Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) on the lip, on the nose, genital: treatment, consequences, reviews

In the period when a woman carries a child, she is especially attentive to her health. However, the expectant mother is not always able to avoid the development of a particular pathology. This article will tell you about how herpes can occur during pregnancy (1 trimester). You will learn about the symptoms and methods for diagnosing pathology. It is also worth mentioning what types of the disease. The treatment options and consequences will be presented to your attention.

herpes during pregnancy 1 trimester

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester): why does pathology occur?

Before you learn about the methods of treatment and the consequences of this problem, you need to understand what becomes the cause of its occurrence.

Immediately after the fusion of two cells, male and female, conception occurs. The future embryo is rapidly moving to the cavity of the genital organ. It is here that he will develop for many months. The woman’s body is fundamentally rebuilt during this period. The future mother has a strong decrease in immunity. It is necessary so that the fetus can be firmly attached and not be torn away. It is against the background of reduced protection that a woman is faced with a variety of diseases. One of them is herpes in the first trimester of pregnancy. Reviews of doctors report that pathology cannot be ignored. It is imperative to contact a specialist and receive the appropriate appointment.

herpes on the lip during pregnancy 1 trimester

Varieties of herpes and its localization

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be of two different types: primary and secondary. The latter is often called recurrent. As many people know, the herpes virus is present in the body of 95 percent of the world's population. However, not everyone is ill with them. Primary herpes is this pathology that appeared for the first time. A relapsing species is a disease that develops repeatedly.

Herpes has two main types: the first and second. They determine the risks of reinfection and the consequences of the disease. Outwardly, you will not be able to independently determine what type of herpes you are dealing with.

By type of localization, herpes on the lip during pregnancy takes first place. 1st trimester is the best time for this virus. Also, pathology can occur on the nose and genitals. The last type of herpes is called genital.

herpes during pregnancy 1 trimester what to do

Symptoms of pathology

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) can have different manifestations. It all depends on the location and type of disease. At the initial infection, a woman may feel an increase in body temperature. If the disease affects the genital area, then itching begins, frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen. Often these manifestations are confused with the threat of abortion or its manifestations.

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy (1 trimester) has slightly different manifestations. A woman may feel itching, tension at the site of the subsequent rash. A few hours after this, bubbles filled with liquid appear. With recurrent herpes, the pathology does not cause any other unpleasant signs, the condition of the future mother does not worsen.

Treat or ignore?

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) is very often ignored by women. Some are sure that nothing bad will happen. Usually, those representatives of the weaker sex who have already repeatedly encountered the problem think so. Indeed, a repeated manifestation of the virus is safer than the initial infection. However, it is necessary to treat it.

Other representatives of the fair sex at the first manifestation of the pathology run to the doctor for a consultation. This is exactly what all expectant mothers should do. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the unborn child. Any infection or medication can adversely affect the fetus.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester)? In fact, the correction lies in a single principle. It is necessary to overcome the virus and stop its reproduction. It is also worth influencing the immune defense of the future mother's body, increasing it. Correction drugs can have oral, intramuscular or topical application. Sometimes the medicine is administered intravenously. However, during pregnancy, this method is excluded.

herpes in 1 trimester of pregnancy reviews

Tablets for oral use

If herpes occurred during pregnancy (1 trimester), what should I do? With a particularly serious pathology, doctors prescribe to the expectant mother preparations for oral administration. In this way, primary infection is corrected.

  • The most popular and long-tested medication is Acyclovir. One capsule of this medicine contains 200 to 400 milligrams of the active substance. This medicine is taken in an individual dosage for 5-10 days.
  • Another new medicine based on acyclovir is Valtrex tablets. According to consumer reviews, this medication helps to cope with the infection in just 3-5 days. However, its cost is many times higher than that of the medication described above.
  • The drug "Farmvir" is another tool that helps to defeat herpes during pregnancy. 1 trimester - this is exactly the period when you should take this drug. It helps to suppress even those strains of the virus that are resistant to Acyclovir. The drug does not affect healthy cells.
  • The medicines that can defeat herpes include Cycloferon, Anaferon, Amiksin, and so on.

Tablets should never be taken on their own. Many of them can cause negative effects on the fetus. The doctor before prescribing such drugs always compares all the pros and cons.

herpes during pregnancy 1 trimester consequences

Topical Medicines

Herpes on the lip and cold sores on the nose during pregnancy (1 trimester) are often adjusted with topical preparations. It can be a variety of ointments, creams, pastes. They are applied directly to the affected area and neighboring healthy area. Most of these medicines do not affect normal tissues. That is why you can not worry that the skin will be negatively affected.

The treatment of herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) is often trusted with the following medicines: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Panavir. Interferon-based formulations are also often used: Viferon, oxolin ointment, Cycloferon. Less commonly used are Givizosh and Triapten. All these compounds are applied to the skin up to 6 times a day. Duration of use can be up to two weeks.

genital herpes during pregnancy 1 trimester

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester): consequences of pathology

Pathology in most cases does not cause serious consequences. If the expectant mother has previously had compassion for this problem, then you can calm down and direct your forces to eliminate relapse. Less dangerous is herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) on the lips secondary. If the problem is determined on the genitals, then the doctors begin to sound the alarm, as fetal infection can occur. When the herpes virus first appeared, this can lead to very serious consequences.

The future baby in this case becomes infected with the virus in utero. It is at this time that the formation of the baby's systems and organs takes place. Herpetic viral infection often causes intrauterine growth retardation, congenital malformations. In the very early stages of pregnancy, bleeding, detachment of the ovum, and miscarriage can begin. Sometimes the disease leads to a frozen pregnancy. That is why it is so important to seek medical attention on time for help. Only a physician can make every effort so that the disease does not affect the future baby.

Reviews of women about herpes infection in early pregnancy

Genital herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be quickly and with minimal risk eliminated with medications. However, their appointment should be done by a doctor. The independent use of certain medications only leads to a deterioration in the well-being of a woman.

Many held mothers report that they had to transfer the herpes virus in the very early stages of pregnancy. However, they promptly drew attention to the problem and consulted a doctor. The use of approved drugs led to recovery, and their babies were born without pathologies and the consequences of the disease.

Expectant mothers say that herpes in the first trimester of pregnancy is very dangerous. Reviews of some women indicate that the onset of the disease led to an abortion. Unfortunately, this happens. That is why, before planning pregnancy, you need to undergo the recommended examinations and, together with your partner, prepare for this crucial stage of your life.

herpes on the nose during pregnancy 1 trimester

Conclusion of the article

You learned what herpes is, how it manifests itself and what it has. It is worth recalling that timely treatment and the use of appropriate drugs can lead to a normalization of your condition. Only your well-being and the absence of the virus in the body guarantee the normal development of the future baby. Good health and easy pregnancy!

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