Currently, technology is developing very fast, but still the classic version of the book is still a favorite for many people. Of course, some try to read literature in electronic format directly on the computer, in fact, this is not entirely convenient. At the moment, not many people buy booksin specialized stores, because you can’t always find your favorite work, and using a computer and the Internet it’s easy not only to find everything you need, but also to translate the text on paper in the right format. It is today that we decided to talk about how to print a text in a book. We recommend that you format using the famous Microsoft Word editor. If you wish, you can start converting the format in the "Office" itself, only for this the whole layout, as well as the creation of the brochure, will have to be done manually. Not everyone will be able to deal with these complex settings, so it is recommended to use a universal program that can turn any text of a document into a horizontal format, and if you want to solve the problem of how to print a document in the form of a book from pdf, doc and others,then this application will be simply irreplaceable for you.
Special application
At the first stage, you will need to download a special program for typesetting books in Word. This program has the name - "Text layout book". Even if you have a full assembly of Microsoft office suite, most likely, this add-on may not appear on the list, although it is still recommended to check before searching. You can download the program without any problems on any popular software portal. Do not think that you can do without this component, since the question of how to print a document in the form of a book will have to be solved starting with the described step.
Now you should install the program for the layout of brochures in the text editor Word. Many possibilities will be opened before you, more precisely, you will be able to add a large number of different text, use additional comments and illustrations, create new tables, and perhaps most importantly, format the appearance of the document according to special parameters. Using the above add-on for layout, you also have the opportunity to independently set the number of columns on one page. For example, if you need to write a dictionary or a collection of poems, then you can set up appropriate markup. Not many people know how to print text in book form. Word printing on two sides produces without much difficulty, only the necessary components and settings are needed.With ease
The most positive point is that you can even create a complex layout in a short time, and if you need to pause the work, and then continue it again, then simple saving will suffice. When the base is ready and you want to print it, all you have to do is press the “Print” key, after which the creation of a new book will immediately begin. Having mastered the knowledge of how to print a document in the form of a book, and having completed the process, you may find that the number of pages received may be greater than in the original Word document (if illustrations, footnotes or hyphenation were added). We definitely recommend checking all pages, since some may have spaces, everything here first of all depends on the quality of your work. After the book is fully printed,you should take it to the copy center, where they can make its design, as well as binding. Of course, if you do not want to spend money on such services, you can do all the work yourself. How to print a document in the form of a book, you know, but still, compiling it may seem much more complicated.Expert help
If you don’t have a printer at home, but a brochure is urgently needed, then you can seek the services of specialists, because they know how to print a document in the form of a book and arrange it correctly. Although this kind of service may be too expensive, especially if you have a desire to transfer from electronic format to paper, not one book, but several. You can connect the printed book with a stapler.