Having a baby is incredible happiness and a great responsibility. Disputes about raising children and caring for babies have been going on since time immemorial. Experienced educators and pediatricians agree that it is easier to defend a dissertation on how to raise and educate than to raise an only own child. And yet, what is the most important thing in raising children? We will try to collect the most valuable tips and tricks about raising a child in one article.
To raise or raise a child?
Not all parents are fully aware of the responsibility that they take upon themselves, deciding to have children. Most young families find it most difficult to provide children with material and regular care in the first years of life. But actually this is a big mistake. Parents have to fulfill the roles of mom and dad throughout their lives. Moreover, the child needs the greatest support and attention of the family at least until graduation. Each conscious parent sincerely wishes his child only the very best. But remember that it is necessary to raise a child, guided not only by their own desires and dreams. It is useful directly from the moment of the birth of the baby to remember that he is a person, and after years will become a full-fledged adult. The task of parents is to help their child grow up healthy and diversified, and not raise a son or daughter as a “good child”. Parenting is a daily process. Remember that for the baby, his parents are the most important people in his life. Regardless of your own workload, spend some time daily for your child. If you are tired - just chat or play. In no case do not ignore the baby and do not shift his education to third parties!
Psychological microclimate in the family
To implement the correct education of the child, it is necessary to create a favorable basis. The first years of life, the world for the baby is his family. Watching day after day, how adults behave at home, how they relate to each other, the child forms his worldview. Moreover, due to the lack of life experience, the baby cannot rationally evaluate the actions of parents. Everything that they do seems to him unambiguously correct or at least normal. Remember: under no circumstances should you swear and sort things out with a child! It is advisable that the baby, in principle, does not encounter negative emotions and the bad mood of his parents. It is extremely difficult to fulfill this condition, but try never to be frustrated with a child. If you are very tired, upset, or in pain, honestly tell your son or daughter what happened. Believe me, even at the age of 3-4 years, the baby will definitely understand you. Without an explanation of the parents' bad mood, the child might think that the reason is in him - and this is a serious moral trauma. Daily communication, family traditions and holidays are what each of us needs, and children the most. In a calm positive family, there are more chances to raise a happy and healthy child. Try to protect your baby from excessive informational noise and bad news. Even fast and fervent music for children is exclusively suitable for outdoor games and sports activities. It is completely unacceptable to watch “adult” programs, action films and other videos that can harm the fragile psyche of a child.
Ideal environment for development
A preschooler knows about the world around him as much as his parents managed to tell him. In the first years of life, the baby’s world is his room and apartment. Try to conveniently equip the space in which the child lives. Get toys and creative materials suitable for your baby’s age. The ideal rule for choosing children's things is to pay attention to their quality and variety, and not to quantity. Believe me, three different toys will be much more useful and interesting than ten very similar to each other. A child’s room or children's corner should "grow" with his master. Replace furniture if necessary; update your kid’s library and toys from time to time. Be sure to monitor the safety of the house, keep potentially dangerous objects out of the reach of the child.
Nutrition and Physical Development
Raising a child is not only raising him. Of great importance is the care of the baby and maintaining his health. In the first years of life, hygiene procedures are completely carried out by parents. But by the age of 4, the baby should be able to do a lot of things himself: wash, wash hands, and blow his nose. Gradually, the child will learn to take care of himself completely, but his parents will only have to remind from time to time of the implementation of any specific actions. The child’s diet also deserves attention. After a complete transition to “adult” foods, five meals a day should be organized, in which three meals will be the main, and two - snacks. Try to feed your baby in a variety of ways, preferring healthy foods and foods. It is equally important to pay enough attention to the physical development of the child. Exercise daily, play outdoor games and take walks in favorable weather. If you notice that the baby pays special attention to a specific type of physical activity, consider giving it to a suitable sports section.
The main thing is attention and love
In order to educate a worthy member of society and just a good person, it is not necessary to be a child psychologist. The main thing is to love your child and do not be shy to show it to him daily. Hug the baby at every opportunity, encourage his successes and achievements. Treat your child with respect, always listen carefully to his stories and requests. Remember that relationships with a son or daughter must be built from early childhood. The parent-child relationship is useful to replace with equal communication. Of course, we are talking about positive everyday communication. Every day playing with a child, conducting training sessions with him in a playful way, you form a solid foundation of trust for life. You should not raise a child by the method of categorical prohibitions, punishments and constant moralizing. If possible, speak with your baby on equal terms, explaining everything “possible” and “impossible”. Believe me, this strategy is no less effective than the most stringent discipline. Try to let your baby feel protected. What is family? “Parents + child” - this is the best formula, all participants of which should actively participate in each other’s lives and solve all difficulties that arise together.
