A dangerous condition for a woman in the perinatal period is when, before the onset of labor, the uterus begins to contract, so the lower abdomen pulls and hurts. To negate the negative effects, women are prescribed "Papaverine" with a tonus of the uterus. During pregnancy, this condition jeopardizes the health and life of the baby. Therefore, expectant mothers should listen to their body.
The drug during pregnancy
Many women during the bearing of the baby faced a problem of uterine tone. To eliminate the symptoms and consequences, experts prescribe this antispasmodic to relax muscles and reduce pressure.
The proven preparation "Papaverine" with uterine tone during pregnancy does not have a harmful effect on either the baby or the expectant mother. But it reduces the heart rate in the patient.
Basic rules for admission
Medication should not be taken at its discretion, especially during pregnancy. In order not to harm either herself or the child, a woman should clearly follow the rules for taking the drug:
- "Papaverine" in tablets can be prescribed in the last stages of bearing a baby. Take the drug to remove the tone and the threat of premature birth. The period of admission is determined by the doctor.
- In the early stages, Papaverine suppositories are taken 2-3 times a day during pregnancy.
- At the end of the last trimester, in order to relax the walls of the uterus, the medicine is injected.
To relieve spasms of the smooth muscle organ, the female body produces the hormone progesterone, if its content is reduced, then the uterus of the future mother in labor is in tension.
The principle of the drug
In some cases, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman pulls her lower abdomen, there is pain like during menstruation or pain in the lumbar - this is hypertonicity. The muscles that lock the cervix actively work against each other and are in constant tension, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
The hormone progesterone is responsible for the safety of the child from his early birth and miscarriage. Sometimes the amount of hormones in the blood decreases, and the body needs help at this stage.
The medicine is an antispasmodic, and the mechanism of action of Papaverine is aimed at relaxing the muscles. Providing a relaxing effect on the uterus, the drug relieves spasm. The woman emerges from the menacing state of hypertonicity, and the child is again safe.
Uterine hypertonicity can occur for some reason:
- nausea;
- early cervical dilatation;
- thyroid ailments;
- rhesus conflicts;
- sexual intercourse;
- conflict situations;
- nervous tension.
In such cases, the main task is to remove hypertonicity.
The composition of the drug
Papaverine is an opium poppy alkaloid. It has antispasmodic properties that block the contraction of smooth muscle tissue of all kinds.
The drug got its name in the 19th century. The derivative of the word papever in translation means "poppy". By this name, the medicine owes its composition. Initially, it was produced from opium contained in significant doses in poppy. With the right approach and application, it does not adversely affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
The main advantage of the drug is antispasmodic functions with a wide area of influence.
"Papaverine" relieves uterine tone during pregnancy very well. It will come to the rescue even if the following deviations or diseases are found:
- Abdominal muscle spasm.
- Angina pectoris.
- Spasm of the brain vessels.
- The tone of the uterus.
- Spasm of the bronchi.
In the presence of such ailments, the doctor will advise this drug. But not in all cases it is worth consuming.
Medication may be negatively affected if the following factors are present:
- Individual intolerance.
- People with AV blockade.
- In the presence of glaucoma.
- If liver function is impaired.
- Elderly age.
- Pathology of the thyroid gland.
- With high intracranial pressure.
- Increase heart rate.
- Babies up to 6 months.
Sometimes patients should take medicine, listening to their feelings, that is, with caution. Due to some features of the body. It can be:
- hypothyroidism;
- pathology from the adrenal glands;
- traumatic brain injury;
- state of shock;
- damage to the prostate gland;
- pancreatic tachycardia.
When taking any medication, there are side effects. Papaverine is no exception.
Side effect
To reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences while taking "Papaverine" with uterine tone, during pregnancy, a woman should adhere to the following requirements:
- Refrain from sexual contacts, so as not to aggravate the situation and not cause excessive muscle spasm.
- Full rest.
- Stop smoking because tobacco reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Sparing physical activity.
- Reception of vitamin complexes.
- Eat properly and fully.
- Move a little more.
But, despite all the efforts, the patient may have some problems due to the use of Papaverine with uterine tone. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is more vulnerable. Side signs of the drug are:
- lowering blood pressure;
- individual intolerance;
- eosinophilia;
- constipation
- nausea;
- Dizziness
- prolonged drowsiness and weakness;
- ventricular extrasystole.
If a woman has a uterine tone, this cannot be ignored. The doctor will prescribe treatment to relieve spasm.
When suppositories are used
Why are papaverine suppositories prescribed during pregnancy? This excellent remedy relaxes muscles and reduces pressure. With systematic administration, a suppository occurs:
- Lowering blood pressure.
- Improvement of blood circulation.
- Relaxation of the muscles of the uterus.
- The threat of miscarriage is stopped.
According to the instructions for use, during pregnancy, Papaverine suppositories do not harm the baby. On the contrary, they have a positive effect on him.
Many children have already grown up whose mothers took this medicine, but everything ended happily. Taking the prescribed drug, the woman noticed that irritability was reduced, heartbeat returned to normal, aching pain in the abdomen and lower back disappeared. This has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional health of mother and baby. Here's why Papaverine candles are prescribed during pregnancy.
Such treatment is prescribed to a woman in position if there is a slight threat of termination of pregnancy. Suppositories are used in home treatment and are used as an accumulative substance to maintain the normal uterus. Improving the patient's condition occurs literally in a few minutes.
Taking the drug in trimesters
Usually the medicine with "Papaverine" is not used separately. It all depends on how long the pregnant woman is, and on the severity of the pathology. An antispasmodic is taken in combination with other medicines.
