manifestations of laryngitis in babies: after all, the structure of their larynx is narrow and long, so coughing can be complicated by attacks of suffocation.
Why is the child sore throat often: diagnosed at home
Each of these reasons has its own characteristic signs, according to them you can navigate what the diagnosis is, waiting for the doctor to arrive. All diseases of the throat are accompanied by both general symptoms and excellent.
So, it can tickle the throat if the child is ill with pharyngitis. Exactly the same situation is observed with laryngitis. Only with pharyngitis, when the child swallows, his ear hurts, laryngitis is not accompanied by such pain.
With angina, both the throat and the head hurt, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, sleep and appetite worsen. At infectious mononucleosis hurts the head, joints, muscles, throat when swallowing, become inflamed and become weak lymph nodes.
With diphtheria of the pharynx (acute infectious disease), the throat is very sore, the temperature rises, a yellow coating appears on the tonsils and mucous membrane near them, the child becomes weak. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after taking a laboratory smear.
The child often has a sore throat. What to do, we will discuss further below. In the meantime, we continue to list the signs that accompany one or another of his illnesses.
With a common cold, the throat hurts, the laryngeal membrane acquires a rich red color, a runny nose, cough, headache may occur.
With adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids), the throat is constantly sore, breathing is disturbed, the child can snore in a dream, the pronunciation changes. If the larynx hurts from adenoiditis in infants, then attacks of arrhythmia and tachycardia may begin.
Treatment of sore throat in children
After you have bought a dozen pharmacy drugs, think about which ones were prescribed by your doctor. And is it really worth it to regale a daughter or son with those pills and syrups, whose healing effect is constantly reiterated in commercials?
Aerosol treatment
Most sprays are easy to apply. Their action is local, while the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are combined. They concentrate on the most inflamed area.
Be careful when reading the instructions! The use of some drugs is unacceptable for one-year-old babies, others - even for four-year-olds. Before using sprays, they must be shaken.
Below we list a few specific tools. When using the spray "Aqua Maris" washing off of bacteria and viruses occurs with the help of sea water. Reducing inflammation occurs without the use of any chemical agents. Can be used by children from one year old.
The child often has a sore throat and the temperature rises. How to proceed? To prevent and treat not only bacterial and viral, but also fungal infections from infancy, Miramistin can be used. In this new generation of antiseptics, there are no dyes or preservatives.
A good local antibiotic is Bioparox. They treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis in children who are two and a half years old.
About “Lugol” our mothers were well heard. To lubricate the throat, this drug is used with cotton wool wound on a stick. Today, this tool is sold in the form of a spray.
The use of tablets and lozenges
These drugs are antiseptics, antiviral, antimicrobial agents. Their undeniable advantage is a delicious shell. They are aimed at treating and relieving sore throat pain. They are prescribed for diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and even tracheitis.
Sore throat and gargle
The child often has a sore throat. What to do? To this day, rinses remain the best way to alleviate the condition of the child. This method is used before taking the pill or lozenge, otherwise no antiseptic effect of the medicine can be obtained. According to the recommendations of doctors, gargling is best done four times a day. If possible, then more often.
Home rinses are carried out with decoctions of herbs, using iodine-salt, soda, honey solutions, as well as using mixtures of the above and other components.
Be sure to remember that drinking should be plentiful and frequent. This will not only flush the throat, but also allows the body to retain fluid, which is very important for recovery.
The use of steam inhalation
Of course, not all children agree to such procedures. But if you place a sick child over a saucepan, then you can use all the available domestic supplies. It is good to use chamomile tea, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, yarrow, horsetail, succession, marshmallow root, dandelion or other herbs. A good option is to use various essential oils (a few drops per saucepan are enough), iodine, soda, honey, sea salt, onions, garlic.
The inhalation procedure consists of preparing boiling water, which, together with the prepared ingredient, is mixed in a wide container. The child needs to be seated over the container and covered with a towel. Then he needs to breathe a little. Today, an inhaler is easy to buy. Their selection is wide. The procedure with some models will even seem funny to the child.
What does Dr. Komarovsky advise?
A lot of materials of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky. He also often addresses the question of why a child often has a sore throat. Komarovsky explains in an accessible language about which medicines are allowed for children, dwells on the main mistakes made by parents during the period of caring for an unwell child.
The correct tactics, according to the doctor, will be to determine the symptom that caused the disease. Depending on the reasons, the treatment will vary. He offers the following pattern of action for adults trying to figure out why a child often has a sore throat.
Parent Action Scheme
1. If there is a foreign body, you must immediately contact a medical institution for emergency care.
2. In the presence of a bacterial infection, do not do without an urgent consultation with a pediatrician.
3. If we are talking about SARS, then the pediatrician must definitely consult, but in anticipation of it, you can act independently.
Komarovsky believes that acting independently with acute respiratory viral infections or a bacterial infection in no way equals the initiation of drug therapy. The drugs will be prescribed by the doctor. He will understand the need for their intake, dosage, multiplicity. On the shoulders of the parents are assigned the task of creating the conditions under which recovery will not take long.
The main "enemies" of the inflamed mucous membrane of the oropharynx and tonsils Komarovsky considers an insufficient volume of fluid, the presence of dry, hot air, lack of humidity in the room. With the accumulation of mucus, it dries, and a film forms. Such situations are most often encountered in winter, when it is the turn to use heating appliances. For this reason, it is necessary to strive for a certain air temperature of 19–20 ° and air humidity of 50–70%.
The need for antibiotics
Dr. Komarovsky touches on this issue in detail and clarifies in which cases antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. Firstly, seeing a red baby throat does not necessarily immediately rush after them to the pharmacy. But to refuse them is also no reason. The doctor's recommendation is to carefully examine the throat of a healthy child. The main thing is to remember the appearance of a healthy mucous membrane. Having done this, at the right time it will become easier to compare and identify changes in the disease.
Since parents often turn to the doctor with questions, he tries to remind whenever possible: it is important not to panic, but to strive to improve the condition. In this case, it is better to use gentle means. Absolutely safe, "ideal" drugs that do not have side effects are absent. But many parents do not think of treatment without the use of medicines. It is important to know about their correct application, so that the result obtained does not turn into undesirable phenomena. With all the variety of drugs offered today, it is more advisable to choose anti-inflammatory drugs.
Thus, we found out why the child often has a sore throat, causes, treatment according to Dr. Komarovsky.
Throat Prevention
If a child has a sore throat very often, then due attention should be paid to the prevention of throat diseases.
1. Do not contact with infectious patients.
2. We need to work on strengthening the child’s immune system. In this case, you can not do without vitamins and sports.
3. The child should get used to observe oral hygiene.
4. Make sure that the child does not get cold.
5. Minimize the presence of drafts in the room.
So, we hope that if a child often has a sore throat, the reasons such a situation, as well as treatment methods will not cause difficulties for parents.