Preschool education
The topic of early development is very popular among modern parents. How to teach a child at home what he needs to know before entering school? Do not completely shift the educational function to kindergarten or developmental courses. In the format of thematic classes and lessons, the child does not learn much of what parents can tell him during a regular conversation. Try to talk as much as possible with your baby about everything in the world from a very young age. By listening to the questions children ask, you can learn a lot about their interests. The task of parents is to support the child as actively as possible in activities and areas of knowledge that interest him. Who knows, maybe an outstanding designer will really grow out of a young car lover, and a fan of cute animals will become an outstanding veterinarian. Take time to familiarize the kid with various types of art. Painting, sculpture, theater and music for children should be selected taking into account age and personal taste.
Late child
Often with a special attitude in the family are late children. The most common problem is excessive custody. In most families, having babies after thirty is a serious and planned event. Mature parents are responsible for their own health and seek to protect their baby from all potential dangers. Such moms and dads should try to calm down. The basics of parenting must necessarily include familiarity with the child's safety rules. But remember, your baby is not a crystal vase at all . And if every third of your phrases said to the child is a warning or prohibition, then it's time to adjust your behavior. Mature parents should learn to communicate with their own baby on an equal footing, play more and more with him, rather than indicate what and how to do it right. It would seem that all these problems should not be when later children are born in large families. But in this case, not everything is simple, because the younger ones often become favorites in the family. And they grow up spoiled, feeling their own superiority. If there are several children, parents should try to evenly distribute their attention to everyone. It is important to educate children in love for each other and responsiveness.
One child
It's hard to believe, but several decades ago, families with one child were considered strange. Today, many parents do not even think about the birth of children, after the birth of the firstborn. How to organize education if you have one child in the family? Very often, a single baby is brought up in the same way as late-born children. Common Parent Mistakes: Hyper Trust and Excessive Expectations. Child psychologists say that the only children in a family often have problems in relationships with peers. To prevent difficulties in this category, the child should be provided with daily conditions for games with peers. Take a walk on the same playground where your baby can make friends or enroll him in developmental courses. Very often, if one child is born in a family, parents decide not to send him to kindergarten. But remember, this can only be done if the baby has enough friends in the yard or his cousins living next door to you, with whom you can see every day. Do not try to decide everything for the child, on the contrary, gradually parents should reduce their influence in all areas of life. This educational strategy will allow you to raise a child independent and responsible.
Incomplete family
One of the most difficult and sensitive issues is whether it is possible to raise a happy child in a family without a father. Nowadays, many women experience all the joys of motherhood without a husband, and sometimes all alone. How to raise a child if there is no dad in his life? The most important thing for mom in this situation is to personally get rid of complexes associated with their own marital status. You can not pronounce the word "loneliness" and its variations. No matter the circumstances, there are now at least two of you and you are already a family: mother and baby. It is very good if some kind of male relative can help in raising a child: an older brother, uncle or grandfather. But even if such a person is not in your environment, you should not be upset. For the full development of the child, the mother will have to perform the functions of parents of both sexes. The best answer to the question: "How to raise a child without a father and keep up with everything herself?" - From time to time, imagine what an ideal father would do. Develop your child comprehensively, do not be lazy to play sports and play outdoor games with him. If the kid really wants to do some “male” business - get him the appropriate toys, organize a trip to a football match or fishing. In fact, raising a child for mom alone is not so difficult. The most important thing is love and a desire to give your baby everything you need.
We are raising a successful child!
Every third person in adulthood suffers from complexes acquired in childhood. Just think about this number! But where do all these psychological problems come from, if initially all the parents wish only good for their little ones? Thinking about how to teach a child and develop, not all of us think about “such trifles” as everyday communication. Try to remember and learn some simple rules. Never compare your child with other children, especially if the comparison is not in his favor. Critical assessments have no place in the process of home schooling and creative studies. Remember how you rejoiced when the baby learned to walk. How could you scold him or criticize him for taking the first steps imperfectly? It is also necessary to behave in the development of any other activities. Is your baby unevenly coloring? Offer him another coloring book, and be sure to praise him for imperfect. Remind your child as often as possible that you love him, regardless of his successes and behavior. Remember that you can lower the self-esteem of a small person to zero without noticing it. To restore it will require a lot of effort.