First trimester
Suppositories "Papaverine" during pregnancy in the early stages, it is suggested to take along with drugs containing hormones. At this time, not all medicines will benefit the expectant mother and her baby due to unformed placenta. Some women in the first weeks of pregnancy are concerned about uterine hypertonicity. This happens due to the unsatisfactory production of progesterone, which is so necessary for the safe bearing of a child.
Second trimester
This period is good because the list of approved drugs is becoming much wider. In case of hypertonicity of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage, doctors resort to the appointment of more serious drugs. Thanks to them, the contractile activity of the body is inhibited. For instance:
- Ginipral;
- "Brikanil;
- injections of magnesia.
In the 2nd trimester during pregnancy, Papaverine is most often prescribed to relieve pain:
- with renal colic;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- urinary system;
- to lower blood pressure.
At this time, not only this drug is used, but also other medicines, depending on the clinical situation.
Third trimester
Candles "Papaverine" in the later stages of pregnancy, it is rational to use:
- If there is significant tension of the uterine muscles, and there is still a lot of time before the birth of the baby. In this case, the doctor additionally prescribes steroid hormones.
- Before birth, suppositories are used to understand whether these are “false” contractions or not. If after the use of the medicine the activity of uterine contractions has ended, then the time of birth has not yet come.
- Closer to the preliminary date of birth, the drug is administered in order to prepare for the successful opening of the cervical canal.
- At the beginning of labor, the drug helps to reduce the intensity of pain during labor.
Only the attending physician after a thorough examination and accurate diagnosis prescribes Papaverine during pregnancy. How many days to drink it, the dosage and duration of the course of treatment, the doctor also determines.
Recommended Use Suppository
Instructions for the use of candles "Papaverine" must be attached in a box. According to the written, they have a single route of administration - only rectal, that is, through the rectum. From there, dissolving, absorbed by the body. In no case should candles be inserted into the vagina.
The maximum time and dosage of use is determined by the doctor. It all depends on the individual course of the perinatal period and the diagnosis. Sometimes 3-4 days is enough. There are cases when the course of treatment is from several weeks to several months.
Basic rules and method of administration of rectal suppositories:
- You should make sure that the candles were kept at the temperature indicated in the instructions (otherwise the active substance will be ineffective).
- Before use, it is better to empty the intestines. Papaverine hydrochloride suppository can cause bowel movements and remove the medicine with feces before the onset of action.
- Wash hands with soap.
- Lying on its side, enter the suppository into the anus.
- In a prone position, stay for about five minutes.
- After completion of the procedure, hands are washed thoroughly with soap.
Suppositories with papaverine are used not only as a mandatory course of treatment, but also periodically to eliminate the symptoms of muscle tone of the uterus throughout all trimesters.
Reception scheme
Muscle tension during pregnancy is quite common. Therefore, this antispasmodic is prescribed. Papaverine is available in various forms:
- Tableted. Unfortunately, this type of drug is much slower and less effective than suppositories and injections. The tablets are poorly soluble in liquid, and only half the dose of the active substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Rectal suppositories. Second in speed of exposure. The substance enters the body as the candles dissolve. The effect of the drug does not occur rapidly, but quickly. It glows under the influence of body temperature, and the active substance is absorbed into the blood, spreads to all organs and systems of the body, including the uterine circulatory system. Therefore, under the influence of Papaverine, the tone of the uterine muscle tissue decreases. Behind him, the general tone decreases and the pain recedes.
- Injection. This is the most effective form of the drug. The distribution of the drug throughout the body after the injection occurs in a matter of minutes, and the half-life - within half an hour or two hours.
Why are Papaverine injections prescribed during pregnancy? Years of experience show that the medicine makes it possible:
- make a healthy baby;
- reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion;
- prevents the tone of the uterine muscles, exciting premature birth.
A drug to relieve uterine hypertonicity and to reduce pain is introduced into the body in three ways:
- Intravenous injection. The procedure is best done only in the clinic. The drug is introduced into the body as slowly as possible. At home, injections are dangerous.
- Intramuscular injection Such injections can be done at home. They put them in different muscles, but usually it’s the gluteal region.
- Subcutaneous injection. Can also be done at home.
How to inject the medicine - only a specialist determines. It is forbidden to prescribe treatment yourself.
Depending on the form of the drug, the severity of the patient’s condition and her clinical picture as a whole, the doctor sets the dosage:
- In the form of tablets - no more than 60 mg, taken three times a day.
- Suppositories - 3-4 pieces per day, the time intervals between applications should be the same.
- Injections - 20 mg are injected intravenously, 1 or 2 milliliters of a two percent solution intramuscularly.
"Papaverine" in any form has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman, the main thing is that it does not harm the health of the unborn baby.
The opinion of experts
For many years, gynecologists have trusted this drug with the health of expectant mothers. Doctors leave excellent reviews about Papaverine during pregnancy. With a tone of the uterus, professionals consider it the most convenient and universal tool in use.
But self-medication and dose adjustment should not be allowed without prior consultation with the doctor. Even a slight excess of the dosage will entail problems, up to the necessary hospitalization.
Ease of use of the drug is that it can be prescribed at any time during pregnancy. The tool in any form will not have any negative effect on the child. Keep in mind the fact - if the dosage is observed, the likelihood of side effects from the woman’s body is reduced.
It is important not to forget that in such a crucial period you should not rely on the case and your own understanding, but fully follow the recommendations of a specialist.